Chapter Three- Back to the Comfort Zone

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I sat in Mr. Tucker's class finishing up my notes for the day, I surprisingly missed the monotony that school was. My life had been so crazy for the whole time since I moved here, it was nice to not have anything to do but go to school. "Niall, please come to me before you leave this class," Mr. Tucker said in a stern voice, I nodded in response. I wrapped up the notes on osmosis and diffusion and packed my things into my bag, walking to his desk.

"How are you doing, Niall," he whispered, I smiled fondly, "good, good." He returned the expression and took off his glasses, "that's wonderful, I noticed that you were having a really rough time here, but that's all over now, right," he questioned. I caught my lips between my teeth, although Mr, Tucker was the first friend I made here, he was still a teacher, and I couldn't tell him everything. "I wouldn't necessarily say, 'all over,' but for the most part, yeah," I whispered, he nodded in delight, "well I hope everything works out for you." I walked out of the room with a grin on my face, a mixture of what Mr. Tucker said and walking to meet Zayn made me ecstatic.

So many things had changed around this school, no one really bothered me anymore, after the whole school saw how quickly Zayn could completely rearrange a face, they decided to lay off. Zayn didn't hide the way he felt about me anymore, which I absolutely loved with all of the affection that came along with it. "Hey baby," Zayn greeted as I rounded the corner of the ever-so-familiar brick wall, "hi, Zayn," I beamed.

He laced his fingers with mine as we headed up to the parking lot, "so how was everything today, babe," he asked," everything was good." He unlocked the car and sat in the drivers seat, "that's good, you ready for class today," he questioned and pecked my lips, putting the key in the ignition. "Yeah, I missed art, I might be rusty," I chuckled, "you'll be fine Nialler."


Zayn stood at the front of the classroom, waiting for all of the students to fill up the chairs. He suddenly clapped his hands together, gaining the attention of everyone in the room, "okay everyone," he started, "today I want to see the makeup."

His cryptic words made everyone's heads cock to the side, "as in makeup, I mean, the makeup of something, the veins. I want to see your interpretation of what you think the makeup is, take it in whatever direction you please, and have fun." I started immediately, having the perfect idea, "what are you going to do for yours, Niall," Eleanor asked with a glance.

I peered over at her paper, "I think mine is pretty basic, I'm doing four different types of veins; human, river, city, and like an ant hill or something." I looked over at her again, "I'm not sure about it yet," she started to draw a light line that looked like a distorted oval. "I think I'm gonna do a face with makeup on it, something simple." I started on the piece and saw Zayn walking around observing the students as they worked, as he usually did. He got to me and stopped, being everything but subtle, he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"This looks really good, Nialler," he kissed my neck, "you aren't rusty at all." I laughed, "yeah whatever, there is nothing on the paper," he pecked my cheek and walked off. I then pulled my phone out of my pocket, feeling the text message send vibrations through my leg. It was probably Liam texting about when I was going to come help move things, or my mom sending pictures of the scenery.

'Hello son, guess who got a cellphone instead of those annoying prison phones. Haha, I'm gonna stop by and make sure you aren't up to anything while your mother is gone. See you soon.'


"You did good today, Ni, I told you that you wouldn't be rusty," I blushed, accompanied with a cheesy grin, "thank you Zayn. I tugged at my lip with my teeth as I pushed to door to my house opened and walked alongside Zayn to my room, he always had this aura about him that made me feel like a little school girl.

I guess I was close enough to it, I am in school and I do like boys, same difference. "Hey guys, can I get the key to your house so we can go ahead and take some stuff over there," Liam asked, Zayn quickly tossed it and refitted his hand together with Niall's. "We'll be back guys," Josh ensured as he and Liam walked out of the door to the house. Zayn almost immediately turned to face me with his signature, 'Zayn,' stare, the one where he's just being himself, but he looks immensely fuckable while doing it.

"What's wrong," he questioned, "nothing why," I said, taking a seat on my bed, "because you're staring at me the way that Niall does when he wants something." The corners of his mouth slowly tugged upwards as he stepped closer and closer to me, "what is it that you want, love." He sat next to me on the bed and leaned in to peck my cheek, "what is it," his tongue connected with my neck along with his lips to make my eyes flutter closed and a giggle to escape my lips. "Zayn, you know what I want," I tried to push him off, knowing that it would only make his come on stronger, "I want to hear you say it, cutie." His light, peppered kisses turned into violent tugs at my used-to-be milky, pale skin, "please, please Zayn, just fuck me," I pleaded. He caught sight of me and held a devilish smirk, "that's what I've been waiting to hear."

I rolled my eyes and tugged him down, on top of me by the collar of his leather jacket, letting our lips connect in a heated battle for dominance. Zayn let out a deep rumble of a laugh, vibrating my body, "why are you even trying," he asked, halting the kiss. He sat up, allowing both of us to strip of our shirts, with me being as infatuated with his body as I was the first time we had sex. "Damn," I whispered unknowingly, immediately regretting it by the look on his face. He laid on the bed and pulled me on top of him, straddling his waist, I leaned down and pecked his lips, "take off your pants, Nialler," the door opened quite rapidly and Josh walked in with a grin. "I wanted to stop you guys before you got too into it, or else I would have to sit downstairs and listen to you guys."

I quickly crawled off of Zayn as the blood rushed into my cheeks, all while Josh laughed hysterically. "You guys," he started, trying to gain enough air to speak, "I need to take notes from you guys." Zayn awkwardly put his clothes back on, while holding a mischievous stare with me. "Yeah, we weren't, we just, yeah," Zayn tried to justify, failing miserably, "it's fine you guys, lets just start packing more stuff up." At that we all tried to push the encounter out of our minds and pack, but Zayn obviously didn't want to let it go, with the glances he kept making.

He would furrow his eyebrows and giggle, in return, making me laugh too, "you guys are terrible at trying to sneak things passed me," Josh said out of the blue as he folded some sheets. "I can hear you two giggling like little girls, but it's really cute so I'll let it go this time. Once again Zayn did the same routine, proceeding to make me laugh, but it was nice to be back where we used to be, I missed him. 

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