Chapter 4

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I turned around and saw an immense shadow. It started moving revealing itself. " No it can't be." I muttered to myself.

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(Y/n)'s pov

There amist the pile of fallen trees emerging from the cloud of dust stood a dragon, a real dragon. That creature absolutely confused me, I was so lost I didn't know what to think. It amazed me scared me...well I guess you know how it feels. The point is there, before my eyes stood a dragon, how many times I say it, it won't show in any way my amazement at that time.

It seemed to have come from hell or even death itself. The dragon was black with dark brown horns which anyone could mistake to be black. Its face was black framed with fins each one tipped blood red. Behind it emerged two wings. Each one large, black and tipped red too. Not to mention that its whole body was black apart from its tail which had enormous red spikes at the end.

It stepped forward, making the ground shake. It walked up straight to Polybytes not even noticing me with blood thirst eyes a deadly aura surrounding its black body. Polybytes was trembling in fear.( A/n: Just portray Erza when someone stepped on her cake and that someone is Natsu. May him rest in peace.) ' Wait... Polybytes is TREMBLING in fear.' I thought slightly shaking in fear too.

" Well, well long time no see Polybytes." said the dragon. "Ok. The dragon talks" I thought again. Polybytes took a deep breath then faced the dragon with a now determined expression on his face like if he never was scared. " I am flattered that I am popular even in the dragon realm. To be honest I am not the a little bit surprised for me to be a monster wielding the power of light and illusion dragon slayers."

" But who are you? " asked Polybytes to the dragon finally out of his fantasy world.

" I am Obsidian, the chaos dragon and your death. " replied the dragon.

" You've come to kill me, what an honor..." Polybytes was saying when Obsidian cut him and said that he was on a mission and Polybytes was a mere obstacle he had to remove.

After that last sentence of his, Polybytes got in a fighting stance. Obsidian got serious and was eyeing Polybytes like a hunter would do to its prey. Losing no time Polybytes yelled:


Obsidian swiftly dodged it and smirked at Polybytes. " You must do harder than this to beat a real dragon Polybytes. Let me show you. " With that he turned into a black mist disappearing. As the sun was already down Polybytes was not able to see him. He appeared behind him and muttered " Chaos dragon : Dragon claws." With that his nails started to glow black and we're surrounded by mist.

The attack was so quick that Polybytes didn't have time to react and Obsidian slashed him in the back. " That's what you get for slashing me you beast ." I thought. Polybytes turned around but Obsidian had already turned into a black mist, and was at the other side of the clearing. " You have gone quite rusty, Polybytes," he taunted. ' I need some popcorn right now,' (A/n: here you go, * hands popcorn*) Polybytes summoned an illusion sword.

Obsidian took one glance at the sword, threw back his head and produced a low rumbling sound from the back of his throat. "Wow even his laugh is scary," I whispered to myself. Polybytes backed away and bellowed," Come on you coward. Fight me." 'Bruh you literally just backed away,' I thought. Obsidian must have thought the same thing because he smirked (A/n: can a dragon do that?)and launched himself at him. All I could see was blur of claws, tail and fangs. After barely one minute, Polybytes was only a pile of golden dust at Obsidian' s paws.

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