Getting my schedule....

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Sally's P.O.V.

As soon as the bus stopped at the highschool, We climbed off and went inside and into the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was the same as allways . Round table with chairs in the big open space.

A Flat screen TV on a wall for the announcements.

And the lunch line leading to the trays where all the food is.

Some kids were in line getting breakfast.

We made our way to a table in a corner and sat down. All the kids were pointing and whispering at us as we walked by. I heard some of their conversation.

" Is that Sally Tomlinson?"

" Of course dim wit. She has grown since the last time I saw her." One of the students replied while sitting.

The whispers grew more frequently by the minute and pretty Much everyone was shouting my name and asking questions.

The principle walked and stood by the microphone.

"Everyone shut up!" She screamed and glared at us kids.

" Thank you. I have recieved some information that Sally Tomli son has come back to campus." She said and the students erupted into whispers.

" For the second time Shut up!!" She said louder this time and we stopped.

She sighed. " I know that she's back just try to treat her like a normal child and don't ask her any questions about her where about. Did I make myself clear?" She asked while raising an eyebrow.

" Crystal sarg!" One of the boys shouted and we laughed.

" Good now everyone line up to get your timetables and head to homeroom. Chop chop!" She said while clapping her hands twice.

The kids all lined up towards five tables lined side by side in front of the stage.

The pack and I made way to the fourth table and stood in line to get our timetables.

In a couple of minutes I was next and I walked to the table.

" Name?"

" Sally Tomlinson. " I said .

The lady rummaged through a file marked with  a T.

She sighed with relief and smiled at me.

" Here you go sweetie." She said and handed me my schedule.

" Thanks I muttered and l walked to the opening that led to the hallway.

" Alright so first I have.... Oh poo I got physics after homeroom. Then I have social studies, science, Math, Art, P.E., French, Spanish, and then I have free period and then that's the end of the day."

oh geez this is going to be hard.

I sighed and waited for the rest of the pack.

As soon as they arrived, We all went to our lockers to drop off our back packs.

My locker was number 249 and the combo was 18-23-34.

I shoved my backpack in and scribbled the combo on my hand so I won't forget it. I grabbed my physics binder and notebook. I grabbed a pencil and looked at my timetable. Homeroom is room number 807.

We all hugged each other and went our separate ways. Good luck guys.

Sorry I haven't updated in the past week and two days. I was busy unpacking my stuff and yeah. So last night something cool happened.
I saw a shooting star go straight across the sky. So that was fun to see! Remember to...




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