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Taehyung was standing at the doorway, dripping with water from head to toe. Before neither could say anything, Taehyung slowly fell forward and fainted into Jungkook's arms.

"Hey! W-what's wrong?"

After hearing no response, Jungkook panicked. He quickly checked the other's pulse before sighing in relief. Why's he dripping wet though? It's like he went swimming with all his clothes on.
As if on cue, a loud rumble of thunder was heard through the window. Jungkook pieced the two together and figured what had happened.
Why was he outside in the rain? And why's he at my house?

Jungkook brushed his thoughts away and quickly scooped Taehyung into his arms and carried him bridal style to his bedroom.
He softly laid him down onto his bed. Taehyung was breathing heavily and his eyes were screwed shut. His dark hair was sticking to his forehead. Jungkook placed his hand on his forehead and almost jumped at how hot he was.
I have to change him into dry clothes. Jungkook quickly turned to his wardrobe and grabbed a white t-shirt and some pyjama shorts. He turned around and blushed at what he was about to do.
I'm about to strip a fucking murderer. Great... but if I don't... technically, I'd be killing him.
Jungkook started by slowly taking Taehyung's jacket off and placing it in a basket. He then took his socks off. His shoes must've fallen off somewhere between the door and his bedroom.
As much as Jungkook didn't want to, he took Taehyung's shirt off and what he saw shocked him.
There were scars, cuts, bruises, fresh and old wounds all over him. It wasn't any better after Jungkook took his pants off either. What the fuck? Jungkook was beyong confused. Was he abused? He's the one who tortures people though...
Suddenly, as Jungkook was thinking deeply, a thought struck him:
"When I hurt others, I hurt myself."
Those wounds were self inflicted? Why would he do that?
Jungkook sighed as he finished changing Taehyung and immediately covered his body with his thick blanket.
He grabbed a towel from his laundry and dried Taehyung's hair. He then dampened another fresh towel, rolled it up and placed it on Taehyung's burning forehead to hopefully bring his fever down.
Taehyung was still breathing heavily but he seemed to have calmed down a bit. He was in a deep sleep and as much as Jungkook wanted to wake him up, smack him and ask a thousand questions, he contained himself and walked out the room.
He plopped down onto his couch and quickly called Hoseok.

"Hey, guess who showed up at my house and is now sleeping in my bed?"
"Your mum?"
"Your dad?"
"Nuh-uh, guess again."
"Your ex?"
"Fuck, don't mention him."
"Your brother?"
"No, jeez you suck at guessing."
"Your sister?"
"For fuck's sake, Hoseok, I don't even have a sister," Jungkook facepalmed at his friend's stupidity.
"Haha, yeah I know. I'm just playin'," Hoseok said on the other side.
"So who is it?"

A series of coughs were heard. Why does Hoseok choke every time I mention him out of no where?

"No! Hoseok, oh my god. He's a fucking murderer. I'd never do that. He just showed up at my door, dripping wet and then fainted. I mean, what was I supposed to do? Just leave him there? Then I'd be the murderer."
"Yeah, true... Well, there's nothing I can really do to help. Just stay safe okay? If anything, and by anything I mean anything, happens, call me immediately. Understood?"
"Yes, dad. Thanks, dad."
"Try and get something out of him when he wakes up. He might slip some information when he's weak."
Jungkook nodded before realising that Hoseok couldn't see him.
"Yeah, got it."
"Well, bye then Kook. Be careful."
"Mhm, bye."

Jungkook decided not to tell Hoseok about the scars he had saw on Taehyung's body just in case it wasn't what he thought it was.

Jungkook hung up before looking at the clock. It was almost midnight. He got up and walked back into his room. Taehyung was still fast asleep. He picked up the basket with Taehyung's wet clothes and walked towards his laundry. He hung them up and let them dry.

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