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WHEN entering the new room Jungkook was greeted by three white cloaked figures.

The three stood still in the middle of the room, it was dark and the only light was coming from atop the three, it was an eerie sight.

"What the fuck. What the fucking fuck.", what he said was more of a statement rather than a question. Stepping back Jungkook tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge, he was stuck with the trio of figures, "Welcome to your first Maze Mr. Jeon, let us have your attention please as we explain our rules.", the middle one spoke with a strangely very deep voice.

Turning back the figures Jungkook stared at the three with wide eyes, "W-what exactly am I doing?"

"You must complete this maze in order to past us and enter the next room."

"There's another person isn't there? What the hell even is this?"

"Do the maze, and hear our rules before we begin with warning Mr. Jeon.", Jungkook listened to the deep voice speaking, "Fine."

"We will ask you four questions. If you answer correctly you will receive a Snickers bar as reward, if you answer incorrectly we will alter one of your emotions, we will decide which one as well.", Jungkook shrugged as he hard the rules, he felt as if the men were bluffing when he said they will alter one of his emotions, it was impossible, "Alright, ask away then."



"Would you rather receive fake love or no love at all?"

"Fake love."

"Wrong. Jeon Jungkook step closer so I can do what I need to.", Jungkook looked at the hooded figure in disbelief, "Wait what the hell? Can I answer again?"

"No. What's said is final. Besides, soon enough you will know the true answer.", the figure stepped closer towards Jungkook and placed a cold hand on the young males forehead, the male hissed as he felt a stinging pain on the exact spot the cloaked figure had his hand on.

When he was released Jungkook stepped away and held his head, "Shit! The fuck did you just do?", the male yelled.

"Your punishment, I altered one of your emotions. Love, you obviously had very low levels of the emotion. I raised it up, your lucky I didn't lower it more to where you wouldn't have any love at all."

Another hooded figure switched spots with the original, "Next question. When abandoned by a partner or someone close to you, who do you turn to first for comfort?", Jungkook thought for a moment, he wanted to get this correct instead of going through even more pain, "I-I turn to the person I trust the most or someone I know can help me?", it was more of a question rather than a answer.

"Congratulations, you answered correctly.", a Snickers bar was slide over to Jungkook, he looked up towards the others who once again switched positions, "I have two questions, one if a make up question Mr. Jeon, would you give up someone else's trust and loyalty for you just for your own good?"

Jungkook pondered before answering, "No, the persons trust is more important than my own needs.", getting handed another Snicker bar the hooded figure questioned him again

"Would you risk your own life for someone you hardly even know?"

Jungkook answered the question without second hesitation or any thought, "Yes. I'd safe someone and anyone without even thinking about my own."

The cloaked man seemed to stare deep into Jungkooks eyes even though he couldn't see his eyes, "Correct.", the last Snicker bar was given to Jungkook.

The three huddled up into a small group as Jungkook watched them. Turning back towards him the main one spoke, "You've passed the first part of the maze. The second part is not so simple, you must cross the bar behind us to reach the other room. We will give you a small backpack so you can take your items with you."

Jungkook gritted his teeth angrily, "I thought there was one thing I had to fucking do. You know what? Give me the fucking bag so I can cross this shit."

Getting the backpack, Jungkook stuffed his items into it. He walked passed the others and looked down, it was pitch black and seemed to go on forever. He saw the metal thin bar that led across to a room, the bar looked around 20 feet long.

"What happens if I fall?"

"We won't know, but you will if you do."

Jungkook let out a shaky breath, "What do I do when I get to the other side?"

"Use your key. We wish you the best of luck, begin when you are ready to."



Jungkook had taken a few minutes after the cloaked figures left to think about his current decision. Standing again he began his walk to the other side of the room.

When approaching the metal bar he out stretched his arms to the side and began his walk. Taking his first steps, Jungkook shakily looked down at his feet and then back up at the bar in front of him. Taking even more steps the young male let out deep breaths, straightening his posture he continued to walk again.

Walking around five or seven more feet, the young male began to lose his balance. Feeling as if he might fall at anytime and panic rushing to his head, Jungkook started to wobble on the thin metal bar.

He started to fling his arms around to try and contain his balance, Jungkook began to feel as if he were falling back. And not soon he was.

It was as if his life flashed before his eyes when he had finally slipped on the cool metal, luckily he was able to catch onto the bar before he would have fallen into the dark void underneath him.

Face glistening in sweat, he look downwards at the darkness under him.

By now a wave of shock and anxiety hit him as he realized the current situation he was stuck in, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on to the bar any longer.

Getting a view of how much longer he had to cross, Jungkook gathered his courage.

Finding a way to lift himself back onto the bar, he found his balance once again and started to steadily walk across again. Trying to breathe calmly he started to rush, when he was a few feet away from the end he practically ran.

Tripping onto the floor when he finished, Jungkook laid down on his back as he let out a large breath of air. Running his hand through his hair, Jungkook turned his head at the door facing him.

Finally up, Jungkook took out the key from his pocket as he approached the door ahead of him. Before anything else he put his head against the door and could hear subtle breathing from the other side.

Jungkook began to grow excited at the thought of another person being on the other side, he was also nervous.

He didn't know the person would do, nor did he know if there was even a

person on the other side.

But either way, Jungkook looked into the keyhole and unlocked the door.

Love Maze ;taekookWhere stories live. Discover now