The Dream...

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Sally's P.O.V.

As soon as I hit the ground with my feet I thanked the boys and Ashley and wen to grab a snack.

Gosh I was hungry.

I grabbed some crisps and a cola.

Hopefully Niall wouldn't mind...

Eh oh well.

" Hey guys I'm gonna go take another nap."

I say and wave walking upstairs.

I went into my room and grabbed a pair of soft shorts and a t shirt and slid those on.

I grabbed the TV remote and started watching the Disney Channel. I don't know why but I like it. Not your normal 16 year old show.

I opened the closet door and removed my make up and went back into my snuggling up fluffy blankets.

I watched Charlie drawing on Teddy's face with a permanent marker and laughed while eating some crisps.

Pretty soon I ate the whole bag and my eyes started to droop and fell right into another nightmare.


I was shoved down the steps into a basement in the orphanage. I tumbled down and groaned.

" Shuttup slut!" Tommy yelled and laughed as he walked down stairs.

" No don't hit me!" I wailed as I saw his hand in a fist ready to punch.

" To late sweetheart." He strikes his hand into my stomach and pulled me up by the hair.

I wish the boys were here to rescue me then I wouldn't have to put up with these beatings.

I still have the urge to slap that smirk off of Tommy's disgusting face.

" Kiss me." He sneered.

" No!" I shouted but got a slap I'm the face.

" I said kiss me!!" He shouted and yanked on my gross hair.

" Why would I do that to a man whore like you?" I nasaly laughed but instantly regretted it.

He forced his lips on mine and I struggled to escape trying to scream. But he had a good hold on me and I was in histerics.

I was only fifteen and he stole my first kiss...

When he was done kissing me or whatever you want to call it He pushed me and laughed running up the stairs leaving me locked inside with no way out.


" Sally!! Wake up!" Someone yelled and I immediately winced.

" I'm sorry Sally. I did t mean to scare you. " He sighed and I looked and it was Harry.

" Were having a bad dream?" He asked quietly and I nodded weakly still crying. The salty wet tears trickling down my cheeks.

" Can you tell me what it was about doll?" He asked sweetly and I shook my head furiously.

He sighed.

" What happened after we dropped you off?" He asked carefully probably thinking I'll break under this pressure but I'm not.

I'm not going to break into histerics again and have him think I'm weak...

" I can't tell you." I said after a long silence. I sighed.

" All the kids thought I was pathetic after you guys abandoned me and started beating me up because I was worthless." I murmmered and looked at him.

" Please don't tell anyone I want to tell them later but not today. Maybe when I get over it."

" I'm sorry that you feel this way. We never meant for this to happen. We were just shaken up from the idea of you know... Even though I still don't have a girlfriend I shouldn't feel that way but I still care for Louis and the other guys." He said and I nodded.

He sighed and tried to smile. " Dinners ready if you want to come down. Were having tacos." He got up and caressed my cheek in a fatherly way and left the room.

I waited till his retreated footsteps were heard no more and I wet my face with water trying to get rid of the blotchiness on my cheeks.

I put a little mineral powder and grabbed a sweatshirt. It was June but I was still shivering with fright from my nightmare.

I sighed and went downstairs.


Hey guys again sorry for the not updating thing I got it taken away again. Sigh.

Remember to...





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