Homeroom and Physics...

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Sally's P.O.V.

I walked to room 807 and I was the last one there.

" Hello you must be Sally Tomlinson. Am I correct?" A man wearing some shorts and a T-shirt with the coco- cola logo on it.

He was dressed nicely though.

" Yes." I answered.

" Please have a seat next to Rebecca. Were gonna start in. couple of minutes. And I'm Mr. Jordan." He says putting out his hand. I shake it and smile.

A girl waves her hands to me. That must be Rebecca.

I made my way to her and sit down next to her.

" Hi I'm Rebecca but you can call e Bekkah if you want." She smiled.

" Sally." I reply shaking her hand.

" So are you new here?" She asked and put her chin on her palm her elbow resting on the desk.

" No actually I came here when I was a freshmen. I'm a junior now." I say and sit back in m chair.

" Oh cool. I'm a sophmore  I really like it here. But some of the kids can be straight up bitches here." I laugh.

" Tell me about it." I say and Mr. Jordan clears his throat.

" Excuse me ladies were about to start." He says.

He starts and explains the rules. What to do and what not to do in the classroom.

After the fourth five minutes were up we got dismissed.

" Don't forget you need your parents to sign that form!" He exclaims and we all nod our heads and say OK.

" Well I gotta go to Maths but it was great to get to know you Sally. Here have my number." She says handing me a slip of paper.

" Okay I'll text you during free period." I say and give her a quick side hug.

" Oh one more thing Sally.You have to meet my boyfriend Zach. He's amazing." She says and flashes me a dreamily smile.

" Will I meet him at lunch?" I ask.

" Yeah. OK that's the bell. Bye!" She says and runs down to her Math classroom.

I chuckle at how silly she is and go down to Physics.

I walk I. and sit down at an empty table.

I pull out a notebook and a binder and label it Physics.

" Is this seat taken?" Someone asks.

I look up and smile.

" Ryan!" I squeal and hug him.

He hugs back and sits down next to me.

" Did you make any friends in homeroom?" I ask him.

" Yeah theyre really nice probably because we saved their sorry butts during freshmen year. Remember? " He asks.

" Yeah. That was great. Hopefully we won't have to do that again. I don't feel like killing anymore people/ vampires!" I say and laugh half heartedly.

" Did you make any friends?" He asks me.

" Yeah her names Rebecca but she told me to call her Bekka." I say.

" Cool."

" So are you and Ruth still together?" I smile.

" Yeah things are going great. Were lasting longer than some of the relationships than normal though." He grins showing his dimples.

" Are Harrison and Emily still together?" I ask.

" Yeah but there having a little bit of trouble." Ryan finishes.

" Cool.... I guess. " I say and look out the window.

" You know Nathans having a real hard time ever since you left." Ryan pauses then continues.

" He still loves you even though he did some pretty bad thing to you. Like shushing you, ignoring you, you know it wasn't his fault. It was all Zoeys fault but he blames himself. He's not being his usual self and only you can fix him or otherwise he will be far too gone." Ryan finishes his speech.

I look at him with tears in my eyes but hold them back because we are in a classroom.

" I'm sorry." He says.

" I didn't mean to make you upset especially on your first day." He sighs and sacks himself playfully on the side of his head.

" Its OK." I say then realization just hit me.

" Where's the teacher?"

" He's coming in a little bit alright?!" One of the kids shouted at me.

After about five minutes the teacher rushes in.

" Sorry about the delay kids. I was just getting some coffee when the stupid machine broke making me late. I deserve a tardy. Alright everyone sit down and I'll give you your assigned seats." He says taking a drink of his coffee.

That coffee smells good...

" Alright but first well do roll call." He grabs a clipboard and starts to say names.

"Abby? Here. Bekka? Here. Cat? Here. Catherine? Here." He starts to call names and I zone out.

" Sally! Sally!" Someone shouts my name.

" What?" I say.

" Detention Miss Tomlinson." He sighs and scribbles it down.

" I'll have you clean dishes during your free period." He sighs again and marks the present on his clipboard.

He continues to call names and then stops.

" Alright kids I'm gonna explains some rules that are vital for you to understand. If any if these rules are broken you will have detentionb mm through your free period."  I see some kids grabbing their notebook.

I grab mine and start writing them down.

" Rule number one. There is no gum chewing or snacks allowed in this classroom."  I wrote that down quickly.

" Rule number two. There is no messing around the equipment. If you break anything, You will have to pay for it and have detention." He says and scribble that down as hfast as I can but still making it neat.

" Rule number three. Homework must be turned in on time. No exceptions. If you don't you'll have to spend recess in here finishing your homework."

I wrote that down.

" Rule number four. Only speak if you have been called on and no side conversations unless you are allowed."

" Last rule. No sodas or any type of sugary snacks. They all have to be healthy." He finishes.

He waits for us to finish writing.

" Now let's get to the good stuff." He says and explains all the qualifications in order to pass this class and all that rubbish.

As soon as the bell rang we all went to our exploratory calsses .

Today is gonna be exhausting.

Sorry if that was a little long for you guys. I'm not gonna update at 1:40 cause I'm gonna be watching Turbo at the movie theater. I hope its not going to be packed like last time. Last time was Epic. I really liked that movie. Remember to...





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