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THE three had decided that they were going to attend what the letter had stated, "A fun, exciting, adventurous, self discovery, and a night to expect the unexpected.", the event was named Love Maze, they were hoping it would allow them to let loose and calm Jimin from his worries of Min Yoongi for at least one night.

The trio had made sure to dress nicely for their night out, Jimin was dressed in a fitted shirt and a oversized jean jacket along with dark jeans. Namjoon was dressed in a black and silver sparkly jacket with a fitted black t-shirt and black pants. Jungkook was wearing a white shirt along with a multicolored jacket and light colored jeans.

"Jimin-ssi! Are you done looking at yourself yet?", Jimin walked out of Jungkooks room and ran his hand through his hair, "Where'd you get Jimin-ssi from?"

"My ass, now hurry up! Namjoon hyung is waiting outside!", groaning the older male followed the other outside, two got inside the small compact car that Namjoon owned. "Wow you guys look great.", Namjoon flashed his wonderful smile at the two when began to drive in the direction of the address, "Thanks you don't look bad yourself, also I have a question. Doesn't Jimin remind you of Mochi?"


"Hey what the hell!?!? How come you guys tease me about my face?", Namjoon shrugged, "I don't know you just remind us of mochi and other very cute and squishy things.", Jungkook chuckled from the back seat as he watched Jimin get defensive at the comment, "Well Joon you look like an egg."

"I thought I was the god of destruction?"

"Nope. Your an egg now."



"This is it?"

"Yeah, the address is right here."

Our trio had arrived at the event taken place, they had walked into the black gated fence to be met with a large mansion you would normally see in the countryside.

When going to knock on the large wooden doors, Jungkook hesitated for a moment, "Maybe we shouldn't do this. I don't even know who it's from.", Namjoon shrugged as a response, "Your call, Jimin we need your opinion on this.", the two turned towards Jimin who had been standing behind them, "Let's just do it, I need something to distract me right now and this is a last resort. It'll be fun guys."

"Alright then.", knock knock knock

The door opened immediately, standing in front of the young men was a black cloaked figure, "Excuse me, is the Love Maze being held here tonight? I received a letter telling us to come here.", a soft voice of a woman's rang out from under the cloak, "Names please?"

"Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin, and Kim Namjoon."

"Ah, we've been waiting for you three. Come inside let me lead you to the fun activities we'll be hosting tonight.", Jungkook nodded as he and the others stepped inside the building, the doors seemed to close by themselves. "Now be careful this hallway is very narrow, so follow behind each other, there's many turns so try to keep up.", the woman began to walk towards a fairly small hallway, Jungkook stood behind her, Namjoon followed behind him, and Jimin followed Namjoon.

While walking down the hallway the walls felt as if they were growing smaller, the cloaked woman was making quick turns without even looking behind to see if the boys were keeping up.

Jungkook felt out of breath as he kept up with her, "Miss, how long is the way there?", Jungkook looked back while speaking and saw that both Namjoon and Jimin weren't there. Whipping around he saw that the woman wasn't there either, he stood in the middle of a narrow hallway, "Miss? Jimin? Namjoon?"

"Over here Mr.Jeon.", he saw the woman peeping out from a corner, when he walked that way the lady was now holding open the door, "Go inside for now, get an item."

"What about my friends? I think they got lost."

"You'll meet with them soon enough, I will look for them. For now go inside, get an item.", feeling a large amount of suspicions, Jungkook did what he was asked to do anyway. So he stepped into the large room, the door closing behind him.

Jungkook viewed his surroundings, the room was mostly empty besides for the center of it. It looked like a cage but another cloaked figure was there, there was a sign on top of the cage like box, 'Magic Shop' .

Slowly making his way towards the vender like area, Jungkook came face to face with the cloaked person. A box was slid over to Jungkook, looking up at the hooded being then back at the box, the male sighed as he opened it.

Inside was a golden key, he examined the key before jumping at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Jeon, follow me please."

"Where's my friends? Where the hell am I?"

"Mr. Jeon-", Jungkook took a step back from the figure, "No, where the hell am I? Where the fuck are my friends? How did you know about us?", the more the mysterious figure walked towards Jungkook, he took a step away from them. He began to feel regret, guilt, and most of all fear of what was about to come next.

"Mr.Jeon?", the males attention now focused on another black figure, it was the woman again this time she stood in front of a wooden door. "Your friends are gathered in here if you'd like to come."

"Open the door and show me them before I go.", the woman opened the door, and Jungkook could see a reflection of Jimin and Namjoon, the both looking surprised to see the other, without hesitation the youngest male ran towards the two and entered the room before stopping at the very entrance.

Jimin and Namjoon looked as if they were yelling at Jungkook, they were making hand signals. Strangely enough no words were heard.

"What is thi-", before finishing his sentence a pair of hands pushed Jungkook into the doorway and he collided with the ground before looking up the figures who now began to close the door on him.

"Wait no, I said wait! What the fuck is this! You can't close those doors!", they looked bigger than he was, it seemed as if he were looking up towards the two.

Jungkook felt himself begin to panic as he tried to breathe normally again.

"Hey! Stop!"

Jungkook yelled as loud as he could before the doors could shut entirely.

Jungkook yelled as loud as he could before the doors could shut entirely

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He was soon engulfed in a sea of darkness.

Love Maze ;taekookWhere stories live. Discover now