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LIMPING through the dark corridors Jimin held onto the walls on either side of him like he was holding onto dear life, he couldn't feel any turns it was just a hallway leading him staight down

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LIMPING through the dark corridors Jimin held onto the walls on either side of him like he was holding onto dear life, he couldn't feel any turns it was just a hallway leading him staight down.

The heat of the room felt worse than it had just a few minutes ago, sweat now drenched Jimins body as he continued to try and walk towards who he was hoping was his lover. Millions of thoughts swirled in his head and none of them seemed to be positive, everything seemed negative to Jimin for some reason. He thought it was caused by the injection he was forced to recieve but shrugged it off.
Groaning, Jimin leaned against the wall for a quick break, wiping the sweat off his forehead he took a quick breath and starting waking down the dark hall again. It was easier than expected, just to simply walk down a hall in the heat.

How ironic, he found it funny how they just so happened to be opposites in elements and once again opposites in how they're mazes worked. He just hoped that Yoongi was okay and wasn't hurt like him, he hoped everything would be worth it so they could finally be reunited. Being seperated from someone you love to the bottom of your heart is hard, especially considering not knowing if that person was okay or not.



"What if we're stuck here?"

"We're not stuck here, everything's going to be okay Jin.", Namjoon and Seokjin had found they're way into a random room of the maze, it was dark but safe enough. They had gotten seperated from Hoseok who had no choice but to run the other opposite direction, Namjoon luckily caught Seokjins hand so they could run somewhere safely together.

The older male was currently crying against Namjoons chest, he was simply afraid of what would happen now that the five were seperated in the maze. He didn't want to be stuck in the maze any longer than he had to, it would be too much.

"Just listen to my voice, everythings going to be okay. We'll get out of here soon, I've got you.", it had been a long time since he had heard those words.



"Hoseok?", a familiar voice called out to the said male, "Hey Taehyung....do you know what just happened?"

"One of you did something wrong I'm guessing.....your alone?"

"I sure am, Jungkook stepped into a maze when he wasn't supposed to, we all got split up. Jimins in a maze but with his condition it's too dangerous.", Taehyung sat with Hoseok and gave a small smile, "He'll do it trust me, if it's for Yoongi....he'll do it."

"Don't you usually talk to Jungkook?"

"Yes, but right now I think I'll feel weird talking to him. Besides you need a buddy J-hope, and I'm here for that.", Hoseok chuckled, "You gonna use my rap name now?"

"No...saying J-hope constantly feels odd, let's go with Hobi for now."



Slowly approaching the door ahead of him, Jimin pressed his hand against the metal handle but quickly brought his hand away and hissed as pain seared through the palm of his hand. The handle was scorching hot, holding his now burned hand to his chest, Jimin limped backwards and charged at the door with his shoulder. Running into the door he knocked it down, falling on top of the he door he painfully stood back up to take in his surroundings.

And there he stood, Min Yoongi.

"Oh....oh my god Y-Yoongi.....I've missed you so much-", a slap was received across Jimins cheek, it stung as he held it in his hand while looking up towards Yoongi who was now squatting in front of him. This wasn't his Yoongi.

"How come you never rescued me sooner?"

"W-what? I've been searching for you ever since you left, baby plea-", another slap was felt against the same cheek, "Don't call me that."

"Yoongi what happened to you? Taehyung said-"

"Taehyung doesn't know anything!", the older male spat at Jimin, he could feel his heart begin to crack at the harsh tone. Sniffing, Jimin stared straight at Yoongi, "What did you do to him? I-I want him back!", pushing the older male over Jimin stood up and stepped away, "Where the hell is he? I'll do anything please just tell me where is.", Yoongi just stared at the other with his calico cat like eyes, he looked amused as if the hurt expression on Jimins face was something funny.

"Jimin sweetie, I can't just give you that information. You have to earn it, did you not realize that's how the maze works? Or did that fly over your pretty little head?", the older male circled around Jimin, a smirk tugged on the corners of his lips.

"What do I have to do then?"

"It's quite simple, come over and give me a kiss."

"What the fuck, no."

"You want to get your actual Min Yoongi right?", huffing angrily Jimin limped in front of the fake Yoongi, "Just do it and make it quick asshole.", the other leaned into Jimin and connected their lips together, putting on hand on the smaller males waist, Jimin tried to push away but he painfully held onto his waist.

A searing pain shot through Jimins lower back, crying out in pain he was pushed to the hard concrete ground. Tears streamed down his face and cheeks when he looked down at where the pain was coming from, there was a needle sticking through his shirt and into his soft skin. Snapping his head up he looked around for the false Yoongi but he was already long gone, pulling out the needle from his skin Jimin tears only began to fall more. Throwing the needle somewhere he stood up while holding his now aching side, limping towards the end of the room he saw a door slightly opened.

Grabbing the handle Jimin opened the door and stumbled into the unknown room.


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