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THE  duo had finally arrived to the other side and there stood a dock and Park Jimin himself, Jungkook had told Namjoon about the warning that Taehyung had told him

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THE duo had finally arrived to the other side and there stood a dock and Park Jimin himself, Jungkook had told Namjoon about the warning that Taehyung had told him. He now had the handgun in the pocket of his jacket, it was on safety so it wouldn't accidentally go off. Namjoon was carrying half the bullets as Jungkook had the other half, the two carefully tied the boat to the dock.

"Kookie! Joonie! You guys are here so glad you made it! I've really missed you two!", they both were tackled by a happy looking Jimin, his smile on full display.

"Let's get going you two! I've finally been saved by my two favorite people in the world!", Jungkook and Namjoon exchanged looks, "You know what? Jimin maybe we should look around, there might be some important hints around here to find about the maze.", Jungkook suggested while stepping away from the male, but instead Jimin had grabbed his arm with a tight hold, "What about Seokjin and Hoseok? Aren't they waiting for us?", Jimin said with a fake smile that both Namjoon and Jungkook could easily see through, "How'd you know about that?"

The grip on his arm tightened, "That boy...Taehyung told me. Kookie do you not believe me?"

"When did he tell you?"

"Kookie I asked you a question, do you not believe me?", Jungkook winced at the familiar pain growing through his arm, reaching for his pocket he stared back at Jimin, "Let go of my arm. Right now.", his voice had grown demanding and stern.

"You should really face your nightmares Jeon Jungkook. Or it might come true.", before he saw it Jimin pushed Jungkook directly into the water below them, luckily he was able to throw out the gun to the side before falling in only hoping Namjoon got it.

When sinking into the water the male felt as if he was being pushed down by an invisible force, around him the once beautifully blue colored water surrounding him turned pitch black. He had began to run out of breath and he had no choice but to take in the salty water, his lungs felt as if they were burning as they filled with water. It had felt as if someone had scorched his lungs, when he screamed for help it got him nowhere. Instead it made everything ten times worse, he held on to himself as a last resort.



Namjoon ran towards where the gun was thrown after Jungkook was thrown into the water, Jimin was right behind his tail and tackled the older male. The two wrestled for the gun until Namjoon had gotten a few punches at the fake Jimin, he had also gotten punched and kicked by Jimin but he kept on fighting.

Finally getting his way up Namjoon pointed the handgun at Jimin, "Get the fuck down.", he raised his hands up in defense, "You know you won't do it Joonie, your too nice. Besides your feelings are too strong for him to even bother shooting even a look alike of Park Jimin, if you take me I can actually show you how it feels to be loved by someone instead of being constantly rejected like all your past lovers."

"Shut up, don't even mention that. You don't know shit about me or my feelings. I'm pretty sure you hardly have any.", Namjoon pressed the gun against fake Jimins temple, but he took this as a challenge to break Namjoon, he began to cry. A terrible face of betrayal and fear was sculpted in Jimins face, he was sobbing for mercy, "Namjoon please don't do this! Please! I'm here Namjoon please don't shoot!"

It did hurt the older man to see his close friend in the state he was in. But he did know that this was not Jimin, this wasn't the Jimin he had become close with in a number of days.

So he pulled the trigger.



Seokjin and Hoseok both jumped at the same time when they heard the sound of a gun going off, the two looked at each than back at the body of water in front of them, "They used the gun."

"Or something used the gun on them.", Hoseok looked at Seokjin, "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know, this maze thing shows that anything can happen at anytime. Anything could happen to them without us knowing, they could be dead and we're just sitting here. Namjoon was right, we shouldn't have been acting like children we could've been there helping them right now."

"..........I'm sorry Jin, for all the shit I said it was an asshole move. If I could go back in time I'd fix that with you."

"I'm sorry as well Hoseok, also you seem like a trustworthy friend. Friends?", Seokjin held out his hand, "Friends. Now spill the tea about Namjoon, I can feel the sexual tension from here."



"Nam....joon?", the said males head snapped up from the body he was string at and now at the real Park Jimin laying in the middle of the dock, he much paler than he'd last seen him, he had dark eye bags, his arm had a large baseball like purple and green bruise, and his left leg looked lifeless.

"Oh my god Jimin.", before Namjoon had even taken a step towards him water began to rush out from a top of the walls, as if it had been waiting to be released. Sprinting towards a helpless Jimin, Namjoon picked the male up bridal style and ran back to the boat they had came in. He then laid the male out on the boat, the rush of the water had crashed into the boat causing it to have a head start back to the other side, but that's when Namjoon realized he was missing something very important.

"Fuck Jimin stay here don't get up, I need to find Jungkook.", taking off his top layer of clothing off and along with his shoes Namjoon jumped into the blue water, he swam back to where he remembered Jungkook was thrown and tried not to get in the way of the rushing water. Diving down he opened his eyes, they had began to burn against the salty water. Looking around him he hardly spotted Jungkook, he was at the bottom, his arms open and eyes closed he looked peaceful.

Diving his body downwards Namjoon swiftly picked up the males body, he began to float back up and saw back to the boat. Throwing Jungkook onto the boat Namjoon quickly got to work, he pressed two fingers on Jungkooks neck to check for a pulse, there was none. He started to begin chest compressions but that was thrown out the window when Jimin practically yelled at him, "You dumbass! Do mouth to mouth that's the best way!"

And so listening to the small angry man he tilted Jungkooks head slightly and added pressure on his jaw when lightly pulling it forward. He then pinched Jungkooks nose and tightly connected his lips with Jungkook, he then blew in two breathes and disconnected they're lips and tried to feel for his breath on his cheek.

There wasn't any breathing coming from the male.

Following the procedure once again it had failed a second time, he knew not to give on Jungkook and tried once again a third time.

This time when he breathed into Jungkooks mouth he felt his chest rise, bringing himself back and lifting Jungkook into a upright position facing downward the boy began to let the water out of system. He started to cough up a storm and gasped for air, Namjoon sighed in relief when he saw that the male had practically come back from the dead.

Now all they had to do was head back to Hoseok and Seokjin.

I like angry attitude Jimin, it's great

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I like angry attitude Jimin, it's great

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