Chapter Two- Adult Responsibilities

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"Niall," my vision was blurred with tears, I wasn't bawling like I expected myself to be, it was one of those time where I couldn't even process what I had heard. "Nialler, babe," I heard him clearly, I knew what his intentions were, and I knew this would happen eventually; I guess I just never expected this day to come. "Baby you have to give me something, anything," I looked through the tears at a concerned Zayn, "what happened Ni." I stood from my chair and hugged Zayn starting to sob into his chest, "my dad," I stuttered.

I felt him tense up, "damn, "he replied, "you're safe here," he assured and I lifted my head to look into his amber eyes, "no, no I'm not." I walked away to his room, with him following behind, "before you say anything, I know you want to protect me, but you can't. He is, my dad, you don't know what he's capable of, Zayn."

Zayn sat defeatedly on his bed after not even speaking a word, but being shot down, "are you going to let your mom know about him," I looked down to my phone, "no, I don't want to ruin her honeymoon," Zayn sat next to me and squeezed my thigh. "Baby I know you want to be all independent, but you can't do everything by yourself," he chuckled, "I know, but I don't want to worry them, or you."

Zayn stood with a pleasant smile on his face, "I'll be fine, and don't neglect to tell me what's going on, I'm here to help," he started walking back to the kitchen leaving me on his bed. "I'm going to bed Zayn, can I get a kiss," I voiced loudly, "I'll be there in a minute Nialler," I flopped backward onto the soft sheets, "but I want a kiss now," I whined. "Haha okay, Ni, I'm coming."


I walked up to the door of my house and unlocked the door, I felt like I didn't have the right to be here, like I was breaking in or something. I had been staying with Zayn for so long, that I forgot that I still lived here. "Niall, how are you, how've you been," Geoff greeted, I smiled and replied, "good, just came by to wish you guys a nice honeymoon."

We both walked into the living area, where my mother and Liam were sitting. I walked over and hugged my mom and then took a seat beside Liam. "So mom," I started, with she growing skeptical, "I've been wondering about my whole living situation." She studied me, wondering what I was talking about, "yes," she strung out, "I was thinking, you know, I'm always at Zayn's house, and like half of my stuff is already there." She was getting impatient, but Geoff fully understood, "you too huh," he chuckled.

"Liam has been wanting to move out with Josh and get their own place. I told him no because neither he nor I can afford an apartment," I was relieved that he understood, but didn't like the direction the answers were going in. "Niall, I would say yes, to you and Liam both, but you are seventeen and don't have any money," my mother said, my mind immediately racked with ideas.

"Zayn has his own house, I could ask if Liam and Josh could stay with us. There are like two extra bedrooms, and this would give us some real world experience. Also if we moved out, we would give yo-," I ranted on, "Niall," she interrupted. "I agree with most of what you're saying, but what if you don't wake up for school or something," I glanced at Liam, who was staring at his dad with wide eyes.

"There would be four of us there, all of us go to the same school, I think it would work fine." She looked at Geoff as if asking for help, "I actually think this is a good thing, hun," she was appalled. "Sorry, I think that this was really well planned out, they seem adult enough to handle it, they already have a house. I would let them give it a shot." She sat and pondered the idea for a while, with Liam and I staring at her as if she were giving the final verdict in court, "okay, fine." Liam and I sprung out of our seats and hugged each other, yelling and thanking our parents.

"You guys have this week to move your things out, because once I get back I don't want to help move boxes," she sternly informed, "if it's not out by the time we're back, it proves to us that you weren't capable of handling an adult task." Liam and I heard her but it went through one ear and out the other, our excitement couldn't be tamed right now. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I walked to my room for privacy with an ear-to-ear grin.

"You have a collect call from, Bobby Horan,"

Yet again, I froze, all blood and happiness being drained from my face.

"Hello again Niall, not calling for a particular reason, I just wanted to chat with you, you know. So how have you been son, I'm starting to work on the plan to meet up with you. How does sometime this week sound, since your mom will be out of town I figure it would be the perfect time. I haven't heard you speak in such a long time how do you feel about these arrangements,"

I simply listened, in awe, "fuck off," I replied trying to stay tough. He laughed a sinister laugh and I hung up the phone but not before he spoke a couple more words.

"Okay son, I'll see you soon."


I drove to Zayn's house with a few things from my room in the back seat to go ahead and start moving, and tears in my eyes. I wished my parents goodbye and to have fun but I had to fight back the urge to tell my mom about my dad. I really didn't want to ruin their vacation, and if I would've told them that my dad was coming home this week to potentially kill me, they wouldn't have fun. I wiped my tears away as I turned into my parking space, I couldn't tell Zayn about him either because he couldn't help, no matter how much as he would like to.

I grabbed the box of things that I'd gathered and walked into the house, "hey babe, how was it," Zayn greeted with a kiss. "Fine, I have a question though," I prompted, "yeah," his eyebrows furrowed, "would you be okay if Liam and Josh moved in." He acted like he got slapped with a piece of paper; he wasn't hurt at all, just left very confused, "where did this come from," he giggled. I smiled and took a seat in the living area, explaining to him the whole living situation with Liam and I and he completely understood.

"Yeah that's fine with me, I'll help you guys move," I sprung up and gave him a bear hug, kissing him all over, "thank you Zaynie." He pushed me off, "okay I was fine with this until you said that," he joked and I walked back to our room. Even though I was ecstatic, in the back of my mind, my father was still invading my thoughts.

I didn't know what exactly he meant, or how exactly he would come to see me when he was in prison. I figure I didn't want to know, I just knew that it wouldn't end well no matter what he did. I could handle this dilemma on my own, after all I'm doing everything else in an adult manner, why not this.

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