Chapter Eleven- Fulfilled Promises

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I stumbled into the house as the blinding florescent lights met my eyes, emphasizing my headache more. I threw the Ciroc away with the heavy glass clattering with everything else in there, waking Liam who was sleeping on the couch. "Niall," he screamed, making Zayn run down the long hallway to see me. He ran up to me in nothing but his boxers, pulling me into a tight hug, "Nialler, where were you last night, how are you, did you stay at your moms'. Shit, I love you baby, just stay here, I wasn't mad at you, I'm sorry." I tried to hug back, as my arms were stuck to my sides because of his tight embrace, "you're hugging really tightly." He released me after peppering me with faint kisses along my neck, "but yeah, I love you too Zayn." Josh entered the room and greeted me, then took his seat next to Liam, "can you tell us what happened to you last night though," Liam asked. I sat on the opposite couch with Zayn following closely, "um, well after I left the studio, my dad texted me and said that my time to choose someone was up. I don't know exactly what that means he's gonna do, but at the time I really couldn't take that news. I ended up getting drunk, don't ask how I managed to buy alcohol, I don't remember, and I just sat on the side of the road, kinda crying my eyes out. But i fell asleep there and now I'm here, slightly hung over, but not too much." I stood up and walked towards the bathroom as they all sat in awe, "I'm gonna go shower, I feel like shit."

I stood looking in the mirror as Zayn peaked in the door and started to walk in, "you okay babe." He laced his slender arms around my naked waist and kissed my neck again, "I'm fine now, scared, but I'm not gonna worry about it yet." He licked a line from my shoulder to my ear, while his hands directed my hips to sway along with his. "I really missed you," I laughed and spun around in his arms, "we're not having sex right now, Zayn, thanks for trying though." I took off my underwear and turned on the water as I received a rough slap on my ass, "Niall, I am going to fuck you, in the shower and you will love it," he sternly stated. I think he knew that turned me on. Whenever he told me what he was going to do, whether I liked it or not, he knew how to completely change my mood with one string of words.

I was pressed against the shower wall with my legs wrapped around my boyfriends waist, and the water cascading down our bodies. He thrusted into me making my hands cling to his shoulders, and my lips to attach to his, "damn," I breathed out. He smiled while his lips were pressed against my neck leaving a large purple mark, he chuckled and let me on to my feet. "Get on your hands and knees baby," I obeyed as the water pounded on my back and he slapped my ass roughly. I felt his wet tongue circle around the rim of my hole, making my arms shake and give out, painlessly sending my face to the shower floor. I let the drool escape my mouth from sheer pleasure as he licked me clean. "I fucking love you, Zayn," I brainlessly muttered out.

I walked with Zayn, hand-in-hand down the long marble hallway to the livingroom to see Liam and Josh sitting on the couch having a serious discussion. We continued to touch and worship eachothers bodies, figuring that they would work out whatever they had going on. We locked lips, not wanting this special moment that we've had to be over, but I had to stop worshiping him at some point. I pecked him one last time and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a box of Fruit Loops and some milk. Liam hastily walked up to me, just before I can pour anything into the bowl, "my dad needs us to come over to the hospital, like right now," I sat the box down. "What happened," he shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, "he just said to meat him there and he would explain it all." We all rushed to put on clothes and get the hospital, the mixture of fear and anxiety taking over us. 

Zayn, Liam and I walked through the the door of the room, expecting the worst, and finding the exact same. Liam's dad was in the corner sat in a chair with tears in his eyes, and my mom was on the hospital bed. Geoff stood and approached us three wanting a hug, witch we gladly accepted, "what happened," I asked, trying my hardest to not completely fall apart. He opened the door and motioned for us to follow him out, once it closed again he started to speak, "she's sleeping right now and I don't want to wake her. We got into a car accident this afternoon while we were coming home from lunch, and the car ended up rear-ending us pretty badly." I sat down against the wall with my face in my hands, "the doctors said that she suffered some pretty extreme head trauma and she very well could possibly-," he trailed off shakily. Zayn started pacing around with red eyes while Liam pulled his dad in for another hug. I sat up, not even processing what I was just told yet, and reached into my pocket after feeling it buzz.

'Everything I do has a purpose, and everything I do is necessary. I loved her, and you did too, but it was time that she was laid to rest.' 

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