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"MIN  Yoongi

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"MIN  Yoongi. I knew him."

The younger and older male had both froze as they heard what came out of Park Jimins mouth, maybe it was because they'd never think he'd know someone that looked cold, or the fact that he knew someone who had only gone missing 2 months ago.

Yeah, it was most likely the second option. "What do you mean you knew him?", Jimin sighed when he looked back the two flabbergasted males, "He umm....he was my b-boyfriend. T-then he just v-vanished.", by now the tears that hung onto Jimins eyes had finally let go and began to fall, "I-I was so happy with h-him."

"Jimin....", Jungkook then reached over and hugged the male along with Namjoon, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was s-scared you'd say he's d-dead or gone for g-good.", Jimin wiped his nose as the three separate, "No I would never say or think that, there's hope Jimin. He's going to be found, you just to believe. Would it help if you told us more about him?"

"Can I?", Jimin looked between the two, "Of course."

"If it helps you then please Jimin do so.", nodding Jimin began his story.



We meet a year ago, in the Café actually. He had ordered just a plain black coffee and I teased him about it. This was around the time we had completely work schedules Kookie, ah what was I saying?

Oh yes, not long he actually began to come everyday whenever I was on my shifts. After a while Yoongi actually decided to ask me out, it was cute. He wrote it on the back of the recipe and left it on the table so I could see it when I cleaned the tables, I still have it actually.

We ended up going to the carnival by the park, we went on a couple of rides and shared a funnel cake.

But the most enjoyable part of the night was when we went on the ferris wheel, out cart had finally reached the top and the view was incredible. Yoongi wasn't looking at the view though, he was looking at me. Turning towards him he kissed me, and oh boy.

It felt like fireworks! The world around me had completely disappeared and all that mattered was me and him.

From there I knew he was the one.

We became boyfriends and I couldn't ask for anyone better, he took care of me and loved me. Yoongi was working in music like you Namjoon, but he wasn't widely known as an artist. But that gave me luck because it gave me more time with him.

Yoongi's smile was my many favorite things about him, he had a gummy like smile. I found it adorable. He really knew how to make me happy and make my day, he would come pick me up after work sometimes and we'd just spend the day in bed or in his studio.

He didn't care about my imperfections either, he'd tell me so many sweet things until I gave in. We hardly fought too, when we did it wasn't hard to give into each other.

I remember when we got bored we would do those random tests online, we did one about what our elements were, I got water and he ended up getting fire. We thought it was the funniest thing.

When it came to our first 'I love you's' it was nerve racking, mainly because I needed the right time to say it and I wanted it to be perfect.

So I took us out to dinner and then I drove us up to the mountain where you can see the view of the city, and we sat there in the car together.

I wasn't sure how to say it, I didn't have the chance to say it. I wanted to tell him so bad and now I realize it was mistake that I didn't.

But that was two months ago. Two days after that happened he just vanished, the night he went , missing he called me to say he was going to stay at work later than usual because he had some editing problems going on.

He never returned. At first I thought he left me, but he wouldn't leave all his stuff like that, everything he owned is still in our apartment. His phone was turned off every time I called it went straight to voicemail. They found it in the opening of an alleyway.

I never told you about him because he wasn't ready to meet any of my family or friends, he suspected you guys wouldn't like him. So we were going to wait till he was ready, he introduced me to his own friends.

They were nice, his family was nice too, they were very accepting. I still talk to them, just in case of a new break in the case or even for comfort.

I don't know who or what took him, they left no evidence besides his phone and something else the police hasn't disclosed to us because they think it isn't important.

I hope we find him soon, I need him and I just miss every little thing about him. I love Yoongi so much......oh god I miss him so much.

I wished I could've said I love you.



Jimin was now sobbing as he finished his story about the two, he had curled into Jungkooks side as Namjoon rubbed circles into his back, "Jiminie it's going to be okay, we'll find him.", Namjoon passed a tissue over to Jimin who gladly took it, "I-I know.....I'm j-just worried. W-who would want to do a-anything b-bad to him? He's never been involved with anything bad!"

"There's sick people out there Jimin, they'd do anything to a person just to hurt them. I'm sure he misses you and loves you too. We can't give up hope.", Jimin nodded as he closed his eyes, there was a knock at the door and Jungkook groaned, "Joon can you take Jimin to my room? You guys can spend the night, he's too tired to go anywhere anyways. I'll be back to get you a change of clothes."

Namjoon nodded as he got up and carried the now sleeping mochi into Jungkooks bedroom.

"Hello?", Jungkook opened the door to see that there was no one around.

Looking down he saw that there on the pavement stairs laid a black sealed envelope sealed with "LM" in gold. Picking it up, he closed the door behind him as he opened the envelope.

To: Jeon Jungkook - Park Jimin - Kim Namjoon

You are invited to Love Maze.

A fun, exciting, adventurous, self discovery, and a night to expect the unexpected.

There will be drinks, food, and games. Dress code is formal.

Love Maze is tomorrow night. See you there for a night of fun.

Address: xxx Lee Street

"Hey Kook what's that?", Jungkook jumped at the sound of Namjoons voice, "Oh you scared me for a minute, I'm not sure some invite to a party of guess. It looks cool, has all of our names on it. We should go tomorrow night if your up for it.", Namjoon took a quick look at the letter and nodded, "Seems fun, maybe it'll cheer up Jimin. Let's do it."

"Alright, looks like we're going to the Love Maze then."

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