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AFTER, finishing their shifts at the Café the two males had walked to the restaurant next door to grab a bite to eat.

"I feel like we shouldn't be supporting this place.", Jungkook looked around the dimly lit pizza parlor and then looked back at Jimin who looked like a small child lost in a candy store, "Why not? They're new."

"New and competition for the Café.", Jimin rolled his eyes, "Maybe they can finally take us out of business."

"You can always quit, you don't need to carry on the tradition if it's not what you want. Dancing is your passion.", Jimin sadly nodded as he drank from his water, "Yeah but, I don't want to disappoint my mom, she wants me to carry on the business. Anyways enough sad life stuff, I invited one of my new friends, he should be here soon.", Jungkook took a bite out of his breadstick, "Anyone I know?"

"I don't think so, his name is Kim Namjoon- ah speak of the devil! or um god of destruction!", the short boy stood up from his seat as he greeted another male, he had on a tattered jean jacket and black pants, his shirt was a pleasing shade of red as well. His hair was messily styled and was brown with light highlights, the most noticeable detail in his appearance had to be the males smile, his deep dimples and eyes naturally closed when he smiled and it was a handsome sight for many.

"Kookie this is Joon!", Jungkook looked up at 'Joon' and offered his hand, Namjoon shook the younger boys hand as he took a seat, "Ah so your the Kookie Jimin keeps talking to me about.", Jungkook gave Jimin 'the look' before turning back towards Namjoon, "Good things right?"

"Yes all good things trust me, he was telling me about your voice. He says you have amazing vocals.", Jungkook could have choked on his water, if he had any. No one except Jimin knew about Jungkook and how he enjoyed singing, sure he did post covers on Soundcloud and Spotify but nobody would really listen to his voice, and it was a topic that he held close to his heart. He didn't know Jimin would share it with someone he hardly became friends with.

"He let me have a listen to some of your covers and he was right, you have an amazing voice. I also listened to 'Euphoria', you wrote that yourself?", Jungkook nodded, "Y-yeah I did."

"You've got talent kid.", Jimin smiled at the two, "Jungkook, Namjoon is actually working in the music industry. He's an assistant right now but he raps and makes his own music like you, he's helping me do my own song currently.", the boys head snapped up from the pizza slice that he was currently trying to shove in his mouth, "Wait really?", Jungkook spoke as he chewed on his food, "Ah your manners Kookie, and yes really. We're working on 'Lie' I showed it to you a few months back."

"Oh I remember that song, you did choreography for it. Namjoon, what company do you work with?"

"Bighit Entertainment, I just got into working there but I've done a lot of work with music and making some tracks. I can put a word for you if you'd like."

"Really?", Namjoon shrugged, "Sure, I can always sneak one of your songs into our files without anyone noticing kid.", Jungkook smiled, "Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me."

"I bet, Jimin told me how you started singing. I think it's very inspiring, how old were you at the time?", the boy thought for a minute, "I was around seven or eight at the time when my mom got sick, she really did have the best voice. I always thought that she would be able to be a star if she wanted to, her voice could catch anyone's attention. I wrote euphoria for her, my mom always found a way to make me the happiest I could be.", the dark haired brunette looked as if he were stuck in a daydream as he spoke greatly of his mother, "That's sweet, I'll be right back.", Namjoon then got up before patting the boys shoulder and walking away towards the bathroom.

"Kookie, is it okay that I told him? You can be mad at me if you'd like.", Jimin looked at the other from across the table, "No it's alright Jimin, besides you wouldn't have told him if you didn't trust him. Sooo are you two a thing or-"

"Jeon Jungkook! No!", the mochi cheeked boy began to laugh at his friend, "I know I make jokes about relationships all the time but no! I'm not ready, besides Namjoon isn't my type."

"Who isn't your type?", Namjoon had returned as he sat down he looked at the two who were now laughing heavily, "I-I'm sorry he thought we were a thing!", Jimin was now out of breathe, meanwhile the elders face had began to grow warm, "O-oh no, Jimin warned me that if I ever tried getting with him, he'd destroy my Ryan collection out.", this made the two laugh even more, "O-oh my god! Jimin what the hell? T-that's cruel!"



"And that's how I lost my virginity."

After dinner Jungkook had invited the two over to his apartment, when they arrived the trio decided to swap stories and play Uno till they would get bored. "Jimin how the fuck-", the male was interrupted by a small pair of hands being placed over his mouth, "Nope, don't even question how the hell it happened."

"Well shit I feel sorry for your old ass Jiminie.", the short boy threw a pillow at Jungkook, "Hey I'm older than you be respectful!", laughing Jungkook grabbed the said pillow and put it on his lap as he turned on the television, there flashed on the screen were the four last photographed men who had gone missing, "Ah, they still haven't found them?", Jimin shook his head as he looked away from the screen, "No, they said all four cases are connected somehow.", Jungkook stated blankly as the lady now on screen began to talk, "I feel for the families."

"Kookie can you change the channel?"

"What channel?"

"Anything other than one that's showing those pictures.", Namjoon looked towards Jimin who was sitting besides him, "Jimin-ssi what's wrong?"

"Min Yoongi. I knew him."

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