⌜ nine ⌟

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jeno woke up at the sight of the kitty sleeping beside him. until now jaemin didn't turn into human.

he slowly turned to his side, not wanting to wake up the kitty, and patted the kitty's head.

the kitty purred making jeno smile. ❝good morning.

jeno watched the kitty crawl towards his face and licked it. jeno already knows what will happen next and as he felt the weight beside him getting heavier, he moved to give space. the kitty turned to human and watched jeno closing his eyes while smiling. he played his the older's hair and could feel jeno's arms snaking around his waist.

jaemin smirked ❝you're acting weird.

jeno snuggled in to jaemin's neck, ❝hm?

you aren't usually like this towards me. do you finally like cats?

jeno flinched at the question and in a blink of an eye you could see him separating himself from jaemin. his back was now facing jaemin. he hid his face, not wanting to let him see how red his face is right now.

jaemin giggled and stood up from the bed. ❝i'm hungry!

he went out of the small bedroom, leaving jeno who was still hiding his face under the pillow.

his heart was beating fast and he could feel the hotness of his face. he placed his hand on his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat.

why am i like this?


since today is saturday, let's go out!❞ jaemin raised his fist in the air

jeno ignored it and just continued eating the food jaemin surprisingly made.



let's go out!


jaemin wiggled from his seat and jeno rolled his eyes as stood up, thinking that jaemin is acting like a kid.

he placed his plate from the sink and washed his hands. as he turned around jaemin was already hovering him with his hands on the sink.

again, jeno felt the same feeling awhile ago in the bed. his heart was beating fast and he could feel the temperature of his face rise.

m-move❞ he mentally cursed when he heard himself stuttering.

jaemin smirked and leaned his head closer towards jeno's, making their faces so dangerously close. jeno leaned back but was stopped by jaemin's hands which is now behind him.

let's go out.❞ jaemin said

jeno shook his head and looked away, avoiding jaemin's gaze. ❝no is a no jaemin.

jaemin pouted but then regained a teasing smile after thinking about something. he went closer to jeno's neck and started placing small kisses, making the older close his eyes.

jaemin don't.❞ he mumbled

jaemin has no plans on stopping since teasing him was fun. he licked a part on jeno's neck making the older let out a sound. jeno covered his mouth and placed his other hand on jaemin's chest.

stop it.❞ jeno tried to push him but it was useless

i'll stop if we go out.❞ jaemin said in between the kisses

fine.❞ jeno groaned

the cat person pulled away with a smile ❝great! let me borrow a cap.

jeno smirked and pulled jaemin, making their faces close. jaemin's eyes widened at the sudden action and he could be seen gulping.

jeno's smirk was making him sweat, he found it hot.

you are going out in a cat form.

what!?❞ jaemin whined ❝i don't want to!

jeno shrugged and lets go of jaemin's wrist ❝ok then, let's not go.

jeno left jaemin in the kitchen and slowly walked towards his bedroom, wanting to go to bed again since it's saturday.

what a waste, i actually found a nice place to go.❞ jeno said

jaemin's ears twitched and turned his head around only to find jeno about to open his bedroom door. he run towards him and held his wrist.

i hate you so much.

jeno gave him the most sweetest smile ❝same feeling—

jaemin cut him off by kissing him on the lips, but this time something changed. it wasn't just a peck. jaemin bit jeno's lower lip making the older groan.

that hurt!❞ jeno touched his already red lower lip

the kitty walked towards the sofa and purred. ❝meow.

jeno rolled his eyes ❝renjun has bad taste in cats.

he wondered why renjun suddenly thought of making this kitty a pet.

if only kitties could roll their eyes then jaemin would be rolling his eyes right now.

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