- seven -

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Note: Just to clear up any confusion or questions, around halfway through the book, Jungkook will have a flashback to twelve years ago. Keep in mind that Jungkook was eight back then and the "other boy" was ten. That's all so enjoy the rest of the chapter! <3


Jungkook entered the police station on early Monday morning holding a box full of materials from high school. He had told Hoseok what he had found and Hoseok suggested he brought the whole box so that they could do some more deeper research and maybe find something new.

Jungkook pushed through the door and placed the heavy box on the desk with a loud thump.

"Oh good morning Jungkook," Hoseok said, looking up from his computer.

"Hey Hoseok."

"So, what do we have here..." Hoseok said rubbing his hands together as he got up and walked towards the box.

"Just a bunch of memorabilia from high school that I kept for some reason."

Jungkook picked up the yearbook at the top of the pile.

"Here," he said, handing the book to Hoseok. "It's the yearbook I was talking about."

Hoseok immediately flipped to the year 12 section and found Taehyung amongst the many other faces.

"When I hurt others, I hurt myself? What the fuck does that mean?"

"Well I was hoping you would have some idea."

"If he means it literally then the idea would be that when he tortures his victims, he tortures himself but why would he torture himself? That's kinda fucked up."

"Yeah...," Jungkook said picking up other random items from the box.

His eyes suddenly caught sight of a small stack of a bunch of colourful cards.

Jungkook picked it up for closer examination and almost dropped the item when he realised what it was.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked after seeing Jungkook's shocked expression.

"I-it's him. O-oh my god. I-i buried those m-memories away in my mind a-ages ago...," Jungkook said shakily.

"What memories? Hey, you ok, bud?" Hoseok said more worriedly this time seeing Jungkook's sudden stunned state.

Jungkook stared at the pile of cards. The cards that had triggered a memory that Jungkook had forgotten long ago...


Flashback to twelve years ago...

Jungkook was curled up in a ball in the last cubicle of the male toilets hoping to god that he wouldn't find him.

It was lunchtime at school. Most kids would be out playing in the playground or doing fun activities inside. Jungkook, on most days, spent the 45 mins hiding somewhere in the school.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard. Jungkook jumped at the sound. He buried his head even deeper into his knees. He heard footsteps walk in and stop right in front of the cubicle he was in.

"Hey! Get out!"

Jungkook's eyes widened after recognising who the voice belonged to. His body began to shake and he whimpered out of fear.

"You deaf or something?! I told you to get out!"

As much as Jungkook didn't want to, he slowly reached out and unlocked the door. The boy on the other side slammed the door open and Jungkook jumped. He slowly looked up to meet the dark eyes of the boy in front of him.

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