- eleven -

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Jungkook woke up, groaning at the uncomfortable position he was in.

After Taehyung had left he had laid on the floor and slowly cried himself to sleep.

To say the least, Jungkook was hit by a wave of emotions. This whole time he thought that Taehyung was a mere murderer whom he had to catch and that was that. Jungkook was not expecting to have such a connection with Taehyung. Especially after realising that he possibly had feelings for him.

Jungkook knew it was fucked up. Really fucked up. Falling for a murderer was bad enough but now knowing that Taehyung was the one who fucked his childhood up, he didn't know how to cope.

Jungkook wanted to hate him. He wanted to hate him, damn him to hell, fuck him up and kill him but deep down Jungkook knew he couldn't. He knew that Taehyung wasn't the murderer that he was.

Something about the way that Taehyung had acted the night before was completely different to his heartless acts over the past years. Taehyung showed up at his house, half dead from the storm outside just to apologise. Yeah, it could've been an act to trick Jungkook again but he needed to know the truth, he deserved it.


It was almost noon. Jungkook had called in saying he was sick and that he wasn't fit enough to go to work.

Hoseok, of course, immediately called Jungkook to find out if he was okay.

Normally, Jungkook would report serious issues to Hoseok or someone in his division as soon as possible but he felt that the events that occured last night were to be kept to himself for now.

Jungkook just played it cool and calmed a worried Hoseok after a long string of "I'm okays" over the phone.

After hours of thinking, Jungkook decided that he had to face Taehyung once more and confirm his questions.

Jungkook thought back on the sight he saw when he had stripped Taehyung of his clothes. Those wounds were deep but not deep enough to kill him so it must've been some sort of self harm. Jungkook's seen countless bodies with countless scars and wounds but none compared to what he saw on Taehyung.

It was almost terrifying in a way. He had to find out what those wounds meant.

Jungkook spent the rest of the day thinking of ways to approach Taehyung again. The events of last night had shaken them both up quite a bit but Jungkook had to do something about it.

He quickly dialed Hoseok. Jungkook was almost sweating and was bouncing up and down in chair out of nervousness. He almost jumped when Hoseok picked up.

"Hey Kook? Is everything alright?"

"Hey Hoseok, I'm fine. Do you happen to know where Taehyung lives?" Jungkook asked, getting up and pacing around his room.

"Yeah... i do... why?" Hoseok asked suspiciously.

"U-um... It's just that... uhh how should I say this... oh fine, I won't bullshit around anymore. I'm gonna capture him."

"You're what?! You think that you can just stroll up to his apartment and put him under arrest? Jungkook, you know how smart Kim is and you know how fucked up he can be," Hoseok half shouted.

Jungkook winced at Hoseok's words.

"Look, I was half lying when I told you I was sick this morning. Something happened last night and I think this actually might be the optimum chance to catch Taehyung once and for all," Jungkook said, his voice rid of all nervousness now and replaced with a sense of sincerity. Jungkook was half lying again to Hoseok. He had a plan but all he needed from Hoseok for now was Taehyung's address and a pair of handcuffs.

"I just need Taehyung's address and I'll have him in a cell by next week. I promise I'll explain everything when I have the chance but for now I just need your urgent help. I'm trusting you Hoseok."

After hearing Jungkook's tone of voice, he knew Jungkook was dead serious. Hoseok had to help.

"Alright Jungkook. I'm also trusting you on this. Tell me when you're gonna go ahead with whatever plan you have and I'll keep my eye on you just in case something goes wrong, okay?" Hoseok replied.

"Of course, Hoseok. Thank you so much."

"I'll send you the address via your protected phone as this still is high class confidential information."

"Thank you, Hoseok," Jungkook said and with that he hung up.

Jungkook let out a deep sigh and sat back down on the couch.

He waited for Hoseok's information and after about five minutes, his work phone vibrated. Jungkook reached for the phone on the coffee table and found Hoseok's message.

He smiled down at the screen before standing up, grabbing his jacket and leaving his apartment.


Jungkook parked in his usual parking spot at the police station. He sat in his car for a few minutes going over his plan and making sure that all would go well.

The first part was easy but arresting Taehyung could go either really smoothly or a trip through hell. Jungkook wasn't going to arrest him that day. He still needed a few days to create time and finalise everything before confronting the criminal.

Jungkook finally got out of his car and walked into the building.

Hoseok was coincidentally in the lobby and when he saw Jungkook, his eyes lit up.

"Jungkook-ah! Why are you here? Did you receive my message?" Hoseok whispered the last part just loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Jungkook nodded as a reply.

"I'm just here for some handcuffs."

"Oh right. I was expecting that you'd come and get them so I already put a pair on your desk but I didn't know you were coming in so soon."

"Haha how thoughtful of you Hoseok," Jungkook smiled weakly as he walked passed Hoseok.

Jungkook quickly walked in to the office, grabbed the silver handcuffs and walked back out.

"I gotta go home Hoseok. I still have some stuff to plan out. I'll catch you later," Jungkook quickly said before speeding out the exit of the building before Hoseok had a chance to chat with him.

"Oh ok. Well, take care!" Jungkook heard Hoseok shout behind him.

Jungkook entered his car again and looked down at the handcuffs in his lap.

Suddenly, a drop of water landed on the smooth surface of the handcuff. Jungkook soon realised that he had begun to cry. He screwed his eyes shut, letting the overwhelming emotions sweep over him one last time.

I'm so sorry Taehyung. I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do but I have to. I hate that I love you...

After a few minutes of staring at the handcuffs, Jungkook snapped back to reality and quickly dried his eyes and reversed out of the parking lot. He had had enough of crying. He can cry after he had carried out his plan but for now he needed to focus.

He needed to focus on the person that had fucked his life up.


Chapter eleven is finally up!

Apologies for the slow updates for the last few chapters. I hadn't had the chance to really sit down and write properly as school is fucking me up but I hope this chapter can compensate for it :) 

Anyways, I hope you liked it and thanks for reading! <3

- serexc

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