- one -

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Jungkook stood with his back against a brick wall holding up a gun, head turned to look past the corner.
If my calculations are correct, the criminal should be passing the corner in 3...2...1!
In a flash of black, both men were on the ground. The criminal had Jungkook pinned against the ground holding Jungkook's gun.
"What the-,"
"Hush now, Jungkook," the criminal said while smirking before continuing whatever he was going to say.
"It's pretty clear that you won't be catching me tonight or any night after this one but I'll tell you what you need to know. I'm Kim Taehyung, aged 23. Born in Daegu, South Korea and now a full time secretary. Hobby; killing for fun," the criminal said lowly while winking as he stated his hobby.
"SIR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" Jungkook's intercom blasted through the silent alleyway. On a normal case Jungkook would've already captured the criminal and be walking through the police station by now. To say the least, Jungkook was in a state of shock. His mind was screaming for his body to move and flip their bodies over but instead he lay on the cold concrete ground, wide eyed staring straight into the other man's dark brown eyes.
"You know it's rude to stare," Taehyung chuckled.
"Y-you're not going anywhere," Jungkook mentally cursed himself for stuttering.
Without a word, the criminal jumped up with the gun still in his hand. Jungkook somehow regained some sense into his mind and using his speedy physical ability, shot up and went to grab the gun. Taehyung spun the other way and by the time Jungkook had processed what had happened, a silhouette was walking towards the opening of the alley.
"Thanks for the free gun. I'll see you soon Jungkook. Good night~," Taehyung spun the gun in his hand, waved back at Jungkook with the other and walked out into the silent night...
So that's the first chapter! It is quite short so it's almost like a prologue but I promise the next chapters will be longer. I also apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes for this chapter and the rest to come. I'm not the best at editing :)
Also, holidays are coming up which means I can write more :)
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and thanks for reading <3
- serexc

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