Chapter Two

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Unique introducing his hidden-from-the-world and apparently long time girlfriend Barbara was such a large burden to Blaster - even though he's already talked about her a handful of times to Blaster - mainly because of sex - but he never really knew about the woman generally. He just knows who Barbara is but has never seen her, and now he regrets his decision of finally meeting her.

Blaster hated seeing Barbara (or whatever the fuck her name is) sitting on Unique's lap, and then Unique drunkenly and submissively pulling the sober, stripper-looking girl for a not-so-obvious hug, or just his arms wrapped around her torso and his face lightly pressed against it.

Blaster despised it, cause the girl obviously seemed like a big time slut, and she was out of his league.

"Oh, Unique has a band, right? Don't you, babe?" Said Barbara, hand in Unique's chin softly nudging it as Unique nodded absentmindedly; stoned and wasted. "Yea." "I like their music so much, alright? Like they're so damn groovy and so into the scene! Too bad they're not that popular yet." Barbara sighed, then shrugged afterwards. Blaster watched them flirt, and it was evident in his face that he was jealous.

I should be the one kissing you, not her. I should be the one nudging your chin with my thumb and looking at you lovingly - not her.

Jealousy sure is a terrible feeling to fight with. Wishing to be the person that the other person likes, but in all honesty, you know it'll never happen - or even wanting to have something you'll never get.

"Oh... So you're Barbara, right?"

The girl throws him a look - a pissed look for interrupting their make out session, "Duh, darling. Hasn't he introduced me to you earlier?" She cocks an eyebrow, with her eyes resting, looking dead and emotionless. "No... What I mean is just that your name just suddenly clicked on me and I was like - "oh, her name is Barbara oh, okay cool nice" you know---" "Baby boy, you don't need to explain yourself for that much. I get your point."

Barbara was obviously sassy with overflowing confidence and way too artificial beauty. Short black shorts and tubed tops, brunette hair and way too much red lipstick and eyeliner. Whore, or at least it's what Blaster thinks she is. "Oh. Okay. Do you guys want a drink or anything? Something alcohol free? You know you guys should really drink water now or some juice - I could prepare you guys some.." Blaster was obviously speaking in a rush if you couldn't judge by his sudden tone of jealousy. "No thanks. We can manage. Right, my sweetie?" Said Barbara, pinching Unique's cheeks as he answered: "Right..."

Barbara offered Unique another shot (in which Unique took in his submissive pride and glory), then flirtatiously left a kiss on his cheek, leaving a red and horribly visible kiss mark on his face.

Blaster was totally enjoying their little hookup in front of him, where Barbara was now riding Unique's thigh, kissing and dominantly taking his submission. "ah-" Unique moaned as Barbara left a mark on his neck, and Blaster was very uneasy watching it. Seeing Barbara dry hump Unique's thigh, then her face on his neck and then Unique making these aroused faces - fuck it - he doesn't enjoy it, he hates it.

"Hi.. Uhm, I'm here and the room's there.. You mind continuing it there?" Blaster awkwardly suggested, regretting it seconds after. "No thanks. Wanna join us or anything? I'm up for threesomes too, you know?" Barbara shrugged. "Ah. No thanks too." Blaster shrugged in return, scratching the back of his head and looking down.

Barbara landed her lips back on Unique's neck, then lying him down the couch, grinding on him and creating contact between their bodies despite the clothing barrier between them.

"I want you inside me so so bad, ugh - your long cock inside me and you just ripping my pussy apart - fuck - I want to get fucked by you so goddamn hard - and only you."

Blaster was disgusted by the dirty talk - and was obviously uneasy seeing the real life soon to be pornography right after hus eyes. Unique lying down on the couch, Barbara sitting in between his thighs and his semi-flaccid dick.

"Uh, should I be going home?"

Blaster thought he'd be noticed by Barbara once again, getting to interrupt their little hookup going on but oh boy, was he wrong.

The girl started to rock her hips while sloppily kissing Unique, and the guy did nothing but to give in. Blaster was obviously horrified internally, his lips feeling in need of a kiss at the same time desperate for a little hookup too - but not as sloppy as Barbara and Unique's. He was uneasy to say the least.

"Would you guys stop?" Blaster asked in peturbation and utter discomfort.

Moans. Wet kisses. Dry humping - everything that Blaster saw, forcing himself to cover his eyes before he heard the moans slowly fade after before opening his eyes and seeing Unique and Barbara on the staircase still making out with bodies on bodies closely intact and sloppily kissing each other.

He'd just sleep through the night but as soon as the doors upstairs closed, he heard nothing but loud, high pitched and orgasmic moans from the room upstairs, telling Unique how she loves it when he comes and how amazing he feels inside - you name it, he heard it.

The morning after, Blaster didn't come home yet and he slept on the couch, wondering why he's here - and earning a frown on his face as soon as he knew why. Because he waited for Barbara to come home and apparently this one night stand between the two happened.

He went up, knocking on Unique's door to see him alone with no one beside him. "Hey," He greeted, "You're awake now."

"Yeah, where's Barbara?"

"I don't know." Blaster shook his head, "Who is she? Do you actually know who she is or have you just met her like a random hookup - why did you guys last long? How? How did I not know?" Blaster kept up to Unique's bed, sitting beside him. "Okay. We met like - in a random hookup - but chill with the questions. Don't get mad and tell me that she's not the right one. I promise. She is the one. She's amazing at sex---" "Is it because she's a prostitute or? You know they're well trained with that, right---" "Blaster. I know. That's literally how we met months ago, but don't focus on only one point over all of what I said. We got off and that's how I got myself into the longest of relationships that I've ever been involved with."

"If you say so - but man, I need to go home."

"Stay, please. I need someone to talk to."

"My parents needed me home by last night and they're gonna kill me if they find out about this."


"No. It's nice having a talk with you about Barbara. Bye, man."

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