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Why? Why have I been gifted with this new sense of determination? Why should I try my best to get two of my best friends into each other's arms? Well... I don't exactly know why, but I do know that I, quite literally, have a gut feeling about this. Something tells me that what I'm doing is for the best.

Even so, the more I thought about it, the more I realized what I had just witnessed. Sehun was really that kind of person? The kind of person that would do anything to keep two people- no, two friends apart at the risk of their own happiness. I began to regret. I regret what he stole. Not only was he a thief of other peoples happiness, but he is also a thief of other peoples hearts. And he stole mine the day I let him steal my first kiss.

I can't let myself go like this. I will not let myself fall for someone that would stoop as low as to keep two people apart for the good of them-self.






Someone make it stop. Soo has been blabbing all day about how he wants to get me and Sehun together. I don't know who is gonna break the news to him for the hundredth time, but I am not interested. It was only 3rd period and I was not in the mood for this bull shit so early in the fucking morning.

"I swear you two would make such a cute couple, you just have to give it a try. I mean, don't get me wrong. There are other people out there that would love to have a piece of you, but right now, Sehun is the only one that matters~." He said singsonging the last part.

"Oh My God. Do Kyungsoo, if you start a conversation like this again in the next 30 minutes, I don't think I could hold back from putting you in a headlock."

Ok. In my defense. In any other circumstance, I would never have even thought about saying something like that to Soo. The Do Kyungsoo. He would probably take me down in less than a second, but it was early and I was cranky, and Soo knows how I get when I'm running on little to no sleep.

"Claro que sí." He said, putting his hands up in an attempt to surrender. We turn the corner to get to Mr. Im's room, but the commotion on the staircase caught our attention. Soo and I exchange knowing looks, and we hurry off to listen to what was going on.

"And I was wondering if you would go on a date with me this Sunday?" A voice I recognized as the one and only. I could see Soo giving me a worrying look out of the corner of my eyes. I rolled my eyes in annoyance but kept listening. Soo and I were known for being quite nosy.

"Sorry dude, it's kinda hard for me to say this, but I have a thing for someone else. But we can still be friends, of course, that's if you still want to." I widened my eyes, realizing who it was. I know Sehun was going to try to get in-between Kai and Soo, but I thought he would've come up with something more clever than this. This is just pathetic. And to think that something as special as my first kiss went to someone like that. Well, at least, on the bright side, Soo now knows that Kai is even more loyal than before.

Soo and I began to walk away from the staircase in an odd silence.

"Well...that was, something." Soo said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." I replied, short and blunt.

If anything, that just made the anger inside me for Sehun rise up. Now It's sparked a flame in my core. This will not end well.

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