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"Um Hi," Ken said nervously raising a hand before realizing it probably looked extremely dumb and putting the hand back down letting it rest by his side trying his best to appear confident.

Rekel smiled at him making room for him to sit down closer to her. Ryan glanced up at them grinning a little before it disappeared lucky neither were paying any attention to him. "Hey Ken," Rekel greeted hoping to ease his clear nervousness.

"So uh has um anyone asked you uh yet," Ken asked sitting down his heart racing. His ran a hand through his hair trying to calm down. He didn't get why he was so nervous he barely knew Rekel and yet here he was nervous to ask her a simple question. That had the potential to maybe change something between them.

"Asked me what," Rekel asked trying to sound nice but it came out harsher than she wanted it to. Rekel was tired she need to sleep but she doubted sleep would really reach her anytime soon. She sighed leaning against the couch closing her eyes wishing Ken had talked to her in one of her better moods, but she had a headache and every little noise was making her angrier and angrier. She opened an eye to look at Ken. He was super tense and came across as apprehensive she couldn't figure out why. Her head hurt too much to figure out what he had meant which made her frustrated with herself.

"Oh uh sorry for not making my question uh clear," Ken apologized fiddling with his hands. "Ask-asked you to the-the d-dance." Ken looked at Rekel with hope.

It clicked in Rekel's head she stared into Ken's eyes he had so much hope it was annoying but cute... Not completely sure why Rekel chuckled a little. "No, no one's asked me to the dance," Rekel replied before wincing her head slamming into her head like a hammer. "Why?"

"Oh that's good," Ken muttered trying to hide his own smile. Their eyes were still locked and Ken couldn't help but notice her eyes had little specks of green in them. Her smile was so bright it could lighten up the darkest room. "Well I uh...I was uh..." Ken started to say but got lost in Rekel's smile caused his stomach to feel like butterflies were flying inside making him come across as super jittery.

"Would I..." Rekel trying to edge him on hoping he was going to ask what she thought he was going to ask her and she honestly really hoped he would.

Ken took a few deep breaths trying to calm down. If he freaked out to much his power would get out of control and he wouldn't be able to see. "Would you like um want to like go to the like dance with-with," He closed his eyes not wanting the answer to come but also wanting to know what her answer would be.

Rekel's face shone with joy her headache going away for a little bit. She stood up feeling renewed with energy. "I would love to go to the dance with you, Ken," Rekel offered her hand to Ken squeezing her eyes closed and smiling the brightest Ken had seen.

Ken was glad he had opened his eyes when she answered. He became less tense and smiled equally as big as Rekel's smile, taking her hand. He felt super giddy now that it was over. Biting his lip he gave Rekel a hug which amazed. "Sorry and uh thanks," Ken said letting her go. She waved it off before saying goodbye. He waved as she left feeling twenty times more confident than before.

"So Rekel," Ryan asked from behind Ken with an eyebrow raised. Ken jump spinning around and facing Ryan. Kens face slowly turned red and he glanced at the ground but still couldn't get the stupid grin on his face.

"Yeah," Ken said looking up at Ryan with a huge smile.

Ryan patted his shoulder kindly. "I'm proud of you."


"Ugh I hate history," Kayley complained while they were doing an assignment in class. She of course hadn't done any of it.

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