I Hate High Pitched People

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Rekel stood with the other people sighing tiredly as she took a sip of the rest of her hot chocolate. She frowned at her cup crushing it in her hands angrily, Ryan glanced at her rolling his eyes. The high pitched annoying girl named Maddy approached them with her blinding smile. "Thanks, this will only take a while and then you can go to your dorm," She said swinging her arms back and forth.

"First we are going to give your guys you teams schedules there will be twelve so each person can have one. So when your names are called can you please come grab them," Henry said his face remained blank. Rekel and Ryan both liked him a lot more he wasn't loud or annoying. "Becky and Jordan." Two people came up and grabbed them before stepping back and letting others come by. "Sally and Toby, Sami and Kevan, Summer and Taylor, Bennett and Tyler, Rekel and Ryan."

Ryan and Rekel glanced at each other. "Do you want to get it," Rekel asked her eyes dropping. Ryan rolled his eyes going and grabbing the schedules before returning to Rekel. As they continued to call names Rekel decided to sit down playing with her jacket sleeves. Ryan stood there with his hand in his pockets looking extremely annoyed and bored.

Finally they were done, getting Rekel's attention. "Now we are simply going to show you guys around and we'll take you to your dorms. Sound good?...Good." Maddy said while Rekel tried her hardest not to cover her ears. Everyone nodded in agreement and made their way out. Rekel and Ryan were last because he wasn't paying attention and Rekel was still on the floor and didn't want to move. He noticed when the last were trickling out offering a hand to Rekel.

"Thank you," She said taking his hand standing up he simply nodded putting his hands back in his pockets. They followed the rest of the group not at all trying their hardest to catch up. They would stop and look at the pictures and read the posters, they had silently agreed not knowing where everything was, was better than having to deal with Maddie and her loud personality. "So...your Ryan," Rekel said trying to break the silence. He didn't exactly respond more of gave her a distasteful look before going back to looking at a picture was promoting the fight club. She understood reaction; it's how she would react if she wanted someone to shut up.

Sadly they caught up with the group not to longer the group had stopped while, chipmunk, Maddy talked about what was down the hall had a giant one over it. "This is where all the history classes will be. And if you look at your schedule it will say 1-A or 1-B and tell which class you are in. Each class is numbered way." She said cheerfully as Rekel rubbed her temples to prevent a headache.

They continued onward when Rekel came to erupt stop letting the rest of the group go on without her. She walked towards a vending machine full of soda. Ryan also noticed so he stopped watching her. She slipped in a dollar into the machine before plugging in the number 874. A muffled clank followed and Rekel crouched down grabbing out a can of Sprite. She stood back up cracking it open before taking a sip.

She grimaced looking disgusted. "Gross," She muttered before shrugging and continuing towards the group. "Nowhere near as delicious as the hot chocolate I was having, but it will do its job," She said half to herself and half to Ryan.

Ryan didn't react and simply kept watching her but not in a weird stockery way but in an observant way like he was trying to understand her without having to talk to her at all. She didn't mind though in fact she had a feeling they would get along well. She also had a feeling they wouldn't be the best leaders because neither like to talk to people or have someone talk to them all. She did wish he would respond in any sort of way when she spoke, whether it was a nod or a grunt, it would make her feel less like she was talking to herself.

Shrugging she started to walk Ryan walking alongside her. They did their best to stay behind again but it didn't work when Maddie waved them over and tried to have a conversation with them. Neither responded hoping the silent treatment would get her away. Slowly it drove her off.

The rest of the tour was Rekel and Ryan hating Maddy's voice and wishing she would simply shut up. Rekel would take a sip of the sprite sighing as she wished she had some hot chocolate. The tour took them an hour and Rekel was sure neither of them were paying attention which she would probably regret tomorrow.


Rekel opened the door to the girls dorm finding them all lounging around talking. Rekel waved at them joining the circle. "So what's your name," a girl with bright shiny blond hair asked. She was easily the prettiest girl in the room. She had a bright true smile it only made her beauty double.

All the girls heads turned to Rekel curious, well except Kayley who already knew. "I'm Rekel Berry, what all your guys names," Rekel asked back.

The blond who had spoken first, was sitting on Rekel's left, introduced herself first. "My name is Addison Hill but I go by Addie." As she spoke Rekel got a better look at her, she had her hair pulled into loose side braid. It was pretty long, but not as long at Rekel's, she had chestnut colored eyes. She was fit, giving her the aura that she was stronger than she looked. She acted like the most sensible person there.

Kayley was after they all looked at her waiting for her to introduce herself. Sighing she says, "Even though you already know I'm Kayley Anderson, howdy." Kayley waved and Rekel waved back.

Following was a girl with long dark red hair. She had a bit of a chubby baby face with a little too much makeup. "I'm Freya Fisher, I love your hair." Freya said her voice was high pitched and squeaky give Rekel another headache. She smiled anyways thanking her, as she self-consciously touching her hair.

Following was a girl with dull dirty blond hair she had a similar amount of makeup on as Freya. Her voice was an equally annoying pitched as Freya's. "I'm Barbara Rogers, I also love your hair. It's so shiny and looks so fluffy. What shampoo do you use?" Rekel moved her hair thanking her and letting her in on the secret to her nice hair.

Last was the girl on Rekel's right. The girls hair was similar length to her own it was light brown showing signs of having a bit of a natural curl. She had brown eyes with a bit of an evil gleam in them. "My name is Iris Taylor," she said, her voice wasn't high pitched but still held the bratty sort of tone. She held herself like she was better than anyone else in the whole wide world.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you all. What were you talking about before I walked in," Rekel asked feeling bad for interrupting.

"Oh, we were telling each other about our powers. What's yours," Barbara asked leaning in curious and excited.

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