Chapter Five- Oh, The Tables Have Turned

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"Well I miss you mom, have fun, but not too much, and wear sunscreen because you know how pale we are. We might as well be gingers," I informed her, "Niall you act like I'm your child, I can take care of myself sweetie, but thank you for your consideration." I sighed, "okay mom, see you soon," I hung up the phone and stared at Zayn with a blank look in my eyes. "What," he questioned with a chuckle. "Nothing, are you ready to go in," he unbuckled his seat belt and opened his door, "yeah, after you sit in her for a while it gets really stuffy."

I got out of his car and started walking with him to the school, "well why didn't you turn the air conditioner on, since you were so stuffy," he glared at me playfully. "Because you're fragile and you would've complained," I stopped in my tracks, "you think I'm fragile." He grinned and kissed my forehead, "yup, have a good day babe," we parted and I walked to my first class as he walked to wherever he goes during the school day. He really needed to start going to class, I'll work on that later.


My first class was over and we were in between classes, the chaos of everyone running around frantically racing to their class was like a stampede. It took a certain type of finesse to properly navigate your way through the halls, one that I didn't posses today. I crashed to the ground as Peyton hovered over me with a devilish glare, "what the fuck," he yelled.

He yanked me up to my feet and pulled me out of the hallway, towards the back of the school, by the lake. "What the fuck did you do," he yelled as his hands immediately shot to his hair, "You ruined fucking everything." His face was flushed and he had tears in his eyes, completely out of character for him, "you look terrible," I said, disregarding his words. "Of course I do, your ass just made me single, I loved Kelsey," he whined, making me roll my eyes, "I'm surprised that you actually cared about her, considering that you cheated on her."

He balled up his fists and plopped to the ground quickly, like a child, "Fuck yeah I cared about her, you dick." I started walking back to my class, I didn't have much time to get there, "well you handle that, goodbye." He turned around and spoke, "yeah that's all faggots do, break up straight people and make us miserable." I huffed out a breath knowing that I would be late to class, and turned to walk back to him.

I knelt beside him and let out my two cents, "first of all, I couldn't care less about your shitty relationship that wasn't going to last anyway, I wanted to help Kelsey realized that you are a dick. Which is true. You don't know anything about being miserable though, you all of a sudden get a taste of pain because your girlfriend broke up with you and you act like the world exploded. You made my life hell ever since I moved here, moreso than it already was, so I don't want to hear shit about your breakup that you caused dumbass." He sat in awe, I guess he never knew that I could actually stand up for myself, and frankly, I didn't either.

"I'm so sorry Niall, I didn't mean it," I stood up, the bell rant during my rant, "yeah fuck your sorry, bye." I walked away, not listening to his childish remarks, it was nice to see the roles reversing, him on the ground crying and me walking away with a smile. 


The final bell rang, signifying that the day was finally over and that for a few hours I could have some peace. I hadn't heard the final bell in a while, I always finished my work early and left, but today we had constant notes and work. Zayn texted to just meet at his car and I was making my way there saying goodbye to Louis and Harry along the way. I was then yanked towards the side of the courtyard by none other than, Peyton.

I sighed and he stared me in the eyes with a menacing look, "listen bitch, I don't like the way you talked to me this morning." I was so tired of his shit, he obviously wasn't the big scary guy that he was talked up to be, "you let me do it, maybe you're just a bitch." I tried to walk away, satisfied with my answer, when he grabbed my arm and jerked me back, completely offended. "I'm not a bitch, you just finally grew some balls," I pulled my arm out of his grasp and proceed to walk away, "I think you're just a bitch Peyton."

Some of the other football players walked past us, hearing the comment made to their fellow teammate. Instead of defending him they laughed their asses off, exactly what I was hoping for, "you know what," Peyton yelled after me. "I will stop at nothing to make your life hell again, and to think that I had sympathy for you. Fuck you Niall," I threw up my middle finger and continued walking.


"By now I think you all have noticed that this isn't an ordinary art class," Zayn started pacing in the front of the room. "We've done so much more than just painted faces and drawn fruit. That being said, I think you guys shouldn't be surprised when I say that you can do whatever." Everyone looked at Zayn like he shouldn't have said that, "what I mean is, you guys are free to do whatever expresses your artistic ability.

Whatever you feel is artistic and beautiful to you, do it." I stared at the table with wide eyes, it was wonderful that he wasn't giving us a limit, but their was nothing to work around. There was nothing specific that he wanted, which could be hard. Eleanor quickly started scribbling on her paper, as she always did when she had something good, I decided not to question it. "How is your relationship with Lou," I asked out of the blue, she completely stopped what she was doing, setting down her pencil and turning to me.

"He came over my house and decided to pull off something from Orange is the New Black." I furrowed my eyebrows and giggled, "what do you mean," she sighed and continued to work on her project. "Well, he came over with Harry and decided the best thing to do was ask for my approval of their relationship," she closed her eyes and breathed. "But instead of flipping out, I said that it was fine and that I  was over him," I rubbed her arm  comfortingly, "are you over him." She smile sadly, "sure, I guess, I don't have a choice," we regained eye contact, "so what's going on with you." I decided it wasn't appropriate to throw all of my baggage onto her when she was feeling this terrible, I figured she wouldn't care too much either.

"Nothing much, you know, I'm fine. I'm worried about finals but that's about it," I wish I could tell her, but she couldn't handle it right now, and I don't think I could either to be honest. I was all on my own with this one, Peyton wasn't that big of a threat and my dad could just be trying to scare me anyway, maybe I was overreacting.

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