- five -

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"Having fun there Jungkook?"
It was Taehyung.
"F-fuck you."
"I know you want to. Especially in the state you're in now."
Jungkook tried to keep his voice steady but failed miserably. He was laying on his back staring at the ceiling with the phone on speaker next to him. Deep down Jungkook wanted to know how Taehyung got his number but his train of thought was interrupted when another wave of heat hit him. A loud moan erupted from his mouth even though he tried his best to keep it in. The pleasure and heat he was feeling was too much. It was overpowering his body and mind.
"Ah f-fuck."
"Hmmm you need help there, baby boy?"
The sudden nickname shocked Jungkook but once again as he was about to speak out, another wave hit him even harder than the last.
"Ah! Hmnngh oh my god"
"I'll take that as a yes then."
Jungkook could sense the smirk on Taehyung's face even through the phone.
"Ok imagine my face Jungkook."
"What m-makes you think I w-will?"
"Oh I know you will baby boy. The amount of aphrodisiac that was in the pill was way more than any sane person would put in. Your body isn't as strong as you think it is. Before long you'll be cumming hard untouched out of nowhere."
Fuck, it's gonna get worse? Jungkook thought the state he was in right now was bad enough.
"Now listen to me and just imagine my face above you."
As much as Jungkook didn't want to, his body was spent and he didn't know why he was taking orders from a psycho murderer but he did what Taehyung instructed. He imagined Taehyung's silky brown locks, his sharp jawline and of course those deep brown eyes. Jungkook couldn't deny that Taehyung was attractive. Fuck, he was hella attractive.
After a minute or two, Jungkook felt a slick texture between his legs and he looked down to see that he had came once more.
"O-oh fuck."
"Hm? Don't tell me you just came untouched just to the thought of me? Hmm, now I want you to use your fingers to fuck yourself."
At this point, Jungkook was willing to do anything to get over this hell and if it meant pleasuring himself to the thought of Kim fucking Taehyung, then so be it. I am going to be so ashamed of myself after this...
Jungkook slowly brought his hand down to his hole. His thumb accidentally brushed his dick and he twitched from how sensitive he was. He pushed his middle finger into his quivering hole and gasped at the sensation. He pushed his finger in until it was knuckle deep. His other hand grabbed at the bed sheets. He brought his finger out and slammed it back in. A moan escaped his mouth and within seconds, after thrusting with one finger, all pain was gone and all Jungkook could feel was pleasure. He desperately added two more fingers at the same time. This earned a series of incomprehensible words mixed with moans and heavy panting.
"Hnng.. Ah! T-taehyung-ah..."
"God you're fucking yourself so good aren't you baby boy. Imagine that it's my dick in your ass instead of your boring old fingers ok?"
Jungkook absolutely hated what he was doing. He imagined that it was Taehyung who was fucking him and he pushed his fingers even harder in out of his ass. Jungkook was losing it by now and overstimulation was getting the better of him. He began moving hips and thrusting to the speed of his fingers so that he could feel them deeper. Suddenly an immense wave of pleasure hit Jungkook as he hit his sweet spot.
"Aaaah! There! Oh my god... r-right there...faster T-taehyung-ah..."
Jungkook kept brushing over and hitting his prostate before he couldn't take it anymore. Pre-cum was leaking like crazy and a few more thrusts later, Jungkook shot out white strings of liquid on himself with a high-pitched moan. His thighs trembled as he slowly pulled his fingers out, slightly wincing from being so sensitive.
Now the room was only filled with heavy pants and small groans here and there.
"Ah, you did it Jungkook. Good news is that the pill should be wearing away after a while. Bad news: I'm still not done with you yet. Meet me in the alley way when I tell you to. You've been good so far baby boy but I'll be back for you soon."
With that, Taehyung hung up. To say the least, Jungkook was spent. The heat was disappearing and his dick had finally calmed down. He lay there not moving an inch before drifting off to sleep.
