- twelve -

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It had been a week since Jungkook had retrieved the handcuffs from the office.
He called in sick everyday and only Hoseok knew the real reason as to Jungkook's sudden absence. In a way, what Jungkook was doing was almost illegal.
He was planning and going ahead with a plan of capturing a high class criminal without any higher level authorities knowing. Jungkook knew he was breaking rules but he had to do this and only he could.
Jungkook looked at himself one last time in his full length mirror.
Uniform? Check. Intercom? Check. Handcuffs? Check. Nervous to the point of shitting his pants? Check.
Jungkook wasn't scared. He was just worried that something might go wrong but if all goes according to plan then everything should go smoothly.
He finally left his apartment and checked the time before heading to his car.
Once he was in the car, he checked that the intercom was working and that Hoseok was on the other side.
Good, everything's functioning properly.
Jungkook took one last deep breath before starting the car and headed for the first time to the home of Kim Taehyung.
Jungkook sped through the dark streets at night, flashing past lights and buildings and almost running a red light.
At last, he slowed down and parked in front of a tall glass apartment building.
Jungkook was expecting Taehyung's apartment to be in some small grey building that was falling apart but it seemed that that wasn't the case.
Before checking one last time for the exact level and room number, Jungkook stepped out of his car and walked into the building.
He stepped into the elevator and pressed the floor number.
Jungkook closed his eyes as he ascended through the building. He thought back to the first time he met Taehyung and the last time.
It was like meeting two different people. The Kim Taehyung that had pinned the almighty Jungkook to the ground, the Kim Taehyung that had said that Jungkook would never catch him, the Kim Taehyung that killed countless people for fun was now cowering away in his own home, too scared to face Jeon Jungkook again.
Jungkook almost missed the chance to get out of the elevator as it arrived on the floor.
He was too deep in thought.
Jungkook quickly stepped out just as the doors were closing.
He walked forward passing each room until he reached apartment number 23.
Jungkook took one last deep breath before bringing a fist up to the door.
Knock knock.
The door almost immediately swung open making Jungkook jump a little as he wasn't expecting such a fast reaction. It was almost as if Taehyung was expecting him and he had stood at the door all day waiting.
Jungkook cleared his throat and took a deep breath before speaking.
"Kim Taehyung, you are hereby under arrest for mass murder and illegal drug use. Please turn around."
Taehyung acted accordingly and soon felt cold hard metal around his wrists.
Everything had built up to this moment. In Taehyung's mind, he wanted everything to be perfect for both him and Jungkook. Taehyung wanted Jungkook to forgive him and to love him back (even if it took a long time to do so). Jungkook could help him somehow to escape the police and for both of them to run away together but this was only a fantasy.
Reality was much more cruel.
Taehyung slowly turned around.
Jungkook saw the tears falling down the other's face. Taehyung wasn't sobbing. He just stood their letting his emotions go and letting his tears fall.
"Alright- ," Jungkook started but stopped as Taehyung suddenly placed his cuffed hands on Jungkook's cheeks.
Jungkook took a sharp breath and stared into Taehyung's eyes which were filled with emotions.
"Just let me do this... please," Taehyung whispered.
Jungkook had a feeling of what was to come and he wasn't even surprised when he felt a pair of soft lips on his own.
This definitely wasn't part of the plan.
The kiss was tender and filled with love and sadness. Jungkook slowly closed his eyes, knowing deep down that he wanted this moment too.
For the past week, as Jungkook had been getting ready for Taehyung's arrest, he often thought about what he truly felt about Taehyung.
Yes, Taehyung was definitely and absolutely crazy to use murder to get Jungkook's attention but Jungkook wasn't sure if it was Taehyung's physical appearance or his actions that made his heart skip a beat every time he saw the older male.
Jungkook was in denial for days, forcing himself to not think about the inevitable.
The inevitable being that he, deep down, was also going crazy.
