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"Ahhhrhghhhh!!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" Jungkook shouted as he slammed his hand on his alarm clock. He stretched his arms and yawned loudly before slowly getting up. Jungkook was exhausted even though he eventually slept for a few hours after tossing and turning in bed. After he was refreshed enough, he chose out a simple but smart suit for work and headed downstairs to have a quick breakfast. Jungkook lived in a pretty big apartment and it did get lonely at times but he was used to it. He toasted some bread and after looking at the clock and seeing that he was going to be late, he grabbed the toast and his bag and sped out the door to his car.

"Morning Jungkook!"

Jungkook turned around as he was walking towards the police station and saw a short, red haired man jogging towards him.

Wait, red hair?!

"Woah, Jimin, your hair...," Jungkook said as Jimin caught up.

"What, you don't like it?" Jimin asked, pouting sadly.

"What? Oh no no, it's just... different. Don't worry, it looks good on you," Jungkook smiled cheering Jimin up while ruffling Jimin's hair.

"Oh really? Thank you. I decided to change it since I was getting bored of my old hair colour."

The two men walked side by side for a while talking about nothing before Jimin stopped in his tracks.

"Woah, who's that?" Jimin said as he stared at a mint haired man walking into the building.

"I've never seen him around before," Jimin said as he continued to walk.

"Yeah, me neither," Jungkook replied.

Once they both entered the station, they separated walking to their own departments. Jimin worked in the office sorting out files and checking them off while Jungkook was more hands on. If the police needed any physical work to be done, their first choice would be to ask for Jungkook's assistance. Just like how the chief asked him for Taehyung's case. If there weren't any physical assistance needed however, Jungkook would just be stuck in the office trying to solve some cases with Hoseok.

"Morning Hoseok," Jungkook greeted as he walked into the office. Hoseok was typing on his computer when he looked up to see Jungkook. The department that they worked in didn't consist of a lot of people. On most days it was just Jungkook and Hoseok. The other two employees only came in on a few days.

"So Hoseok, did you find anything on Taehyung after I left last night?" Jungkook asked hopefully.

"Nope," Hoseok sighed, looking up at Jungkook.

"Well, let's get to work then," Jungkook declared before taking off his jacket and hanging it on his chair.


Hours went by and the two men were beyond frustrated. They had looked through hundreds of files, camera footages and all kinds of evidences that had anything to do with Taehyung but still nothing suggested what his next move may be. Hoseok was looking through the security camera footages and Jungkook was looking at files and reported cases. Since recorded footage wasn't helping with any useful findings, Hoseok decided to roam in the live cameras. As a joke, he decided to stalk Jungkook's apartment. He soon found the camera placed on the floor of Jungkook's flat and almost spat out his coffee when he saw what had come up.

"Who- WHAT THE FUCK!!??!!," Hoseok yelled, catching Jungkook's full attention.

"What what what what what," Jungkook hurriedly said as he ran towards Hoseok and his computer.

"Oh my god, Kook i-it's Kim."

A dark silhouette stood in the silent hallway of the apartment. An arm was raised and swinging a gun slowly in the hand. Hoseok adjusted the brightness and that confirmed exactly who they thought it was. If it wasn't for the fact that Jungkook wasn't looking at the scene in real life, he would've thought it was from a horror movie. Taehyung's deep brown eyes stared straight into the camera. He knew they were watching him.

"That's the gun he stole from me that night. If he's got a gun, that's not good news," Jungkook stated as he grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door.

"Wait wait where are you going?" Hoseok asked also getting up from his chair.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna catch that guy."

"You're gonna get yourself killed that's what," Hoseok sighed.

"Jungkook I know you are always determined to get the criminal and do your job but this is probably one of the deadliest murderers we're talking about. W-we can find another way to catch him but please don't go. You were lucky enough when you chased him the other night. Just please don't go," Hoseok said much too quickly trying to convince Jungkook to stay. Hoseok had known Jungkook for who knows how long and had seen the boy go through tough times in the police force. He couldn't handle seeing Jungkook hurt again.

"Hoseok, I'm not dumb and I promise I will be careful. I promise. I also said that I would catch that guy and if I'm ever going to, I have to do something now. Especially when we know where he is," Jungkook said with pleading eyes. Hoseok sat back down and buried his face in his hands. After a couple seconds he looked back up with a determined expression.

"Fine. Just... don't die," He said and with that Jungkook bolted out the door not before thanking his hyung of course.

Jungkook's blood was pumping and his heart was racing. The only thing on his mind was Kim Taehyung. He drove through the busy streets and ended up at his home in record time. He ran up the stairs not bothering to take the elevator. He made sure he had a back-up gun just in case. He slowed down as he neared the corner turning into the hallway where Taehyung was standing. He really hoped he was still there otherwise he would've missed his chance but if Taehyung did run Hoseok would have notified him. Jungkook slowly crept around the corner holding onto his gun in his hip pocket. When he finally walked passed the wall, Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. Jungkook slumped and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

 Ah shit. Before Jungkook could turn around though he heard a deep voice from behind him.

"Hello Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook knew immediately who the voice belonged to.

Kim fucking Taehyung.


Third chapter is up! I will definitely continue that little bit with Jimin and the mint haired boy ;)I'm also on holiday which means I can write more but who knew I had so much planned :(

Anyways, thanks for reading :)


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