⌜ nineteen ⌟

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sorry for the long update

sorry for the long update

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jeno groaned as he felt a heavy weight on top of him. he slowly opened both of his eyes and as his vision became clearer he saw a very unexpected scene.

it was jaemin licking his neck.

jae.. min..❞ jeno cursed inside his head. it was fucking early in the morning and this was happening.

jaemin pulled away with a smirk ❝goodmorning.

jeno wasn't expecting this kind of greeting ❝what are you—

he was cut off by jaemin kissing his lips, making his eyes widen.

what's weird is that minutes already passed by and jaemin still didn't turn into a cat. jeno melted into the kiss and place a hand behind jaemin's head to deepen the kiss.

jeno touched jaemin's cat ears and he could feel it twitch.


jeno groaned when jaemin bit his lower lip. it hurt but it didn't stop him from kissing the cat person.


jeno woke up and saw jaemin looking at him worriedly.

jaemin wiped the sweat that was falling down on his face using his hand. ❝are you ok?

jeno stayed silent and tried to remember the dream. he wanted to slap himself for having that kind of dream.

it made sense since jaemin didn't turn into a cat when he kissed him.

jeno nodded and played with the younger's cat ears. ❝i'm fine.❞ he gave the younger a smile ❝goodmorning.

jaemin hummed as he wrapped his arms around jeno and snuggled on his chest ❝goodmorning~

jeno became soft when he saw jaemin acting all cute early in the morning. he could get used to this. he could also get used to the jaemin in his dream, if only jaemin wouldn't turn into a cat if he kisses him.

wait..❞ jeno stared at the clock ❝it's 6..

jaemin nodded ❝and it's monday.

i still have classes to attend.❞ jeno said, trying not to shout at jaemin

jaemin pouted ❝can't you just stay at home?

seeing the younger pout made jeno forget his class. he ran a hand through the younger's hair ❝are you still drunk?

jaemin blinked slowly, like how drunk people do, and gave jeno a small smile ❝if i am?

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