The Zoo...

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Sally's P.O.V.

After I helped put all the stuff in my closet, I went back downstairs.

" Hey girls?"

" Yeah?"We called out from the couch.

" Do you want to go the zoo later?"

" Sure!" I said.

I was glued to this book I was holding in my hands. It was called FableHaven.

Its really cool.

The characters are Kendra and Seth and there traveling to their Grandpas Sorensons house for the summer while their parents are on a fancy boat.

I was in the middle of a paragraph when my stomach rumbled.

" I'm gonna go make some lunch. OK Ash?"

" Alright."

I got up, marking my place, and went into the kitchen.

Nobody was there so I grabbed some Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I love that stuff.

When I was done eating, I grabbed some Sunny D and poured myself a glass.

I gupled it down and sighed.

With my stomach full, I decided to make a video to post it on Saturday.

I was gonna tell them my schedule and so on.

I went up to my room and grabbed my camera.

I pressed record.

" Hi guys! So I'm not gonna be doing any singing today but I am gonna tell you about my schedule. I'll be posting new videos every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Today is Sunday. I'll be posting videos like  makeup hauls, while putting in some videos of me singing. So stay tuned for Wednesday! And about this mask... I'll be wearing this throuought all of my videos to keep my identity a secret. And if you guess who I am at the end of each month you'll get a prize! If you do guess who I am, don't tell anyone! So subscribe and like my video and watch my new one on Wednesday! BYE!!"

I edit my video and put it on youtube.

I took off my mask and set it on my desk.

I then. checked my first video.

Wow! 100 views in a day!

I smiled and did my happy dance.

I gotta call Nathan and the others.

I called Nathan and about a few rings he picked up.

"Hey babe!"

" Hi!"

" Wow your happy today. What's up?"

" I filmed a YouTube video and I already got 100 views."

" That's great babe! But did you tell people who you were?"

" Nope. I put on a mask to hide my identity. "

" OK. I'm happy for ya babe!"

" Oh wait I also have some news." I frowned.

" What?"

" The boys and Ash are leaving in a couple of weeks and I'll be alone for six months." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

" Oh. I'm sorry babe. I'll be there with you and we catch up."

" Alright babe. I love you."

" I love you to. Bye!"

I hung up.

I decided to pick my outfit for tomorrow.

Today was the last day of September.

Tomorrow is October.

Halloween is coming up and I can't wait! But I'll be alone...

I sighed again in frustration.

Why is it always me?!!

I looked through my closet.

I picked out some ripped skinny jeans and a blue T-shirt.

" Sally! Let's go!"

I heard Niall's accent ring throughout the house.

" Coming!"

I grabbed some sandals and grabbed my phone and purse.

I met with everyone and we all piped in the car.

I sat in between Liam and Zayn.

" Turn on the Radio! " I shouted and Cher Lyods Want U Back was on.

We screamed the lyrics and bobbed our hands up and down to the music.

When the song was done, We piled into the parking lot.

"Alright everyone let's go!" Louis shouted and we walked to the front to pay.

We played the worker and walked inside.

" I wanna go to see the tigers!" I said and everyone agreed.

When we got to the cage, We saw one of the tigers sleeping.

" Ooh! Take a picture Zayn!" I squealed clapping my hands together.

He laughed and snapped a picture waking the tiger up.

It yawned and looked around.

" Alright guys let's go somewhere else."

We saw all the exhibits and they were absolutely terrific.

We made our way towards the food court when we bumped into someone.

" Oh I'm so sorry!" Said a brunette with dark blue eyes.

" That's alright love." Niall quickly says blushing and looking at his shoes.

" Thanks. I'm Chloe." She sticks her hand out.

Niall shakes it. We follow him.

" Well I gotta catch up with my fam. See ya!" She walks away.

" Wait!" Niall runs to her.

" Can I have your number?" He asks.

" Sure! Well be great friends. " She says giving him her phone.

They both exchange numbers and say goodbyes.

All of us look at each other and wiggled our eyebrows.

" Hey Niall! Would you say your in a L-O-V-E cause if it were you then you would!" Louis laughs and slaps his knee.

We all laughed as well.

" Shuttup!" Niall whined.

" Come on let's go get lunch." He says and runs to the food court.

We keep laughing and follow him.

Hi guys! What do you think of this new chapter!? I had fun writing it!

Remember to...





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