Chapter Seventeen: Eternal

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Merilyn marched to the front door, knocked three times then waited. Merilyn threw her best impression of someone who's not angry at Andy's mom.

"Hi, Mrs. Miller, is Andy home?" She made sure to smile.

"Oh, hello, Merilyn. He doesn't want visitors, though."

"He's been out for almost a week. Can I try to talk to him, please?" Merilyn pleaded.

Mrs. Miller hesitated, biting her bottom lip, finally deciding to let her in, she moved out of the doorway. Merilyn smiled wide, going up the stairs and stopping behind Andy's door. She knocked.

"Andy, it's me. I came to see how you're doing."

No reply.

"Andy, please talk to me. I miss you, I miss my best friend."

No reply.

"I know this is hard for you, Andy. And I'm sorry it has to be like that. But life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean we have to go through it alone. You loved him, and maybe you still do. You shouldn't feel bad for that, you shouldn't cry over someone who isn't willing to try for you." Merilyn heard footsteps, each step louder. She took two steps back.

The door opened, and they stared at each other. Andy pierced his lips together, his jaw quivering and eyes watering.

"Oh, Andy," Merilyn whispered, wrapping him in a hug, Andy sobbing into her shoulder. She patted his back.

When she got Andy to stop crying, they laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Merilyn's tear-stained blouse started to dry.

"You love him?" She asked.

Andy took a minute to reply.

"It only lasted for two months, almost three. We sat on the beach for the most of it; we read books; I watched him surf; we were each other's first."

Merilyn looked at him.

"It didn't happen on the beach."

She turned back to the ceiling.

"He may have been the first person I've experienced love with, and you can't take that feeling back, no matter how it ended. It feels like years from now I'll still love him, not like I do now, but it feels eternal. Yes, I love him. I think I'll always love him the way I do for awhile."

"So what are you going to do?" Merilyn asked.

Andy turned to Merilyn, "I don't think it's up to me."

"When does he leave?" Merilyn asked.

"He sent me a text telling me he leaves on Monday."

Andy had no idea why Shawn texted him that, as if he had a say in this. But he was being the selfish asshole here, not Andy. But he thought Merilyn had a point. So he took a deep breath and stood in silence. He had to let Shawn go.

It was Monday. Today was the last day Shawn was here, and from what Andy can tell, Shawn didn't come to school today. What did that mean? He was probably already packed and on the road. Andy had decided to let Shawn go, just like he decided almost two months ago–until he walked back into his life. But it was better this way, Andy would like to think it was for the better anyways.

Andy opened his locker and he noticed something fall to the ground; a letter from Shawn. Andy picked it up, unfolded it and read it.

Andy Miller,

like the waves, you crashed into my heart. Thanks for giving me the best time of my life. And the best summer experience I'll never forget; I'll remember it as if it was my last. Goodbye.

-Shawn L.

Andy smiled, folding the letter again, placing it in his locker.

* * * * *

The waves crashed. The seagulls squawked. The sand was warm. Andy watched Shawn surf the waves, falling over so many times it wasn't funny anymore. Andy had stopped reading, setting the book in the sand. Shawn was swimming to the shore, dragging his surf board along. Shawn smiled, Andy smiled back. Andy loved him so much. So much it will probably hurt him. But he wasn't going to worry about that. He was going to enjoy this summer.

* * * * *

Andy had woken up. The smell of coffee hit his nostrils. He rubbed his eyes with his fists, yawned and looked at the empty spot in his bed. He saw Shawn, smiling, looking right into his own eyes.

That's why he didn't enjoy mornings.

The end.

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