- nine -

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Time skip

It's been almost a month ever since Taehyung's mysterious phone call to Jungkook.
Taehyung had become silent. There were no more sightings of him or reported crimes. Hoseok flicked through the security cameras daily and there was no sight of him.

It was like Taehyung had disappeared.
It was kind of a good thing that Taehyung was gone. Jungkook didn't have to deal with any dramas but deep down he was worried.
The phone call made Jungkook confused. Really confused. He had so many unanswered questions that only Taehyung himself could answer and now with him nowhere to be seen, Jungkook was going crazy.

There wasn't one day where Jungkook wouldn't think about what Taehyung had said over the phone. The tone in Taehyung's voice when he spoke sounded almost like he was going to cry.
"From, V"... does that mean he's V? There's a high chance but he was such a pain in the ass in primary school and in high school, Taehyung was the goody-two-shoes who got straight A's. Their personalities don't match up... but then again, V did send a shit load of apology cards. So is Taehyung V or not?

Jungkook groaned and stared angrily at his noodles in front of him.
"You're still thinkin bout that Kim guy?" Jimin asked, sitting in front of Jungkook.
"It's been almost a month and he won't go a day without mentioning Kim in front of me," Hoseok said, pointing at Jungkook with his thumb.
"Care to tell me who this Kim guy is?" Yoongi finally spoke up.
"Oh he's this criminal murderer who's a total psychopath who tortures and kills his victims," Jimin said like it was no big deal.
"And Jungkook here, is obsessed with him," Jimin finished before going back to eating his lunch.
"Hm sounds like a nice guy," Yoongi said, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
"I don't get it though. He called me, apologising and shit using the format of V's letters. Is he V or not?" Jungkook asked out loud.
"V?" Yoongi asked again.
"Oh forget it. I'll tell you later," Jimin answered.
Yoongi nodded.
"Well, why don't you call Kim? You have his number, right?" Hoseok suggested.
"You think I haven't tried? I've called him countless times but he won't pick up. I've even gone to his apartment but he's never there," Jungkook sighed.
"Woah I knew you were obsessed but not that obsessed," Hoseok said.

Jungkook just sighed again before going back to eating his noodles.
After lunch, the group headed back to the station and their departments to continue working.

Jimin entered the office closely followed by Yoongi.
"So what's this V thing?" Yoongi asked as he leaned against his desk.
"Not what, hyung. It's who. V was a kid in primary school that bullied Jungkook to no end. He was like a devil trapped in a child's body. He would physically bully Kookie everyday and make his life a living hell. After Jungkook and I met in high school and we got closer, he told me about his past," Jimin said looking down at the floor. "I felt really bad for him. Even though Kook seems like a tough guy all the time, he's actually a delicate and sensitive human being on the inside. V scarred his life forever. I can't imagine being treated like that as a young kid. If it was me, I don't know if I'd be here today. That's why I care for Jungkook so much."

Yoongi walked over to Jimin who continued to stare at the floor.
He lifted Jimin's chin with his slender fingers and stared right into his tear filled eyes.
"Jimin, if you ever need someone, I'm right here," Yoongi said softly, after hearing how Jimin had felt and how sensitive he was himself.

Out of nowhere, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin and pulled him into a deep hug.
At first, Jimin was shocked and stayed limp with his arms hanging at his sides but after a few seconds, he felt Yoongi's warmth and love that he desperately needed. Jimin slowly lifted his arms and hugged Yoongi back and placed his chin on Yoongi's shoulder while standing on his tip toes.
After a while, the two pulled away and Yoongi stared back at Jimin's eyes and softly smiled after wiping away a couple tears. Yoongi leant down and kissed Jimin's cheek as a gesture of comfort.
Jimin's heart pounded in his chest and his face burned a bright red. Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's cuteness.

Yoongi's face suddenly dropped and his eyes flicked down to Jimin's lips. Jimin saw the other's action and his face burned even more.
Yoongi slowly slid a hand to cup Jimin's face and leant down until their lips were inches apart.
Jimin began to feel impatient and closed the gap between them. This surprised Yoongi but he slowly kissed back. It was a kiss of passion and filled with their love for each other. 

Jimin was always afraid of being in a relationship. He was scared that the other would leave him and that's why he was always lonely. There was a whole in his heart that needed to be filled with love and care from someone else and that someone was none other than Min Yoongi who walked into Jimin's life a month ago. 

The red haired and mint haired men spent the rest of the day doing no work and instead, made a mess of their office.
"Ah, fuck," Jungkook cursed as he slid into his car after being drenched in the rain.
The sky was pouring rain and there was an expected thunderstorm later in the evening.
Jungkook had ran from the office to his car without an umbrella as he had forgotten his own.
He looked up after fixing his hair and saw Jimin and Yoongi running out with their bags, hand in hand and laughing as they headed for their cars.

"They should date already," Jungkook chuckled, watching the two men running frantically. 

Jungkook arrived in his apartment a whole forty minutes later as there was heavy traffic caused by the rain. He sighed heavily as he dropped his bag on the floor and hung his jacket on the clothes hanger. He ruffles his hair as he headed to the couch in the living room. He turned on the TV and checked his phone for messages.

Hoseok had texted him a bunch of "are you okay?" and "you home yet?". Jungkook chuckled at his friend's protectiveness and quickly typed a reply saying he was fine and well and home.

Suddenly, the doorbell went off startling Jungkook while he was watching some romance k-drama.

Who the fuck is crazy enough to come to my house at a time and night like this?
Jungkook slowly got up and walked to the door to greet whoever was on the other side.

"Who the fuck-," Jungkook was about to ask until his eyes met a pair of hooded, deep brown eyes that stared right back at him.


Taehyung was standing at the doorway, dripping with water from head to toe. Before neither could say anything else, Taehyung slowly fell forward and fainted into Jungkook's arms.

Chapter nine is up! I hope having two chapters up in a week can make up for not posting last week :) Sorry if the recent chapters have been a bit shitty. They're a little rushed but I hope you guys still enjoyed it!

Anyways, thanks for reading! <3


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