⌜ thirteen ⌟

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sad to say there's no chensung in this.

i love renle too—

jeno got inside his classroom and was greeted by mark sitting at his seat and donghyuck beside him

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jeno got inside his classroom and was greeted by mark sitting at his seat and donghyuck beside him.

what are you both doing here?❞ he said and placed his bag on his table

their classroom where located at the room beside his classroom so he wondered why they were inside his classroom.

donghyuck stood up ❝we were planning on inviting you for lunch.

where's your boyfriend?❞ mark questioned

jeno raised a brow ❝who?

what's his name again? renjun?❞ mark tapped his chin as if he was thinking of something.

renjun is not my boyfriend.❞ jeno shooed mark away from his seat

mark stood up and watched jeno sit down ❝oh, a friend.

a BESTfriend.❞ jeno said, emphasizing the word best.

that's sad.❞ donghyuck laughed

hYUNG!❞ a kid— a student below one year went inside the classroom, bringing a thing that kinda looks like a lunch box.

chenle?❞ jeno furrowed his brows and stared at the lunch box he was bringing.

chenle pushed jeno's bag to the side and placed the lunch box down at the table ❝jaemin hyung told me to give this to you.

jaemin?❞ donghyuck and mark said in chorus.

chenle nodded ❝he is jeno hyung's friend.

wait i thought renjun is your only friend?❞ mark turned to jeno with a confused face

donghyuck gave him a teasing look ❝so who is this jaemin guy?

you don't even know if he's a guy or not.❞ jeno placed the lunch box inside his bag

chenle called him hyung, stupid.❞ donghyuck rolled his eyes at the guy sitting down.

oh and he is waiting outside.❞ chenle said, making jeno widen his eyes

he what!?❞ he stood up his seat and ran outside, almost bumping into someone. ❝sorry.

jeno continued running but then stopped upon finding the guy, he almost bumped, familiar.

the guy giggled ❝hi jeno!❞ jeno quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him at a place where there's hardly any people. a place called 'the back of the school building'.

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