- two -

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"Yo what's up Kook?"
"Don't call me that, Hoseok," Jungkook coldly said as he continued to stare at the immense piles of files in front of him all concerning one man. It was the day after the chase and the case was driving Jungkook crazy.
"Fine then, kookieee," Hoseok teased. Jungkook just glared back at the man in front of him.
"By the way, I've never seen you fail a chase before. What happened hm?" he asked in a more serious tone this time.
"God, don't mention it," Jungkook whispered with his hands in his hair.
"Well, you're gonna have to tell me someday and why don't we do it over lunch today?" Hoseok asked hopefully. It had been a while since they had a good talk between the two men and Hoseok missed hanging out with Jungkook.
"Fine but you're paying,"Jungkook said as he stood up.
"HA Yes, anything for you Jungkook," Hoseok half screamed while half running out of the room. Jungkook followed silently with a small smile on his face. As annoying Hoseok could be sometimes Jungkook missed hanging out with him too.

The two policemen ended up at a small noodle shop across the street.
"Alright spill," Hoseok said as he took a huge mouthful of noodles. Jungkook sighed while slowly stirring his noodles in his bowl with his chopsticks.
"Well we got a report on a guy by the name of Kim Taehyung. On the night of the chase, the chief told me to go alone undercover and follow him until it was a suitable place to catch him but obviously that didn't work," Jungkook sighed again and Hoseok was still eating but he had slowed down and was now staring intensely at the table.
"So basically I had raced ahead and hid behind an alleyway wall and the only way to get to the next street was to go through the alley. As Taehyung was approaching, I jumped out to push him to the ground but he had seemed like he was expecting me and instead grabbed my arms and before I knew it, my back had hit the ground and I was underneath him," Jungkook suddenly snapped his head up to the sound of Hoseok slamming his hands on the table and standing up.
"I knew that name sounded familiar!" Hoseok shouted pointing at Jungkook.
Hoseok quickly grabbed Jungkook by the arm and ran out the door before turning around into the restaurant.
"Uhh sorry for the commotion... Thanks for the food! I left the money on the table!"

Before they knew it, they were back in the police station and Hoseok was at his desk typing furiously on his computer. Jungkook was leaning against the wall still slightly puffed out after being dragged out of the noodle shop.
"Hey look at this," Hoseok said after he had finished his research.
"I knew the name sounded familiar. Kim Taehyung, secretary at one of the biggest tech companies and also known as V when it comes to his crimes." Jungkook slowly studied the document and his eyes swept over the photo of Taehyung. He could recognise those eyes anywhere.
"He's performed almost countless crimes and we believe that there are even more that haven't been reported. His victims are either tortured to death or killed on the spot depending on how he feels on the day. Jungkook those files on your desk I saw were about Taehyung right?" Hoseok asked turning around on his chair to face Jungkook.
"Yeah...," Jungkook replied still scrolling through the criminal's file. The files he had on his desk were photos and locations of where Taehyung had been seen for the past years so he was oblivious to the amount of crimes he had committed. Jungkook scanned through the long list of reported crimes that Taehyung had done.
"Wait how come he's committed so many crimes but not once has he been caught?" Jungkook asked curiously.
"He was caught once but escaped the next day somehow. I guess he had some friends from the outside who helped him get out but apart from that, he's escaped everytime we try to get him. So it really isn't a surprise that he got out of your hands Jungkook," Hoseok said still watching Jungkook who was looking at the screen. Jungkook by that stage was only half listening to what Hoseok was saying.
I have to catch him. I have to catch V.
"Don't sweat it Jung-,"
"I have to catch him," Jungkook said ignoring whatever Hoseok was about to address.
"Keep an eye on him Hoseok. I want- no, I need to catch this guy," Jungkook sternly said.
Hoseok merely nodded before telling Jungkook to go and keep looking through the files while he did deeper research.

After another 5 hrs of researching with Hoseok, Jungkook found no traces or strong evidences of where Taehyung lived or when and where he might be next. After Jungkook was fully persuaded by Hoseok to go home and get some rest, he still couldn't get the face or name of Taehyung out of his head.
God, what is he doing to me?
Sure, Jungkook has had cases where he'd spend days and nights trying to find leads and locations but he's never had a certain person cloud his mind as much as Taehyung has. Jungkook found his mind starting to stray from the actual case and more to the night when Taehyung had pinned him down.
The brown hazelnut eyes that Jungkook would never forget were so deep and beautiful and his face was like an angel's...
Wait what?! What are you thinking Jungkook? Snap out of it!
Much to his attempts of getting rid of his thoughts of Taehyung, Jungkook failed at thinking of anything else other than Taehyung. By then he was in bed and was struggling to sleep. It was almost 2am the next day and he needed to get some sleep otherwise he would have no energy to do work.
Jungkook soon gave up and slowly closed his eyes and calmed himself down. He let the thoughts of Taehyung settle in and just let his mind be filled by it before drifting off to dreamland...
Ok so that's the second chapter and it is so much longer which is good. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm not that good at editing :)
Anyways hope you liked it and thanks for reading <3
- serexc

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