Chapter Twenty Three

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We're currently lying down in Unique's bed, staring at the ceiling and trying their best to sleep. We don't know what to do so might as well sleep.

"Hi." I say, trying to break the silence, eyes still on the ceiling. "Hello." He replies back. "How's life?" I asked. "Crashed a car and broke an arm." He says, adding a little chuckle at the end.

I always loved his slight chuckles.

It was music to my ears.

"How's yours goin' though?" He asks, tilting his head to my direction. "Not good." I say, facing him. The lights were dimmed and his room was dark. The windows were closed and the curtains gave off a frightening vibe to his room.

How can he sleep in this room?

"How's your band?" I ask. "I want to leave." He answers before I could even finish my sentence like he already knew what his answer was. "Why though? I mean as far as I'm concerned I know that you're very passionate about the art you create and I know you love what you're doing." "It's just not working anymore. It feels so bland and sickening now for no good reason. It's like.. falling out of love." He answers.

All those talking was followed by the threatening attack of silence, and I couldn't even dare to break the ice 'cause it just gets so deadly after a while.

We both were in the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, the two of us falling apart and cursing the wind. I don't know how to solve the troubles and complications of his mind but neither does him - and that's the problem I've been dealing with 'cause we all know I love the guy with all my heart and he's the only one that isn't aware of it.

"Is it raining outside?" He asks, breaking the silence, surprisingly. It's not something that he usually does and it's quite surprising for him to do something like that. My brain automatically constructed assumptions the moment the thought of him breaking the silence crossed my mind.

"No.. Well, that's what I know. Let's have a check, shall we?"

"Could you like.. walk around with me..? I've thought of, you know, stargazing and stuff.. It's been a while since I've went out stargazing with someone.."

As I was just picking out a random t-shirt to wear outside, my eyes widened when he mentioned stuff about stargazing. I felt my heart beat faster and my fingers twitching as he speaks. The silence following each and every conversation of ours wasn't helping, and I'm afraid he might hear the sound of my fastening and tense heartbeat.

"Yeah..?" I say, trying to be careful with my movement, keeping myself steady as I change my shirt.

"Could you go out stargazing with me?"

My world stopped then and there. I could feel the blood rushing through my cheeks and my heart has never beaten this fast before. "Sure. Why not?"

We headed outside and to the house door, and as we got outside, I could already feel the cool breeze against my skin. His name whispers in the wind just like December weather.

"So.. Where to?" I ask, only after waking myself up from daydreaming about lovely scenarios, cause yeah sure we're going on a lovely stargazing trip but where the fuck are we gonna do that?

"Remember that old place by the lake that we went to when we were little?"

He looks at me with a smile that I just can't seem to get off my head. Those mesmerizing lips around curving up the ends of his little mouth.

And the flashbacks just went in like a wave of memories and nostalgia. Reminds me of the butterflies in that breahtaking place by daylight and the lovely fireflies by moonlight - and all of them have fled to my stomach, and I could feel them right now.

Everything just feels so surreal right now and the feeling is bliss. I couldn't help but wonder why and how I've fallen in love with this fucker and the reasons are just.. endless.

Walking slowly, I look away and smile to myself. I tried my best to hide that smile of mine and all I could do was breathe in and out. Is there any way I could feel even happier? The presence of him just makes me elated.

He hums a melody under his breath, and luckily, the place is quiet enough for me to hear those soothing melodies he lets out. I could listen to him sing all day, all week, all year and I wouldn't even complain.

Sometimes everything just feels so honeyed whenever I'm with him. Everything just feels like complete bliss and happiness.

This feels so much like a dream... and I'd never want to wake up.

I could see the place from afar, and I kid you not, going there's quite a long walk. Regardless of my aching legs, nothing's tiring with this guy.

"We're near.. I guess?"

"Yeah. The nostalgia's coming back and I can't quite stop it." I chuckle.

"The feeling's the same for me. I just wanna be young again." I tilted my head towards his direction, staring at his lips and its movement. "Mhm?"

"Craving for the taste of youth and freedom once again, oh well, it's nothing new. Usually happens when you age quite faster and you overthink too much, you never get to seize what good life offers you. Once you miss the moment, you'll never get to live it ever again. And I think that's the biggest mistake I've created my entire life."

I could hear the crickets the moment Unique has stopped talking, the silence taking over the atmosphere.

The lake brought much more nostalgia than it should when our pacts met each other once again. It felt like I was young again. I felt so much lighter and I felt like I've met destiny again. It just feels like the good times are back again.

The moon's light was scattering itself  atop the trees that were peacefully dancing with the wind. The moonlight was dancing on the reflection of the water moving so gracefully only for the dazzling moonlight shining ever so brightly.

"The lake's beautiful, isn't it?" He asks me, "It sure is." I look up to him. "I missed this." He mumbled under his breath.

"I missed you too."



We sat down on the ground, just staring at the beautiful scenery right in front of our eyes. He sat down beside me and put his head on my lap, "What're you doin'?" "Nothing. I just wanna sleep."

I chuckle, "Well we have to go home if you wanna sleep." "What if I don't want to?" "Then we won't. Besides I'm not sleepy yet and I'll just wake you up when we need to go home."

I run my fingers through his soft hair and I couldn't help but feel a sly smile creeping on my face. "I love you."

"I love you more than anything else, Nikkoi. I really do."

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