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"JUNGKOOK- Fucking shit!", Hoseok fell face flat on the hard ground below him and scrambling back to his feet he practically tackled Jungkook with a large bear hug, "Oh my god I was scared we would have to start over again! Don't scare me again li...

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"JUNGKOOK- Fucking shit!", Hoseok fell face flat on the hard ground below him and scrambling back to his feet he practically tackled Jungkook with a large bear hug, "Oh my god I was scared we would have to start over again! Don't scare me again like tha-"

"Jeon Jungkook you piece of living shit! Your lucky I'm not whooping your sorry ass right now!", the young male was hit in the side by a angry looking Seokjin and a worried looking Namjoon following behind him, "Jin calm down! He didn't mean to run off like that! He was worried about Jimin!"

"Joon I don't care we almost died because the floor fucking fell apart!"

"Woah is this some sort of reunion?", both Jimin and Yoongi came into the room, the other being carried bridal style, "Yoongi's maze was weird as shit."

"Also scary as shit too.", Jungkook stared at the too in awe, "Wow you guys are really meant for each other, you guys are gonna go home."

"Your coming with us right?"

"I....no I'm not, but listen-"

"Jungkook look.", turning around Jungkook stared at the wall before him, it was opening and inside appeared to be a garden like room with someone sitting inside of it. The walls were covered in newspaper articles and beautiful flowers surrounding the room and most importantly a dark haired brunette, "Oh my god is that.....Taehyung?", separating from the five other males surrounding him he slowly made his way into the new room, "T-Taehyung?", the dark haired brunette slowly lifted his head at the voice calling his name, his tired eyes now widening in shock, "Kookie? You a-actually made it, y-you did it.", Jungkook kneeled to the ground and grabbed the others face and softly smashed his lips against his own, it felt exactly like the dream he had, innocent and blissful. When the two came apart Jungkook held Taehyungs face in his hands and admired the males features, he had bruises, dirt, and blood caked onto his skin, scars and recent looking cuts were on the side of his face and neck.

"You look even more handsome than I thought.", Taehyung let out a low chuckle and placed his own hand on Jungkooks, "Are we going home?"

"You are, your gonna go home okay?"

"W-what about you?"

"......Taehyung can you stand?", Jungkook dodged the question.

"No, Jungkook your coming with us right?"

"Mr.Jeon, congratulations you've reached the last maze. These questions are quick and easy by now you should know all the answers.", the hooded cloak was back and facing the two, "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be.", he let go of Taehyungs face and held his hand while the two looked at the figure, "Question one, which would you rather recieve fake love or none at all?", Jungkook began to remember the question asked, because it was the first question he had received while being in the maze and he had gotten it wrong at the time. Taking a deep breath the male answered the hooded figure, "I'd chose neither, mainly because when it comes to love it's something that we all yearn in life. Love has always been there throughout our lives and while we always expect others to love us, what we really need to do is learn to actually love ourselves and help others do the same thing before loving someone else. And while doing that and starting to love someone else it's actually easier to tell the difference between fake love and real love because the thing with fake love is that, you'll eventually get sick of it."

"That was answered correctly Mr. Jeon, we're glad you learned your lesson here in the maze. As for Kim Taehyung, sadly you still haven't seemed to learned that your actions have consequences but you'll learn soon enough. As for your decision Jungkook it means that you must remain in the maze until further notice, congratulations towards you and your friends for completing the maze we look forward for more of your participation Mr. Jeon."

The figure left as the others rushed towards Taehyung and Jungkook, "Y-your not coming?"

"Taehyung I didn't have a choice, it was me or you guys and I just don't think I can live with helping you all and leaving with myself. You guys deserve to get out of here more than I do-", six people stepped into the room, each holding a large needle. They began to approach the group, the others didn't notice but Jungkook did. He had a feeling of what was about to happen and didn't want his friends to fight back, "Jimin, Namjoon, thank you for being there for me no matter what. Hoseok and Seokjin take good care of them okay? As well as Taehyung make sure he's okay, Yoongi please watch out for Jimin. Don't let him fall into any bad habits or even hurt him.", the bunny like male turned towards the mullet hired boy in front of him, "Taehyung don't forget about me okay? I'll be out in no time trust me."

"J-Jungkook don't be like that, we're gonna get out together, like we said we would I'm not going to just leave you here-", the male was cut off by a pair of soft lips on his own, when breaking apart form one another Jungkook sadly smiled with tears in his eyes, "I love y-"








Snatch my ratchet ass wig in the last chapter

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Snatch my ratchet ass wig in the last chapter

Love Maze ;taekookWhere stories live. Discover now