⌜ thirty one ⌟

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jeno smiled as he ran a hand through jaemin's hair

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jeno smiled as he ran a hand through jaemin's hair. the younger was sleeping soundly next to him, it was as if there was no problem in the world. he could remember him letting jaemin sleep at the sofa a few months ago and now he was sleeping right beside him.

he could get used to this sight, where in he wakes up first and could see jaemin's beautiful face.

the younger's cat ears twitched and the next thing jeno knew was jaemin waking up.

what time is it?❞ jaemin yawned and rubbed his eyes

jeno smiled and played with jaemin's cat ears ❝it's time for you to love me.

jaemin rolled his eyes ❝shut up.

oh?❞ jeno raised a brow ❝make me.

jaemin smiled sweetly ❝i would love to but i don't want to turn into a cat.

jeno frowned ❝hey..

the younger just hummed as he snuggled closer to the older.

jeno sighed ❝is there no way for you to turn into a human being? without cat ears?

jaemin pouted ❝aren't they cute?❞ he made his cat ears twitch

the older giggled and hugged the younger, he decided to ignore the question. jaemin wrapped his arms around jeno's waist and buried his head on the older's chest. if only they could be like this always, without having to think that they would be separated one day.

i would love to cuddle you for the rest of the day but you know, i still have classes to attend.

jaemin giggled ❝and you are late.


jeno said his i love you but jaemin never replied.

he never said yes, no, maybe, or said i love you back. he wanted to return the feelings but he was afraid that it'll hurt if he's going to turn back in to a cat forever. the reason why he wants to turn into a cat forever is because so that he wouldn't be a burden to anyone anymore, and so that he would be free without anyone judging him for he is.

maybe turning into a human was a bad idea.

but meeting jeno made him think that turning into a human being is a blessing and not a curse.

but he's main reason why he turned into human isn't jeno, it isn't to fall in love too. it was to repay what renjun's grandfather did to him.

it was now seven in the evening and jeno hasn't come back yet. jaemin just hoped that he is in school, doing some projects or school related stuffs, or somewhere out there staying safe.

he didn't want anything to happen to the older. to the person he loves dearly.

he stood up from the sofa and grabbed a cap that was at the kitchen counter ❝i should get some fresh air.

he took with him his phone, jeno bought for him just in case of emergencies, and the extra keys for jeno's apartment.

he walked out of the apartment and checked if it is lock before walking down the road. he opened his phone to check what time was it and to set the time when he'll get back.

he then smiled as he saw the lockscreen wallpaper. it was him kissing jeno's cheeks and surprised was written all over jeno's face. bless renjun for taking a pic of them.

he decided to look back at the pictures renjun sent him when he finally had a phone. he laughed when he saw a pic of jeno sleeping at the sofa with his mouth wide ope. there was also this one baby pic of jeno that made him snort because of his hair back then. and then there is this pic of jeno covering jaemin's eyes.

a lot has happened. it was almost like yesterday jeno hated him and now jeno was loving him.

if only he could show his love for jeno back.

his moment with himself was cut off when a name suddenly appeared at the phone. it was a phone call.

jaemin raised his brow ❝my hubby?❞ he couldn't help but chuckle after accepting the call


jaemin groaned ❝stop calling me that.

jeno giggled "what should i call you then? sweatheart?"

jaemin kicked the stone that was on the floor, not so hard. ❝you can just call me by my name.

he could already imagine the younger whining. "well that's boring."

jaemin rolled his eyes at jeno's comment ❝by the way, where are you?

jeno smiled, "somewhere.. i'm coming home though, why? missed me?"

jaemin could already see him winking which made him cringe at the stop ❝you take your time.

"oh wow, thank you. i feel very much missed."

the younger couldn't help but giggle ❝just kidding..

jaemin stopped as he saw a very familiar figure at the other side of the road. he was also with a phone call with someone, well at least that's what jaemin thought because he was placing his phone in his ear.

"i love you.." jeno whispered

jaemin squinted his eyes to see clearly who was walking. ❝renjun?

jeno could be heard chuckling "what no. i mean i already moved on from renjun and i see him as a friend now, promise. plus, he's better with chenle."

jaemin's eyes widened at the sight of renjun walking slowly to cross the road. that's dangerous, you shouldn't be focused with your phone when you cross the road.

"hey still there?"

jaemin gulped as he saw a car going fast towards renjun, who still did not know about what's happening around him.

should he help him?

❝can you turn me back into a cat after i save renjun?❞

jaemin ruffled his hair, he never thought this would happen this early.


jeno, i'm sorry.

t b c

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