>Thanksgiving Special<

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Rekel starred at the illuminated computer screen glancing at the time on the bottom right corner.
She sigh for it was only my two o'clock in the morning.

She tried to remember why today was so important glancing around her office trying to remember luckily she had a calendar near by the the computer light up enough for her to read. It was thanksgiving the day to commemorate the pilgrims who sailed across the sea to be free.

Yawning she stretched before slouching back over and continuing her work for the holidays could wait but her work could not especially since she had already procrastinated it long enough and she couldn't sleep once again. 

Couple hours later.... The sunlight streamed into Rekel's room slowly brightening the room. The only thing to be heard in her room was the rapid clicking of keys on the keyboard and the gentle hum of the computer.

"Honey lets go we are going to be late to the meeting." Rekel's mother called from the kitchen.
Rekel looked at the time surprised. She hasn't realized that the time had flew by so fast.

"Just a second Becky and I will be done," Rekel replied quickly finishing the report. She quickly changed into a official looking outfit and stormed through her hair with a comb before pulling it into a tight bun and grabbing her computer and purse before leaving her office before rushing back in and slipped on her shoes checking to make sure she had her make up with her to apply in the car.

When she reached her mother she looked ready for the meeting her mother handed her an apple as they made their way towards the car.

The drive was silent Rekel doing her best to cover up the bags under her eyes from all the restless sleep whether from all the work she had or from just no being able to fall asleep in general.

"Umm Becky if it is okay for me to ask are we doing anything for Thanksgiving besides business?" Rekel whispered as her mother parked the car in front of the faint intimidating building where Rekel was to instruct her first meeting.

"David and I will be at meetings but you will be free to celebrate that silly holiday if all your work is done." Becky replied getting out of the car grabbing her brief case making Rekel feel stupid for bring her purse and not a brief case.

After many meetings and car rides, Rekel played on the couch exhausted she didn't have the energy the change into more comfy of clothing all she could do was lay there but she could sleep no matter how tired she was. Sleep never came and it wouldn't for quite some time. She didn't want to celebrate Thanksgiving without her parents again but the never had time for thing they were always busy especially on holidays.


Addi woke up to people screaming she rolled over slamming a pillow over her face pretending that she wasn't suppose to be the one to break up the fights that happened at the orphanage but as the eldest kid there it was her responsibility or at least that was what the caretaker told her to do. So much for a caretaker.

"Isn't the caretaker suppose to take care of this sort of thing not me," Addi grumbled getting out of bed and heading to the main room where the yelling was coming from the kids had all taken sides by the time she got there but that didn't matter they had woken her up from her sleep and she was not all to happy about it.

She gave all of them the motherly disappointed look making them a look really guilty before apologizing to her and to each other before going back to whatever they were probably doing before.

"Addi are we going to do anything for Thanksgiving?" a little girl asked pulling on her shirt Addi squared down to her eye level smiling happily.

"You better believe it Sally," Add I said before standing up and speaking louder. "I talked to the caretaker and she said she would buy us food to make for Thanksgiving diner," all the kids cheered but Addi gave them all the look and they went quiet ready to listen to the rest. "But only if we clean the whole house and get the rest of our chores done before 5 o'clock. So lets get working."

All the kids trained standing up and starting to do their chores. As they did it Addi invented games and activities that made the clean more fun and exciting.

At 5 o'clock the care taker showed up walking throughout the rooms inspecting them. The kids all held there breathes during the whole thing hopping they would pass and get a feast for dinner.

"It will have to do. Addi, Fred, and Greg come help me bring the food in." the caretaker announced and everyone erupted into cheers they were going to be eating like kings tonight or least in their eyes.

The food was quickly made and they all sat around the table stuffing their faces with food talking and being happy. As the dinner drew to an end Addi got all of their attention and told them that they were going to go around in a circle.and say a least on thing they were grateful for.

Addi started, "I am grateful for you guys and what a great family you all are." Everyone cheered getting out of their seating and jumping into a group huge around Addi.

After a little while they all refined to those seat all telling them what they were grateful and has glad that they were put into this orphanage.


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