Jungkook woke up the next morning from the bright sunlight shining through the window. He slowly perched himself up with his elbows. He looked down and every detail of the memory from the night before came flooding into his mind.
Oh, fuck me. What the fuck have I done? He quickly got up, tidying his bed sheets and throwing them into the laundry before taking a nice warm bath to bring him back down to earth.
Jungkook thought back on the details of the events of the night before and he slowly realised that he deep down loved masturbating to the thought of Taehyung. Not because he was a murderer but because he was so physically so perfect. Thinking about Taehyung's face makes his heart beat faster. What are you thinking Jungkook? He's a goddamn murderer. Don't go falling for him.
Once he was out, he picked up his phone to call Hoseok. It was a Saturday which meant no work but he wanted to talk to Hoseok about what happened. He knew the details may shock Hoseok but he wouldn't be disturbed.
"Hey Hoseok," Jungkook said as Hoseok picked up.
"Oh Jungkook, hello. Thank god you're ok. I'm coming over. I'm guessing you wanna talk right?"
"You know me too well."
Before long, the doorbell rang and Jungkook walked to the door.
The two walked inside and sat down on the sofa in the lounge room.
"If you wanna talk I'm guessing something else happened while you were in aphrodisiac mode, right?"
"Yeah...Taehyung called me."
"What?! Well actually it's not too surprising since he was the one who gave you the pill... so what happened?"
Jungkook's face went a deep shade of red and he looked down as he said the next words.
"He dirty talked me into f-fucking myself."
Hoseok was not expecting that answer. For a few seconds he just sat there staring at Jungkook's embarrassed face. Then reality hit and he shot up from his seat.
"Hey hey hey calm down. Most of it was influenced by the pill."
"Yeah most of it. Why do you think he did that? I mean it's embarrassing and all but technically he was helping you push through. It would of been a lot worse if you were suffering all by yourself."
"That's what I was thinking. At the end he said that he wasn't done with me yet and he said to meet him at the alleyway when he tells me to."
"The alleyway from the chase night?"
"Yeah that one. I have no idea what he wants but at least he hasn't murdered me yet."
"Which is weird. He normally kills his victims or at least tortures them to death in a couple days. That's why I don't want you to meet him at the alley."
"Hoseok I know you mean well but Kim Taehyung is a murderer and honestly I'm just repeating my words now. I need to catch him. I'll be extra careful especially after last night. I let my guard down."
Hoseok sighed. Once again he was stuck between his opinions. He wanted Jungkook to be safe but at the same time he wanted to catch Taehyung too.
"Thanks hyung."
"By the way, while you were away yesterday, I was introduced to a new worker in the office. He was transferred from the Daegu Police Station. He works in the same department as Jimin."
"Oh is he the guy with mint green hair? I saw him walking in the other day."
"Yeah yeah that guy. Interesting hair colour choice...anyways, on a more serious note, I searched deeper into Kim's past yesterday as well after I dropped you off. I finally found something on him. Turns out he went to the same high school as you."
"What?! Really?"
"Yeah, took me by surprise too. He was obviously a senior though since he's older than you so it's not a surprise you didn't know."
"Well, at least we found something on him. We'll continue searching information later."
Suddenly, Hoseok's stomach rumbled and Jungkook looked at his phone to see that it was already 2pm.
"Oh it's late. Wanna go for lunch?"
"Yeah...hehe I'm hungry."
"I can tell."
The two men chuckled and walked out he door to head for lunch.
The two ended up at a bbq restaurant. As Jungkook was cooking the meat, his phone rang. He didn't check who had called and left his phone on speaker as the meat he was cooking was about to burn. He didn't trust Hoseok to take over cooking.
"Hello? Who is it?"
"Hey baby boy."
Chapter 5 is finally up! So school has started again which means I will be uploading slower. Sorry about that. Once again, the story seems fast paced but I assure you there's a lot to come :)

Anyways, thanks for reading :)


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