We All Have Weaknesses

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The light remained on after the three dudes had left. They all sat in silence all lost in their own thoughts. Most on what was going to happen to them or what if anyone had noticed they were missing.

Kayley a bit sick of silence decided to voice her thoughts, "Does the other side of your guys power terrify you." She slide back to the ground leaning against the wall hugging her knees staring at the ground.

"The other side of our power? What do you mean," Freya asked confused.

"Like the side affects to our powers," Kayley explained resting her chin on her knees.

"Mine sometimes scares me." Ken said softly. "I mean like imagine being able to see one day and the following day you see nothing. It-it's terrible and scary especially when I was younger. Sometimes I'm worried it could get worse and I lose my sense of hearing or something like that," Ken admitted.

Everyone looked at Ken with sympathy. "That's rough Ken," Rekel said sweetly looking up at him. He sat down sitting towards where no one was sitting no one said anything since they knew he couldn't see what direction he was sitting. "I'm an insomniac. Sleep isn't easy to find and when I do get to sleep it's restless, but I need it to survive, it's not threatening or anything because there is only like a point five percent chance I would die from it. Not bad but definitely affects my life style which is a pain," Rekel said shrugging her shoulders looking like if she could simply closed her eyes she would be asleep in a second.

"What's your Kayley? I mean you asked so shouldn't you tells us," Barbara said point accusingly at Kayley.

"I simply asked a yes or no question not to explain but whatever." Kayley grumbled to herself before saying the rest loud enough for everyone to hear her voice quivering. "I guess it's fair. I have...well the medical term is Neuroblastoma." Most of them gave her a blank stare. "I have cancer," she clarified those who were confused they made an "0" shape with their mouths nodding. Kayley didn't explain why having cancer scared her it was pretty clear why. Cancer was something they have recently started finding a way to slow it down but nothing was definite to stop it.

"Gosh mine sounds pathetic compared to your guys," Freya said dramatically. "I am super duper color blind. Which is why my clothes are organized in a certain way so I will wear something that matches," She said proudly.

"I have ADHD." Barbara said shrugging like it wasn't that big of a deal.

"I'm in a wheelchair." Christian said gesturing to his chair. Everyone laughed, it was refreshing especially since they were in a bad situation and talking about a heavy subject.

"Well mine is called Fibromyalgia," Iris said everyone beside Ryan and Kayley looked confused since they had never heard of it. Iris sighed, "Basically I have over sensitive nerves that makes it so I'm constantly in pain but the pain goes away when I'm using my power. It doesn't scare me but it sucks."

"Mine is motion sickness." Ben said proudly like it was a superb thing but he definitely had the best part of the deal.

"I have a condition similar to Iris's. Also Ken your facing the wall not the group." He said patting Kens back before helping him face the rest of the group that was in a circle. "The condition is called Os-Osteo-Osteogenesis Imperfect-fecta. Basically I have weak bone marrow it makes it so I'm sometimes in huge pain which why I was sick for a while but I'm doing better now." he explained with a straight face. "Also my bones can break super easy so I have to be careful."

"Wow, I never realized the other side of the powers had such a big effect on everyone," Kayley said releasing her legs glancing at everyone. "So what about you guys: Ryan, Liam, and Addie,"

"Well as you all know I have shape shifting and well it's not like anyone else's side effect when I shift I tend to slowly forget myself and become more of an animal, not only if I've been an animal for an extended time when I turn back I have a bit of amnesia afterwards but it come back rather quickly and it's not that severe it's just aftermath from shape shifting," Addie explained making hand motions to try to help prove her point.

"So basically, you have a hard time remembering yourself and are a bit forgetful." Ken summarized trying to make sense of her description.

"Yeah basically," Addie agreed. They all turned towards Liam not expecting Ryan to participate or give them the satisfaction of knowing.

"I'm not saying mine," Liam said glowering.

"Oh come on everyone else said theirs yours can't be much worse than the rest of us," Kayley encouraged pushing his shoulder nicely. He glared at her and she raised her hands and leaned away from him muttering an apology.

"I'm not saying it," Liam said glaring at everyone trying to sound scary so they back off it sadly it didn't work.

"Oh come on dude everyone else has done it beside you," Ken said staring at Addie as if were Liam was standing. "Oh and sorry about not being good at telling where everyone is I'm so yoosta using my power that without it I have a difficult time telling where everyone is."

"I'm not the only one who hasn't done it what about Ryan are you going to make him tell us," Liam asked defensively. They all glanced at Ryan who came across as to not be paying any attention. They all waved it off and stared Liam down. "I'm not doing it if Ryan isn't." They glanced at Ryan but they all know it was a hopeless cause. Addie sighed standing up and walking towards him. Standing on her tiptoes she whispered something in Liam's ear his eyes widened and he gave a grudgingly nod. "Fine I have nyctophobia," he folded his arms turning his head from the group looking embarrassed.

Kayley was the first one to react she filled the dreadful room with laughter as she hugged her stomach rocking back and forth. "So what your saying is while Ken is blind, I have cancer, Chris's bones suck, Addie has amnesia problems, and Rekel is an insomniac you are afraid of the dark. Not only is it not a miniature fear but it's bad enough to call it a phobia. That is hilarious and super unfair." She said the last few words gravely staring at Liam intently.

After that they felt comfortable enough for other discussion to break out. And with Chris's help Ken and Chris walked over to Ryan pushing Ken to the other side of Ryan. Kayley was flooding Addie with question about hers trying to understand it more. Freya and Barbara were talking about how ugly the place was and how the leaders could touch the place up. Ben and Christian were talking about what they though Ryan's might be and hiding behind each other when Ryan would glare at them. Lastly Iris and Liam were talking about the important problems like how might be able to get out of there. Each would join another's conversation when the topic interested them before returning to their original conversation. 

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