Here We Go

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The plane landed roughly making those who didn't listen to the pilot stumble around. Kayley leaned back in her seat gripping the arm rest tightly. Her breathing wasn't regular, they were slow and shallow. She also had a major headache her eyes were squeezed so tight they were close to tears.

The plane came to a complete stop and the intercom came on, "Thank you for flying with us today. A few things before we let you off. First things first your luggage will be brought to your school so don't worry about it, but do grab the bags you brought in here. When you get off there will be a few people with a sign says Alia Academy go to it and do what they tell you to do. is all have a great day! Over and out," the lady on the intercom instructed sweetly.

Excitement buzzed through the air as the students on the plane grabbed their belongings and began to exit. Kayley stayed where she was because her belongings were in the back and she was in the front. Kayley didn't want to go against the flow of traffic so instead she chose to wait it out.

"Hey Kayley! Whats up," A cheerful voice asked. Kayley slowly opened her eyes turning her head towards the voice.

Ken was standing there smiling holding up her bag and book. Kayley smiled with gratitude. "Thanks Ken." She said standing slowly her head screaming in pain. She placed a hand on her head closing her eyes for a second before opening them again glancing at Ken. He looked at her a little confused but chose not to ask instead he gestured for her to go in front of him. She stepped in front of him and they made their way to the exit and towards the sign holder in silence. Chris stayed behind them fearing if Kayley saw him she would yell at him since had always been her way of showing her frustration.


They arrived at a dock were they were all loaded onto a giant boat. They weren't the only ones getting on the boat other kids were as well. Some would head to friends and chat away. Kayley guessed they weren't going here for the first time because those who were inexperienced did little to no talking amongst the people they had came their with. Kayley had found some pain medicine in her bag and took it, the pain slowly faded making her sigh. Once they were on the boat Kayley tried to talk to Chris to let him know she wasn't mad at him like he probably thought and to also apologize for getting so worked up over nothing. After searching for a while and not being able to find him she gave up frustrated because she knew he was avoiding her. But, if he wasn't ready to talk she had no choice but to respect .

Ken was pulled between talking with Chris and Kayley. It was a struggle for him so he tried to cheer up, Chris, because he came across as distressed he had ruined his relationship with Kayley. "Chris yuh guys are like the best of friends. How could one little thing like destroy your relationship and avoiding her isn't going to make it any better," Ken said patting his friends back. Chris looked unconvinced so he added, "You girlfriend still loves you."

Chris tensed his face brightening up. "She isn't my girlfriend she's a super exceptional friend," Chris stuttered out. Ken chuckled nodding knowingly. "Never mind you won't listen to me anyways so I'm going to ignore you." Ken simply nodded in agreement.


Kayley found some seats that gave an amazing view of the water and the island they were heading towards. A blond girl walked towards Kayley. She was smiling and came across as to be friendly so Kayley resisted the urge to glare since she wanted to be left alone for a little while. "Is this space saved for anyone," she asked gesturing towards the seat closer to her.

Kayley shook her head. "Go ahead," Kayley said going back to looking at the sea. She nodded taking a seat watching the sea as well.

"I'm Addie by the way. What is your name?" She asked keeping her eyes on the water.

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