⌜ three ⌟

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jeno groaned as he felt something heavy lying on top of him

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jeno groaned as he felt something heavy lying on top of him. he tried to move but he can't, it was as if he was pinned down.

he slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the blurry ceiling. he sighed and waited for his vision to get better and when it did, he took this chance to look at the 'heavy thing'

WHAT THE FUCK!?❞ jeno shouted and made the guy sleeping on top of him wake up

seeing him wearing a white hoodie and skinny jeans made jeno calm a little bit. at least he wasn't naked.

he first yawned and rubbed his eyes, to be honest jeno found it cute but he was too busy thinking who the guy was.

who are you!? what are you doing here!? why are you sleeping on top of me!? how—

jeno was cut off when the guy closed his eyes again and let his head fall on his chest. in short, he went back to sleep.

yah! wake up! i demand an answer!❞ he held the guy's arms and shook it, not aggressively though. he didn't want to hurt him.

the guy just hummed and didn't even bother opening his eyes again. this made jeno stare at guy's visuals. he was breathtakingly beautiful, but of course renjun is more beautiful for him.

he then felt something poking on his nose making him sneeze. he stared at the 'thing' poking his nose and touched it.

ears? cat ears?❞ jeno's eyes widened ❝YOU ARE NANA?!

the guy groaned and placed his arms beside jeno, his hovering him. he glared at him, ❝look, i'm sleepy and i just want to sleep so will you do me the honors to shut up?

jeno gulped at how deep the cat.. the guy's.. the cat guy's voice is.

and yes i am nana but you can call me jaemin.❞ jaemin smiled and went back to sleeping on top of jeno.

since jeno can't move and was stuck in that position, he took this time to process everything in his mind. how on earth did the cat turn into a human being? and seriously, cat ears?

something new was added to jeno's hate list, a cat person.

he just sighed and let sleep take over again since he can't do nothing. it was a good thing that it's saturday.


jeno was awaken by a guy humming at the kitchen and by the smell of pancakes. he finally felt light and got the chance to sit down.

he hoped it was a dream, seeing nana, the cat, being jaemin, the human. he smiled and reassured himself that it was a dream and that it was just renjun at the kitchen humming and making pancakes.

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