No sane person would ever fall even slightly in love with a person who almost went crazy and murdered numerous people just for attention.
Jungkook was surprised that Taehyung hadn't turned completely insane and went on a mass killing spree already.
Jungkook should hate a person like Kim Taehyung. He had tortured Jungkook his whole life and he shouldn't have been planning to arrest Taehyung but to murder him.
Unfortunately, reality and morals stopped Jungkook from doing so and now he's doing what's best for the both of them.
Taehyung closed his eyes softly as he placed his lips on Jungkook's.
Even with his eyes closed, his tears still fell.
Why did things have to turn out like this? Why is reality so cruel?
Why am I so cruel?
Taehyung suddenly felt wet streaks dripping across his hands and he knew that Jungkook was crying too.
He slowly detached his lips from the younger and leant his head againt the other's.
Taehyung had realised that what was happening was probably just as hard on himself as it was on Jungkook.
"Why are you crying so hard?" Taehyung asked with a soft smile, attempting to break the heavy mood.
After hearing no response, Taehyung sighed thinking that Jungkook's silence confirmed that he still hated him.
Taehyung was about to bring his hands back down before Jungkook's arm raised up and caught his hand before it could leave the younger's face.
Jungkook held Taehyung's hand softly and almost lovingly and leant into the warmth of his palm.
"I think I'm going crazy because of you. I'm turning into a psychopath just like you. I want to kill you because of what you've done to me all my life but I can't. I can't because I'm in love with you for fuck's sake. Me arresting you will probably be good for the both of us," Jungkook said, finally looking back into Taehyung's deep brown eyes.
"Kinda weird right? I just confessed and finally returned your unrequited love after all these years and by tomorrow, you'd be locked up in a jail," Jungkook continued, whispering the last part.
"It's for the better, Taehyung. I hope you understand that and if you don't, understand for my sake... please. I love you, Taehyung," Jungkook said, fresh tears falling again.
"I'm sorry, Taehyung-ah. Please forgive me. I'll be back for you. I promise. It may take a while but I will. Wait for me okay?" Jungkook said firmly this time.
Jungkook looked into Taehyung's eyes one last time before letting go of his hands.
The loss of touch caused both of them to lose the feeling of each other's love and comfort and Jungkook almost immediately reverted back to his more serious police character.
Almost as if on cue, Hoseok's voice blasted through Jungkook's intercom.
"Yo Jungkook! What's taking so long? I can't see you properly through the camera. You're standing in the blindside."
Jungkook quickly wiped his wet face before stepping out of the doorway and in front of where the security camera was. He gave a little wave to the lens.
Jungkook was eternally grateful that he and Taehyung had stood out of range of the camera. Jungkook wouldn't know what Hosoek would do or say to him if he saw their little moment.
He turned around and decided against looking at Taehyung's expression and quickly turned him around before pushing the older through the corridor and out the apartment.
Jungkook opened the car door and slightly pushed Taehyung into the back seat of his specialty police car.
The ride was silent and Jungkook was thankful.
It gave him a chance to really think things through.
Stop denying it, Jungkook. You're not normal. You fell for a fucking murderer.

You're slowly losing it.

You're losing it for him.



Hey guys, It's been a long long long time since I updated anything.
I am sincerely sorry for not updating for such a long time. There really is no excuse. I don't wanna sound like "every other writer ever" but I felt uninspired and I didn't have any ideas on how I should continue this story. To be truthful, sometimes I was uninspired and others I was just feeling lazy.
I'm so sorry guys. Please forgive me.

Now, with the apology over, I've thought long and hard on where this story should be headed and I have a good idea on what the ending will be. Don't worry though, the ending won't be soon.
(Unless you want this cringey shit to be finished but why would you be here in the first place)

Anyway, chapter twelve is finally up! I've missed you guys :)
I should be able to update much more often now as I'm on holiday atm yay :)


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

- serexc

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