"Online Games"
Honestly, you have no idea how long I've been meaning to tell you dudes this. One, online games are pretty much the coolest thing ever made-not as amazing as Black Ops 2 of course. Though, it's those people that always end up getting on my nerves. You have no idea how much I've face palmed throughout the whole month I played the game. Then there's always the better ones that made my night.
Now let me introduce myself briefly. Hi, my name is Hadassah. I'd play games anytime I have the chance, but I won't play one game, Ghost. I really dislike that game, maybe it's because I got all suckishly after not being able to play the PlayStation for months, I blame my brothers for hogging the PlayStations and my grandma for always watching Korean Drama. Around the first month of summer vacation, I thought,"Why not go and watch a bit of Hetalia again?"
So I went to the web where I watched Paint It White, and there I found the 'hottest' girls that was placed as an ad for the game. I looked a while considering it was pretty interesting... But then I ignored the ad and pressed play only to find out they made me take a quiz to become a player. I decided to take that quiz and somehow I became a player. 'Magi' is what I named my dude character who happened to be a warrior and turned into a berserker.
After playing the game for a while I had at least three girls pming me. Holy crap, only one out o them all actually knew how to spell. The other two? Yeah, lets say I was very tempted to waste all of my money to buy a plane ticket and go to where ever they live just to throw a dictionary and an English book at them.
When I chatted with those two morons, one happened to be 17, the other 36. I told them I was 16 years old and the 17 year old chick, robot, bitch, whatever it is you call 'her', told me-and I quote-"lets pretend you're 17" after that she asked me to have s-x with her bluntly like an eight year old. The 36 year old chick, let's name her Kim, so Kim decided to ask me my age as if it was normal, I told her the same answer. Then she told me she was 36 years old, then she asked me "what u want" and me being the nice one asked her what she meant by that... And this so happened;
"what u want"
"What do you mean?"
"u want gf?"
"Would be lovely to have one."
Mind: I have Megan already and Brianna... But they're so far away...
"What about me?"
"What about you?"
"U like?"
"... Sure?"
"u like me? but what about age?"
Okay after that I started to be a dick and 'flirted' with her saying I like you too and sending her hearts. After that I got tired of her when she asked me the tenth time about me like her, so I told her I had a boyfriend.
"I have a boyfriend."
"But I'm girl"
"Yea, and I have a boyfriend"
"What about me don't u like me?"
"No I like boys... And porn stars, so if you're one I'll date you."
"But u say u like me"
"No, I didn't. I like boys."
Yeah, later on she sent me emojis that were crying while I sent her a smiling face that looked too innocent. Then I told my guild that apparently telling a girl that you're gay won't make them go away, but before those conversations with Kim I was chatting with my guild when a dude sent a message on how a 37 year old was flirting with him asking him to be her boyfriend.
"There's this 37 year old that's asking me to be her bf! Dude, 20 years difference!"
"Just tell her you have a boyfriend xD"
*some people decided to place laughing icons*
"-.- I'm a boy."
An awesome friend of mine joins in:"That's why! You'll freak her out! xD"
"I'm straight!"
"As straight as a circle."
My guild is absolutely the best-not really we started becoming less active so I got bored and quit the game, but before that happened something amazing started.
Honestly, I'll give in their nicknames I gave them, no point on keeping that a secret they probably don't know what Wattpad is.
Magi: kay I'll be shutting up now.
Rad(the awesome friend): Yaaay! Oops... I thought Joe was the one who sent that xD
Joeezy: -.- Watch it Rad, or else I'll enslave your prisoners again.
Magi: Yea watch out, he's on his period xD
Joeezy: hahahahahhahahah
Joeezy: Wait, me?
Magi:... Wahh! Rad! Save me! Help!
Magi: Where's Batman when you need him?!?
Joeezy: I am Batman
Joeezy: On vacations, Joker is annoying
Magi: What?! Then where's Superman!
Joeezy: Dead.
Magi: Why so cruel?!?
I can't remember what happened after that, but then somewhere along the lines...;
Magi: Don't question the Empress
Joeezy: ... Okaaaay?
Magi: Good
Joeezy: Wait, you said Empress. Isn't that a girl king or something?
Magi: who said I was a boy?
Joeezy: I did, I'm your father.
Magi: What?!
Silver Blood: Yes, and I'm your mother.
After a while of calling my father a bitch he cornered me and hit me with his belt, I called for mother's help and that bitch didn't show up until I yelled out "Respect mah athoritah" and he replied with "Shut up Cartman". Then, we had a conversation on how we were a family until 'father' noticed that Silver was a boy...;
Joeezy: wait, Silver, aren't you a dude?
Silver Blood: yea
Magi: Mommy and daddy made a y-oi.
Joeezy: Then you can't be the mom!
Magi: But I love mommy! He knows South Park!
Joeezy: But you said he! So he can't be the mother!
Magi: But you guys made a y-oi! Don't take mommy away from me!
Radikin: That's it I had enough of you guys! Go to your rooms! That means you too Joe!
Magi: yay! Grandpa Rad came here to save my ass!
Honestly that's most of the things I remembered in that conversation. Besides me saying ,"I just finished watching hentai and this is what I come back to see?" Apparently father knows what h-ntai is and said," Woah Magi!"
Honestly, I really hope none of them ever finds Wattpad or know about this. I also wish I never played that game because I gave up on it and I can't delete my account, so f-ck.
Updated: July 12, 2014
ЮморThe many stories of all genre into one simple Wattpad book. Now, before you decide to read this, do know these were written by six different people who obviously needs to be slapped in the face with an elephant for their idiocy. With that being said...