⌜ special chapter ⌟

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like i didn't actually feel the ending so.. here's a special chapter and i hope it's going to be happier than the other one (?)

 here's a special chapter and i hope it's going to be happier than the other one (?)

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it didn't actually take a month for jeno and jaemin to be friends. one week and the two of them were already so close that you would actually mistook them as friends since birth.

months passed by and jeno started feeling something for jaemin. it wasn't that usual feeling he would feel after getting hospitalized, he already moved on from that. whenever he would feel something like that, he would ignore it.

renjun helped jeno, who panicked when he told renjun about what he feels for jaemin and renjun told him that he loves him, in every way.

eventually, jeno confessed to jaemin a month before their graduation and the younger couldn't help but giggle at how jeno made effort. why make effort, jaemin thought, when jeno could just visit their house, and it wasn't just a small house, and watch a movie and then surprise him by telling him that he has feelings for him.

instead, jeno brought him to a convenience store and surprised him by telling every staff that they should act like they didn't see him. jaemin was about to leave the store but was stopped by a familiar voice coming out from the speaker. it was jeno telling a speech about when he started feeling things for jaemin and how much he loves him.

jeno came out from the storage room bringing a rose and rubbed his nape as he saw jaemin standing with a smile while raising a brow. jaemin was happy that jeno made an effort to confess to him but it was actually ok if he just made it simple like going to his house and confess without anything prepared. but it doesn't matter anymore because at the end of the day jaemin accepted jeno and the both kissed, not caring about the stares and screams inside the convenience store.

but jeno still couldn't help but feel lonely.

it was as if there was a missing piece of his puzzle that was lost somewhere inside his apartment, maybe under the bed that he was too lazy to look.

he just shrugged the thought off and focused on how happy he is right now with jaemin.

jeno?❞ jaemin placed his head on the older's shoulders

right now, they are having their date on a park that was not really crowded.

the older just hummed while playing with jaemin's hair and looking at the beautiful view in front of him. it was beautiful but it wasn't his favorite view. his favorite view was jaemin's smile, jaemin's laugh, jaemin's everything.

jaemin intertwined their hands with a smile, happy that they are happily together. ❝i went to the supermarket to buy food and met this kid.

kid?❞ jeno giggled ❝and what did you do? kidnap him?

aside from cats, jaemin loves babies. there was one time the both of them were eating at a restaurant and jaemin excused himself to go to the cr and when he came back he was already holding a baby.

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