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Ken listened to the guards yelling and metal hitting metal. He wanted to know what was going on but he still couldn't uses his power, so there was no point in going towards the noise to find out because he would know just as much as he did know. "Hey Rekel, do you know what's going on over there," He asked pointing his best towards where he thought the noise was coming from.

Rekel frowned at him looking towards the direction he was pointing. He was a little off but there were guards running in the direction of the mines with weapons in hand. She began to describe to him what she saw the best she could acting as his eyes. He listened intently asking questions when he wanted her to describe a part more. He wanted all the details which was hard to give, but Rekel did her best. "Thanks Rekel," He said smiling in her direction. She smiled back squeezing his hand.

"Your Welcome Kenny. Now lets see if we can get closer, to see if we can figure out what is going on inside the mines." Rekel says grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the noise, Ken nods trusting her completely.

Rekel walked cautiously towards the mines making sure to lead Ken around object on the ground, objects he would most definitely trip over. He still did trip anyways, but got up right away and continued on like nothing had happened. There were guards pushing towards the fighting against, what must have been, the miners. Rekel caught a glimpse of the shiniest, long blond hair she had ever seen running into the mine with a guy who had super shaggy hair, his hair having not seen a hairbrush in a long time. Rekel wondered if it was who she thought they were. "Ken I think I saw Addie and Ryan go into the mines do we follow," Rekel asked him hiding behind a cart of rare stones. Peeking over the cart watching everything unfold.

"Your in charge. Can we get in without getting hurt," Ken replied wisely. Rekel sighed looking at the scene playing out already plotting out a path they could get through if Ken were not to trip.

"We could do it, but... you cannot trip at all and you must do exactly what I tell you to do," Rekel ordered. Ken nodded taking a deep breath before grinning happily at her ready for the unpredictable path ahead of them. "Okay stay low for now." They scurried towards the entrance Ken doing his best to follow her orders to the dots. Rekel smiled each time he did so saving their lives in the process. A Guard yelled charging towards them, Rekel tensed unsure what exactly to do.

Ken's foot ran into something partially making him trip, a cry came from his right it sounded a lot like it was heading towards them. Quickly he reached down grabbing the cold surface of something metal. He swung it towards the sound of the footsteps hoping it wouldn't hit Rekel. The Metal came in contact with another metal object making a loud 'clunk' sound. The guard huffed in annoyance releasing pressure from the object in Ken's hand. "Up Ken," Rekel cried in fear. Ken followed her instruction raising it up blocking another hit. Each time the guard decided to strike Rekel told him were to hold the object.

Rekel stood behind him giving him instruction all the while looking for another sword to help him out. There laid a hunting knife a couple feet away, but it was by some other people fighting and she would have to leave Ken's side. She saw an opening in the guards defense but didn't know how to tell Ken how to take advantage of the guards openings so remembering the tiny bit she had learned at the school and from the defense class her parents had made her take. Rekel made a mental note to thank them if she ever got the chance.

She jumped out from behind Ken taking the weapon out of his hand and lunging towards the opening and knocking him over and knocking him out. Nodding in satisfaction she handed the sword to Ken telling him to wait for a quick second while she grabbed the knife and continued into the mine now with a bit more protection.

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