Music Addiction

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"Music Addiction"


Alright so I love music, it's basically my drug. Anyway since I love music so much, I really don't care about the lyrics to a song. But I mean hey if it has meaningful lyrics then that's a bonus i guess but as long as it has a nice beat I really don't give a shit. For all I know I could be blasting a song with a nice beat but have terrible fucking lyrics and I would dance around my room mimicing the different instrumentals. I swear one day I'll be listening to a song about drugs and sex full blast in my room going along with the beat and get yelled at by my family to turn that crap down.

For example the song could be like:

*insert catchy pop tune* (Quotes CapnDesDes)

Hey Mothafuckas wanna buy some weed,

15 dollars is all you need

Cold hard cash is how you pay,

Give it to me now and I'll be on my way

and I would have a fucking blast. Or when I'm out with my friends we would burst into some random song like "American Idiot" and all you would hear from me is "DUNUNHN DUN NU NUH" trying to copy the guitar strings or whatever. Then if I'm at some fucking party for who knows what I'll just be sat down the whole time with my earphones in. My family yells at me too socialize with the other guest and I'm just sat there like "I don't know who the fuck any of these people are." Everytime I just sit there probably scaring the crap out of the little kids with my hair in my face blasting my earphones practically glaring at one thing.

        Getting off topic but really I will never leave my house if I can't listen to music. If I were to not listen to music and there was nothing that could occupy me there will just be a little radio playing in my brain just repeating a songs chorus. I could be in class just trying to focus on what my teacher is talking about then someone will say one word and it will trigger a fucking song in my head. Like if someone mentions I don't know "Where are you?" I will softly sing the lyrics to I Miss You by Blink-182 and the person next to me will look at me like I'm fucking crazy. Unless they're my idiot friends who will join in screaming the lyrics "WHERE ARE YOU AND I'M SO SORRY!!!!"

        It's gotten to the point where I can't even sleep without listening to music. If I can't listen to music I will just stare at the ceiling trying to sleep and basically fail. If I can't listen to music I will just lay in bed staring at nothing contemplating my life. That's all for now I guess, until next time. Eat a potato, dance on the roof, and watch some youtube.

~Updated: Thursday, October 9 2014

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