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"THAT  burns!"

"Hoseok stop moving! I swear I'll leave you like this!", Jungkook had finished cleaning Jins injuries and was now cleaning Hoseoks face who was mainly complaining.

"But it hurts!", he pouted his lips as Jungkook rolled his eyes, "There your finished, next time your doing this yourself.", Jungkook looked towards Jin, "Are you hungry? We have snickers for food, do you have any more injuries?"

"Ah no, thank you though. It's kind of both of you to help me......I..it's just that there was someone else."

"What do you mean?", Jin looked down at his lap, "There's a mirror in the room, I heard noises coming from it. It sounded like a person.", Jungkook looked back at Hoseok, "We have to go back in there."

"We literally just got out of the hell hole and it just stopped with the fucking glass."

"Maybe we can get through without the glass, it'd be unfair if they did it again.", standing up Jungkook began to walk towards the center of the room. Expecting to get hit by glass, he didn't. He had finally made it across and smirked over at Hoseok, "You see? It worked Hyung."

"Thank god I won't get my handsome face scratched again.", Jin stood up and walked with Hoseok who rolled his eyes when he heard Jins comment. When they entered the other room the trio spotted the mirror in the room. Walking over the debris of broken windows they looked at the mirror attached to the wall.

"You heard noises here?", Jin nodded and tapped on the mirror, not long the three heard four taps back from the other side.

"Oh shi-"


"Right, can we break the mirror?", Jin shook his head, "When the noises first begun you can tell they were trying to break through they're own side. They were struggling and I could tell, I don't know why but I have a strong feeling about who ever is in there.", Jungkook stepped up to the mirror and took a look around the mirrors sides but couldn't find any hints.

"Jin hyung have you seen Kim Taehyung in your vision before?", Jins face lit up at the question from the younger boy, "Yes! I've been seeing him since the first time I set foo there!"

"Did he mention anything about this?"

"No he hasn't mentioned anything about mirrors.", Jungkook nodded while he leaned against the wall, "I'm going to try seeing him.", the two nodded as Jungkook sat and closed his eyes. He began to think about Taehyung and tried to imagine the male in front of him.



"Taehyung?", there was no response, "Taehyung please, I need you right now.", his vision was soon engulfed by Taehyung's own face extremely close to his own. He gulped seeing how close the two now were, his face becoming flushed by the minute, "What happened Kookie? Are you guys okay?"

"W-well we um f-found Kim Seokjin, but he says there someone else in his room. In the mirror, we don't know how to break it or get the other person out.", Taehyung smiled as he backed away from Jungkook, "Great job Kookie."

"Oh no don't thank me, thank Hoseok he did all the work.", the older placed a hand on Jungkooks knee, "Still, thank you. You're doing a great job with them either way. Now for the mirror, what do you see when you look into the mirror?"

"My reflection.....I guess?"

"And when you see your reflection, your facing yourself. But would you be able to face yourself if you truly saw all the hurt inside of you?"

"No. I don't think I could.", Taehyung stared into Jungkooks eyes with concern, "Why not?", Jungkook shrugged, "I don't think I'll be able to face just how much hurt there probably is, I don't think that it'd be a pretty sight."

"Is there that much sadness in you?", Jungkook nodded, "Sorry I shouldn't have said anything I just-"

"No, it's okay. I can understand how that feels,", Taehyung grabbed the others hand and gave it a squeeze, "All I can say is that it's going to get better. It might now feel as if it is but your going to find someone who can change all that for you.", Jungkook softly smiled at Taehyung, "Thank you Taehyung."

"It's no problem....I need you to tell Jin hyung that he needs to look into the mirror and face his reflection to others. He can unlock the mirror that way. It won't be easy."

"Right, how do you know all this?"

"I almost escaped, but it was during the last maze. I was selfish and tried saving myself. So I'm trapped here until you come.", Taehyung let go of Jungkooks hand and smiled at him, "But don't worry about that, get to the others I'm sure they're worried about why your taking so long."

"I'm going to get you out of here Taehyung, stay safe.", Jungkook caressed the older males cheek before he opened his eyes and came back to reality.



"Jin, you get this maze.", Jin stood up from where he was sitting and rushed to Jungkook, "What do you mean?"

"You need to look into the mirror and face your true self, like in a way you need to see your real emotions and be able to handle it."

"Oh that'll be easy, especially if I'm looking at myself.", Jin winked and walked in front of the mirror, staring into it the male could slowly hear voices around him. He began to hear the voice of his father, he could feel fear rushing through his body.

Homophobic slurs began to ring out from the man's voice, they seemed to get louder.

Seokjin then started to hear the voice of his mother, it was quiet but he could make out her cries of help. There were more cries of help and more homophobic slurs being thrown at him, it wasn't until the voice of his ex showed when he wanted to look away from the mirror. He started with soft words and names he would call Jin, it made his heart swell for the man.

But soon those soft words and phrases turned into hateful and rude comments.

Even more voices had started to talk as well, some were picking at Jins appearance or how he acted. By now minutes had passed and he was now crying, he hadn't looked way from the mirror yet. The tears had gotten worse as he heard different voices, the insults spoken wasn't towards him though. He guessed it was the person on the other side of the room.

Those insults were worse than the one Jin had received, practically sobbing now the male put his hand on the mirror.

"I-I'm so s-sorry....you d-don't deserve all this h-hate and s-sadness......you deserve b-better. So much better than all of this."

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