The Mall

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"I am so excited!" Barbara squealed as they walked out off campus. Freya squealed in response squeezing Barb's arm as they did a weird excited dance with each other.

"What's so exciting about shopping," Kayley asked mad she was dragged into this.

"Well unlike you, we enjoy shopping," Barbara spat rolling her eyes at Kayley.

"I think it's cool they have a set day for everyone to go buy their dresses for the dance. And we have to go to another island for it since this one only has the school." Addie said keeping on eye on Kayley. "So at least we all get to see something new."

"I did some research before coming to the academy on the mall at the island we are going to. And I know exactly which shop we are going to first," Freya explained proudly. Everyone raised an eyebrow at her dedication towards shopping. If dedication was the word to describe her need to research about the malls.

Kayley looked at her shocked. "Your weird," she said bluntly. She didn't want to go shopping it was dumb and totally what prissy girls did. The worst part was it wasn't Barbara or Freya who had dragged her along it was Addie. Kayely thought she could trust her, but she was sorely mistaken.

Addie was her best friend at school and she was also excited about shopping she said, "Come on, it will be fun besides its way fun to try on big fluffy dresses." Kayley rolled her eyes at the memory.

All the girls had a date beside Kayley which only made Kayley feel like there was no need for her to do dress shopping since she wasn't going to go to some dumb dance. But Addie insisted and here she was walking with everyone else towards the boat that would bring them all to the other island where they could go shopping.

"Kayley!" someone shouted from behind them. A voice Kayley knew all too well smiling Kayley turned around towards Chris who was running towards them.

"Hey," Kayley greeted when he came to a stop in front of her. He shouldn't have been out of bed, he was doing way better and came across as to be okay, but Kayley suggested he stay in bed one more day to be safe. He of course didn't listen he never did like being cooped up in his bed for a long period of time.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" he asked panting. Kayley looked to the other making sure he was talking to her.

"Talk away, Chris, talk away." Kayley said putting her hands in her pockets. It was a weekend so they could wear normal clothes and Kayley was happy to be in jeans instead of a skirt.

"Umm..." Chris said, glancing at the other girls looking a little uncomfortable. "Could we maybe talk alone like without all of 'em?"

Kayley tilted her head a little confused as to why he couldn't say it in front of them. She glanced back at the others and they all nodded and Addie gave her a thumbs up. "Yeah I guess," Kayley responded unsure of what was taking place at the moment, but it seemed important to him and she couldn't take that away.

Chris nodded and gestured for her to follow. Kayley walked beside him as the continued against the flow of traffic. Once they were out of earshot from of everyone heading towards the boats. Chris turned to face Kayley who had her arms folded looking at him expectantly. "What's it you want to talk about?" Kayley looked at him quickly noticing how nervous he came across as. She did her best to soften her expression and unfolded her hands to ease away what might have came across as anger. However, now she was unsure what exactly to do with her hands.

The silence was awkward as Kayley fiddled with her position. First she placed her hands in her pockets before taking them back out and folding them. Them she unfolded them again and grabbed her right arm with her left behind her body rocking on her feet. It still didn't come across as satisfying so she placed her hands on her hips and looked at him expectantly.

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