- six -

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It was the weekend but Jimin decided to work some extra hours. He was standing at the file cabinet, sorting out files from the past month. As he closed the draw, he heard the door of the office open and close.
"Oh hi Yoongi hyung," Jimin said, smiling. Yoongi was staying at the office too since he wanted to get used to the new environment. Jimin found out that the new mint haired man was working in his department and he immediately took a liking to him.
"Hey Jimin. What you up to?"
"Oh just sorting out some files. Do you need any help with anything, hyung?"
Yoongi leaned on a desk while sipping from a coffee mug.
"No I'm good for now, thanks."
The two stood there awkwardly, neither knowing what to say. Jimin looked everywhere but Yoongi whereas Yoongi stared straight at Jimin. Jimin decided to dodge the awkward atmosphere and began walking out to get a coffee. As he was walking, he tripped on a computer cable and stumbled forward. He expected himself to hit the hard floor but instead a pair of thin but strong arms wrapped around him. A crashing sound was heard and out of the corner of his eyes, Jimin saw Yoongi's mug and coffee in a puddle on the floor.
Jimin's eyes widened. He slowly looked up to see Yoongi looking down at him. Jimin quickly regained his sense and stood back up.
"I-i'm so sorry. I'm just so clumsy. Y-your coffee too..."
"It's ok Jimin. I-i'm ok." Jimin finally raised his head to see Yoongi's face a shade of pink, his bangs covering his eyes.
"I was going to get a coffee. I guess I'll make you one too. I'll grab some towels as well to clean the mess."
Yoongi nodded and watched Jimin shuffle out of the office. Yoongi looked down at the floor. Why am I blushing? How long has it been since I blushed about something or someone?
On the other hand, Jimin was waiting for the coffee to be done while his heart was beating fast in his chest. His face was a bright red, almost matching the shade of his hair. His mind was filled with questions. I only just recently met Yoongi. I'm not falling for him already am I?
Jimin slowly brought the coffee back to the office, not forgetting to grab a towel and hang it on his arm.
"Here you go hyung."
Jimin handed the fresh new mug to Yoongi and put his own on a desk. He then bent down to wipe at the mess on the floor. Yoongi muttered a thanks to Jimin before sitting down at his desk.
"You're gay aren't you Jimin." This caught Jimin off guard. He almost dropped the dirty cloth back on the floor.
"W-what? W-what makes you t-think I am?"
"Nothing. I'm just observant," Yoongi said staring at his computer with a blank face.
Jimin stared at Yoongi for a few more seconds before getting up and heading to his own desk. Observant, huh. Jimin pushed his train of thought away before logging in onto his computer.
Back at the bbq restaurant, Jungkook had just picked up his phone and left it on speaker.
"Hello? Who is it?"
"Hey baby boy."
Hoseok spat out his drink. Who the fuck? He mouthed at Jungkook. Jungkook almost dropped the tongs he was holding and fumbled to pick up his phone. He turned it off speaker. Why would Taehyung call now?
"What do you want?" Jungkook said sternly. Hoseok quickly figured it was Taehyung and put his chopsticks down to listen carefully to the conversation.
"I want you Jungkook."
"Fuck off. Get to the point."
"I wasn't kidding. I want you. Meet me at the alleyway like I said at midnight on Sunday two weeks from now."
"And what if I don't?"
"Then I will come for you, baby boy."
"Stop calling me that."
"I know you secretly love it."
"Shut up, no I don't. If that's all you have to say then I'm hanging up."
With that, Jungkook ended the call. He looked up to see Hoseok face palming.
"What my ass Jungkook. You had the perfect opportunity just now to interrogate him and possibly get something out of Kim but you had to get caught up by the fact that he was calling you baby boy and ruin your chance."
"Hoseok, this is Taehyung we're talking about. Do you think he'd reveal info about himself through a mere phone call?"
"He told you his details face to face the first time you two met on chase night," Hoseok snapped back.
Jungkook sighed at the memory.
"Ah whatever. Just eat."
The two men finished eating after a while and walked out of the restaurant. They both decided to head their own ways and Jungkook found himself back at home. He was actually exhausted from the night before and hanging out with Hoseok.
He ran himself a hot bath and slid in, sighing at the sensation. He leaned his head back and let his thoughts go wild. He soon found himself thinking about the one and only Taehyung. Why do I keep thinking about that guy? Jungkook quickly splashed his face with water and after a few more minutes of soaking he hopped out and dried himself down.
Suddenly he remembered the information that Hoseok had told him. Taehyung went to the same high school as me. Jungkook rushed out of the bathroom and threw on some pyjamas to be comfortable. He then ran into to the storage room of his apartment flat. He rummaged around until he found a cardboard box filled with stuff from high school and college. Jungkook flicked through the books and found a yearbook from when he was in year 10. That means Taehyung was in year 12. He sat down on the carpet floor and flipped through the pages of the book until he found the year 12 section. He looked through the faces of each student until he found the all too familiar dark brown eyes. Kim Taehyung... so you did go to the same school as me.
Jungkook was about to close the book until he read Taehyung's quote.
"When I hurt others, I hurt myself."
Jungkook reread the quote. What does that mean? Jungkook wasn't the greatest at deciphering things and he had no clue what Taehyung meant. He decided to bring the book to the police station on Monday since Hoseok was a better detective.
Jungkook went back to his room and decided to lie down in bed. He thought about what Taehyung would do when they met in two weeks. It was hard to imagine what Taehyung had in mind. The range of what could happen was from getting killed to getting fucked based on what Jungkook had experienced so far. To say the least, Jungkook didn't want either to happen to him.
I'll be better prepared. I'll ask Hoseok to give me backup and then I'll be fine.
Jungkook suddenly thought back to the night before. As Jungkook's mind thought deeper and deeper, he realised that deep deep down he kinda liked the experience? Well, Jungkook wasn't sexually active but he did figure out he was gay during high school. He thought about how good it had actually felt and how Taehyung was so sexy in his mind that night.
Jungkook suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in between his legs and when he looked down, to his shame, he had a raging boner.
Ah, shit. Why am I thinking about Taehyung this way?
Jungkook sighed. He was beyond confused. In the span of 10mins of lying down on his bed, he had realised he had a thing for Taehyung and had managed to get a boner. He closed his eyes and calmed down. He slowly began to jerk off and his mind automatically reverted back to the night before. He began to imagine Taehyung's face and body again. He imagined Taehyung fucking him just like he did the night before.
Before long, his breath quickened and his moans got louder. A few more strokes and white liquid shot out of his dick. He lay there, exhausted and reality hit and he was absolutely disgusted with himself.
Why the fuck did I just jerk off to a psycho murderer. Oh, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Hey guys! Chapter 6 is here :) I finally continued Jimin and Yoongi's little side story. Chapter 7 will hopefully be up soon! By the way, I've also started another short story based on taegi so go check that one out if you want :) Thank you!

Anyways, thanks for reading!


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