⌜ ten ⌟

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the both of them arrived at a park near by and surprisingly it wasn't that crowded

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the both of them arrived at a park near by and surprisingly it wasn't that crowded. there were only a few people and some were bringing their pets.

jeno found a tree and sat under it. he closed his eyes and tried to rest. the kitty walked towards him, disturbing his peaceful moment.

you go play.❞ jeno pushed him away and closed his eyes again.

minutes later he could hear a dog barking, his eyes shot open and saw jaemin sitting and the dog barking at him.

the older groaned and stood up from his place. he took jaemin with him and as they went away, the dog's bark disappeared.

i meant play with your own kind.❞ the kitty squirmed his way out of jeno's arms and as he was successful in doing it he ran away ❝yah!

the kitty went to the dog's direction and the dog barked again as it saw the kitty coming towards him.

jeno couldn't help but sigh and run towards him. he noticed the kitty turning around and it made him stop running. the kitty ran, going in between jeno's feet and went pass by him.

come back jaemin!❞ jeno ran towards him

imagine the kitty smiling, it smiled as soon as he noticed jeno running towards him. he ran around the tree and jeno followed, trying to catch him.

i swear i'm going to kill you.❞ jeno stopped and panted. he was tired from all the running

the kitty also stopped and just looked at him.

jeno took this chance and ran towards the kitty. the kitty reacted late causing jeno to catch him.

jeno laughed ❝caught you!

he noticed the environment being silent and as he looked around, he saw no one. they were the only ones left at the park.

jeno was too busy looking at his surroundings that he didn't notice the kitty being so close to his face. the kitty took this chance to lick jeno's face it caught jeno's attention.

a bright light was shown, making jeno take a step back and cover his eyes due to the light.

seconds later, the kitty disappeared and a person was now standing in front of jeno. a person with cat ears.

since there were no people left at the park except for them, jeno just let  jaemin be in his human form.

let's play!❞ jaemin jumped in excitement

jeno wasn't ❝no. i'm tired.

jaemin crossed his arms with a pout ❝you grandpa.

shut up.❞ he mumbled and went under the tree again to rest

tag!❞ jaemin touched jeno's chest ❝you're it.

jeno groaned and ignored jaemin. ❝i said i don't want to play.

but i'm bored and there is no one!❞ jaemin whined.

the younger whined for 5 minutes straight and jeno found it annoying. he cupped jaemin's face, making the younger shut his mouth up, and pulled his face nearer to his.

do you want to go back into a cat?

jaemin looked at him in the eye and smiled. jeno raised a brow, wondering why jaemin was smiling.

jaemin licked the tip of jeno's nose and quickly ran after doing that.

yah!❞ he wiped his nose using his sleeves and stood up ❝that's disgusting!

jaemin laughed and ran as fast as he could, trying his best not to be caught by jeno. the older followed him from behind and slowly by slowly he caught up to him, hugging him tight so that he can't escape.

jaemin squirmed under jeno's arms but being the weak one, he struggled and made jeno giggle. he accidentally stepped into one of jeno's feet making the older take a step back, loosing his balance and bringing the younger with him.

the both of them giggled and stared at each other's eyes.

you have those dark yellow eyes.❞ jeno said, not conscious that his arms was still around jaemin's waist

he remembered the time he save this kitty, he also got distracted by his eyes.

jaemin giggled ❝and you have those beautiful black eyes.

jeno looked away, hiding the red tint on his cheeks ❝stop.

aw is my jeno blushing?❞ jaemin gave him a teasing smile

i'm not yours.❞ the older clicked his tongue and went back to staring into jaemin's eyes

it is so beautiful.

the two were so busy looking at each other's eyes that they didn't notice their faces getting closer every second.

wait, you'll turn back into a cat when i kiss you.❞ jeno spoke, ruining the moment they had

jaemin smirked ❝were you planning on kissing me?

jeno gulped ❝what? no. it's because at times like this, i always see in movies that they kiss but of course i can't do that to you because—

he was cut off by jaemin kissing his cheeks.

there.❞ jaemin giggled

jeno wasn't going to lie, he was getting soft these past few days and it's all because of jaemin.

what are you doing?❞ jeno tilted his head after seeing jaemin turn his head to the side

the cat person pouted cutely ❝you return the kiss.

jeno couldn't help but giggle softly and place a peck on jaemin's cheeks.

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