This Brought Us Super Close

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Rekel leads Ken towards their section of gardening. He tripped over objects even though she had led him around the objects. "I'm sorry, Rekel, I have no idea what's going on," Ken said looking down at the ground. Rekel sighs and continues onward not answering him.

"I hate how they act like they can treat us like servants, no slaves and not to mention they split us up from the only people we knew. Also gardening they have a thing for gardening, this is so stupid," Rekel muttered angry at the people in charge. Rekel pulled him down to the ground getting ready to go.

"Well Ryan did say this was a slave trading place. What were you expecting us to be treated nicely? And of course there is a farming area what would you expect," Ken answered reaching his hands out looking for the plants. "Ummm....Rekel is this what I'm supposed to be pulling or is this the plant that is supposed to be staying in the ground."

Rekel sighed grading his wrist, her hand tingling. She pushed it a little to the left and up quite a bit. "Pull this Ken and I'll lead you towards the upcoming weed." Rekel rolled up her sleeves looking around at the people now realizing how terrible they all looked.

Everyone around they were way to skinny like they hadn't had a real meal in years. Which was probably true for some little kids were working together to pull out one simple weed. They were around the age of four to eight and were covered in dirt you could barely make out anything about them. Not only were there younger kids there but also super ancient people. It was even worse for them because they clearly were already in terrible health without the help of the slave people. Rekel felt sick and wished she was like Ken and couldn't see any of it.

"This place is terrible. Everyone... they-they're dying," Rekel whispered to Ken tears welding up in her eye. "We-we gotta help them Ken this is terrible. How-how could someone be this cruel."

"I'm-I'm sorry Rekel this must be the worst," Ken reached towards and once he found her he gave her a hug trying to comfort her. Releasing he looked at her holding her head in his hands. "Do-do you think this is how all slaves in history were treated,"

Rekel frowned, "I do think so."

Ken nodded a look of determination. "I have a feeling they send the weaker looking people here which means they underestimated us we will definitely get them out of here but to do so we need to finish our own chores." He took his hands off Rekel face. Rekel was grateful he couldn't see her blush.

They continued on surviving the harsh condition silently finding joy in each others company and planning an escape. They also tried to do the work quickly but efficiently so they could help those who actually needed their help. Ken knew he wasn't all that helpful but Rekel rarely complained and happily helped him with the work guiding him everywhere. Ken knew for the rest of his life he would never forget her and how she was so kind and helpful. He hoped one day he could be like her, especially to return the favor towards her.

At the end of everyday they would return to their cage where they were given a dried out roll to share with each other. They would enjoy it happily. Ken would tell her about a book he had read before or idea for a book he could write. He would rant about stuff sometimes even would accidentally starting telling her his worries about whether she truly liked him or she was simply being nice to spare his feelings. She wouldn't saying anything but would listen leaning her head on his shoulder. And sometimes she would somehow find a bit of restful sleeping thanks to him.

When Ken didn't want to talk Rekel would take her turn. She rarely knew what to talk about, he always had something to say, she always preferred to listen to people. In fact she loved listening to people's problems and helping them solve it. Sometimes she knew she wasn't the best listener but talking would mean she could say something idiotic or awkward. However with Ken he would listen and ask questions. He would laugh at the dumb stuff she would say like it was the best joke he had ever heard which to him it was. He, somehow, always knew how to relate it to something and keep the conversation flowing. He was the perfect company for Rekel and she was appreciative she was stuck with him out of everyone in the group.


Iris stood before the slave owners grinning wickedly. "So do we have a deal?"

He nodded leading Iris down a hall to a private room filled with computers. To the left the computer screens held live footage of what was going on inside Anguis Vassalage. On the right it was news from the outside world and video's of the school Iris goes to. In the center there was a large screen that was dead asleep. The Leader, Hank, walked over moving the mouse the TV coming alive. He then proceeded to type a few things into the screen until the Black Beauty appeared on the screen.

"You have news?" She asked looking down upon the four in the room.

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