Chapter 2

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Everywhere I go, I hear people talking about prom. "Who are you gonna ask?" I hear that question a lot and I just wonder who I may ask, if I even go. 

"Hey James!" I see Jennifer. "Have you heard about prom?"

"How could I not?" I chuckle. "Are you gonna go?"

"Probably. If someone asks me to go." She looks down then looks back at me with a bright smile. "What about you?"

I look into her beautiful eyes and realize I want to go with her. "Yes and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"

Her smile gets even more bright if that's possible. "Oh my gosh, yes! I have to get a dress!"

"You'll look beautiful." I smile at her. She blushes and the bell rings. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."


After school, I go home. "Mom, Dad, I need to buy a tuxedo!"

"Uh-huh, that's great," My dad says.

"Why do you need a tuxedo, sweetheart?" My mom asks, taking the time to actually talk to me.

"Prom," I answer shortly. 

My mom looks through her purse and gives me some money. "Have fun."

"Thanks..." I say and go out the door. I pick out a tuxedo, try it on, then buy it and go home.


The next day, it's the prom. I go home and put on the tuxedo, ready for the night that's ahead. I take the car keys and look at my parents exhausted faces.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad," I say.

"Where are you going?" my dad asks.

"He's going to prom," my mom says happily. "Have a fun time!"

"Thank you," I say and head out the door. I get into the car and start it up, heading off to pick up Jennifer. Once I'm there, I honk the horn. I wait a couple seconds and then see Jennifer walk out, hurrying over to me. 

"Hey," she says, smiling. "You look great."

"I can say the same thing to you." I look her over. "Ready to go?"

"Yep!" She gets in then closes the door. 

We head to the school, making conversation on the way. Once we're there, we head in, and the night begins. 


The night was amazing, I'm sad it had to end. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Jennifer's back home and I'm heading home now. Once I'm back home, I go to my room and take my clothes off then put on some boxers. I lay in bed and think about tonight until I fall asleep.


I wake up with my stomach growling. I didn't eat supper last night. I get ready for school then go down for breakfast which I eat pretty quickly. I get onto the bus and listen to "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet" by Glee. Once I'm at school, I stop the song and head off into the building. I go to my locker.

"Hey James!" I jump and see Jennifer. She giggles and I smile then kiss her. The kiss lasts a little while until we pull away. "I'll see you later, handsome."

I watch her walk away and miss her already. Kissing her makes me feel alive, seeing her makes me feel happy, everything about her makes my life better. I close my locker and head to class.


Lunch begins and I sit at an empty table, waiting for Jennifer to come sit down with me. I see her, but she brings two other people.

"James, I want you to meet-" Jennifer says then gets cut off.

"I'm Zach," The boy, Zach, says and sticks his hand out. 

I shake his hand. "Hi Zach, my name's James."

"My name is Beth," The girl, Beth, says. 

"She's my girlfriend," Zach says, putting his arm around her.

"Hi Beth, nice to meet you," I say.

"Right back at you."


I get off the bus and notice a note on the door. 

Your dad and I are at work all night. Can you clean the dishes?

I sigh and go in, making dinner before I clean the dishes, and then go to bed.

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