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❝why won't you just stay still!❞ jeno clicked his tongue as he aggressively grabbed the kitty's hand

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why won't you just stay still!❞ jeno clicked his tongue as he aggressively grabbed the kitty's hand

he stared at the cut on the kitty's paws and it made him sigh

renjun is going to kill me if he sees you having a cut.❞ jeno wrapped a short cloth around the kitty's paws ❝there.❞ he smiled

he then frowned when he realized he hates cats.

you are such a trouble maker nana.❞ jeno stood up and threw the empty ointment at the trash can. ❝if only i could just leave you out there.

he really hates cats. really, really, really. there was a reason why, he just didn't want to think about it.

the cat purred, as if he had something to say about what jeno said.

tsk, i hate you too.❞ jeno replied, as if he understands what the cat said


god jeno i'm so sorry i didn't visit you yesterday.❞ renjun quickly hugged his friend when he saw him at the school gates

jeno, who is soft for renjun, just forgave him. ❝it's fine.

no it's not. i know you hate cats. i hope you didn't kill nana.❞ renjun giggled, part of him hoping that jeno didn't kick the kitty out

nana is fine.❞ jeno didn't want to worry his friend so he didn't tell him about the kitty's paw having a cut ❝he's actually a good kitty

a lie. the kitty was very burdensome. it actually peed on his homework which made him this close to throw the cat out of his apartment.

he is?❞ renjun smiled

jeno nodded and walked towards their classroom with renjun beside him ❝where were you yesterday?

oh.❞ renjun's face brightened, which made jeno smile. renjun's happiness was his happiness. ❝i was accompanying my friend and he's going to be a new student here.

jeno then frowned, he was jealous. ❝name?

renjun opened their classroom door because jeno was too busy looking at him ❝zhong chenle.

jeno was sure that it's a guy. he is a type that is possessive and doesn't want to share what's his. but then, renjun isn't his. renjun is just his friend every since they were kids.

he's a year younger than us though. is it ok if he joins us for lunch?❞ renjun sat down on his seat and jeno did the same and sat at the seat behind renjun

he just smiled, hiding the fact that he wasn't ok. ❝yeah, sure.


it wasn't ok. the two has been talking in chinese for 30 minutes already, leaving jeno out. it was a good thing that the lunch food was yummy to he was taking his time to eat slowly.

oh wait i forgot,❞ renjun giggled ❝chenle, this is jeno!❞ the older introduced his friend in chinese

jeno just nodded, not interested in this chenle guy.

the kid gave jeno a big smile ❝hi i'm chenle and i'm chinese.

no shit sherlock. ❝hi i'm jeno and i'm korean.

renjun laughed. ❝jeno don't be like that.❞ he's been friends with the guys since they were kids, he knows everything about him.

and now he knows the guy wasn't in the mood, he wondered why.

chenle stared at renjun with a questioning look. ❝why gege?❞ what was wrong when jeno introduced himself?

it's nothing.❞ renjun gave jeno a look, telling him to behave himself, and continued to talk to chenle in chinese

jeno clicked his tongue and continued to eat his food. he is korean, and he was sure the both knows how to speak korean, so can't they speak korean for the sake of him to understand?

he was left out and would rather stay at his apartment and deal with the cat than be in school and be left out.

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